Matthew Hogan's Lounge Discussions

Matthew Hogan
Early development

If you have a concept for a script and you would like to flesh it out a little bit outside your head, how would you go about putting it down/structuring it on paper?

Maurice Vaughan

That's great advice, Robert ("My opinion is that you must discover and develop an approach that is unique to you and aligns with what you’re most comfortable with").

Matthew Hogan

Thank you everybody who took the time to help me out. I appreciate your thoughtful responses. I think Im going to start out with a basic pitch for myself and see where I can go from there.

Maurice Vaughan

You're welcome, Matthew.

GiGi Raines

HI Matthew! Great question. I always get started with my characters. I know everything about them, how they relate to the world, their motivations, their quirks, and then the plot points sort of start to flow. Then I know who needs to be involved in each scene. Hope that helps!

Sam Mannetti

Really great comments in this thread. I echo what Molly shared, Brian Herskowitz's outlining webinar is a fantastic resource

Matthew Hogan
Screenwriting question. .

When writing a scene in a large interior place like a club, should I convey the specific areas (i.e. seating booth, bar, dance floor) as their own specific interiors? Would that make the scene easier to follow for a director?

Doug Nelson

Yes - be specific, I need to know the set up - how to light it and camera placement. Mt story vision may not be the same as tour's.

Matthew Hogan

Thanks Dan Guardino, Doug Nelson, and M LaVoie, all of this is really helpful. I appreciate it.

Jason Mirch
The Official Lounge Post: Writing for Streaming Television in 2022 - with Today's Top TV Writers

Hey folks! This is the official Lounge post for our FREE webcast today at 11am(PT)/2pm(ET) with writers and producers from "THE UMBRELLA ACADEMY," "THE HANDMAID'S TALE," and "INSECURE" and "SEND HELP".

If you have not yet registered, what are you waiting for?! Click here:

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Kathy Jean

Thank you to everyone for their time. We have a solid community.

Eunhye Necee

Thank you all! This was so great. Jason and Jamie are always fun, can't wait to hangout with John and Nina whenever they come to the Writer's Room. This was so informational, I'm excited to let my random deepest weird out! haha

Michael E Ward

Fantastic webinar full of real world insights and all of the panel were inspiring. Thank you Jason! Good night all.

Matthew Hogan

Hey everyone this is Matthew from Brooklyn, NY.

It was nice to know that two talented and successful writers like Nina and John were once cut from the jump off because I had experienced something simi...

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Shelly Battista

If you missed part 1 of this, check out the Writer's Room archives! It's in the vault!

Matthew Hogan
What's up everyone

My name is Matthew Hogan and I'm from/residing in Brooklyn, NY.  I'm a novice screenwriter and have submitted a TV Pilot script for the Haydenfilms 1.0 Screenwriting Competition in August. I'm currently working on submitting for other festivals. I have also been lucky enough to participate in a frie...

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Jason Mirch

Matthew! Welcome to Stage 32. I’m the Director of Script Services. I’m glad we’re connected here and you’re always welcome to email me directly at - let me know what you’re working...

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Maurice Vaughan

Hey, Matthew. How's it going?

Cherelynn Baker

Good luck with the screenwriting submissions and welcome to Stage 32!

Matthew Hogan

Thanks everybody

Maurice Vaughan

You're welcome, Matthew.

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