Anything Goes

A free and open forum. The place to discuss anything on your mind film, television and theater related…or not.

Amanda Dettrick
Anthology Features Rule at Cannes!

As a writer of feature films I am very excited that screening at Cannes are: The Horizon: An American Saga: Chapter 1 ( a four-feature film epic by Kevin Costner) ; George Miller's Mad Max: Furiosa ; Lanthimos 3-part fable. I love a good anthology!

Pat Alexander

One of my absolute favorite movies is an anthology -- Wild Tales (2015) dir. by DamiĂ¡n Szifron, which features six standalone shorts with a common theme of catharsis, violence and vengeance. So so so so good. Also Paris, I Love You! Mwah chef's kiss

Robert Kiesling
Swipe Right to Dystopia: Bumble’s New AI Dating App

The concept of an "AI dating concierge" proposed by Whitney Wolfe Herd, the founder and executive chair of Bumble, is a dystopian and deeply flawed idea that represents the worst aspects of corporate interests superseding genuine human connection. This proposal is a thinly veiled attempt to further...

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Pat Alexander

I like the idea of Bumble's new AI Dating Concierge. Surely the AI can fire off better one liners than i can to get all the compatibility questions out of the way, can't it? Can't it???

Jed Power

I guess if you've got fame and money anything can be put out there, like --"unFrosted" by Jerry Seinfeld. "i'd be embarrassed to go to this one, Get a life, for sure! Always thought he was lucky and carried by those around him. Now I know it!

E Langley

Despite a cast packed with comedy luminaries, "Unfrosted" is a wholly unfunny disaster well past the point of embarrassing. Like, WTF embarrassing!

Bailed after ten minutes. That stay was five minutes too long.

Jed Power

Agree, Ms. Langley!

Pat Alexander

Jerry Seinfeld is a curious case. Of course revisionist history will tell you that Larry David made Seinfeld and built his entire persona - greatly aided by the nature of syndicated broadcast TV at th...

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Geoff Hall
Iran Sentences Director Mohammad Rasoulof to 8 Years in Prison and Flogging Days Before His New Film Premieres at Cannesty

It’s difficult to fathom the depravity of the Iranian Government, that takes censorship to a whole different level, but here you have Mohammad Rasoulof being sentenced to prison and flogging.

Why is a regime like this, so weak as to feel threatened by a mere film, do I hear you ask? Probably because...

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Maurice Vaughan

Sad news, Geoff Hall. Art does have power to change people, communities, governments, etc. I'm looking forward to seeing "The Seed of the Sacred Fig."

Pat Alexander

Wow, that's crazy. Going to go out of my way to see this film now

Geoff Hall

Pat Alexander yes Pat, it does have that effect. You'd think the trolls of the Iranian Government would understand that's what happens, wouldn't you?

Pat Alexander

I actually don't think they'd understand that lol. Iran is a very serious country. Don't see much broad comedy coming out of Shiraz or Tehran historically

John Michael German Screenplay Contest


If anyone has any horror screenplays, think about submitting to this contest - Screenplay Contest. Not only do you get entered, but you also receive feedback on your written creativity. You can gain other bonuses like for a Finalist you can receive discounts on publishing packages...

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Pat Alexander

I've never heard of, but as a horror writer and enthusiast, I'll have to check it out!

Tom Norton
Cannes offer

I'm not sure where the best place to post this is - actually, I'm not sure if I should post it at all - but on LinkedIn, I got an offer from Tracy Lamourie to represent me at the Cannes Film Festival. However, people keep warning me not to give money to strangers who reach out and ask for it in the...

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Tom Norton

Thank you, everybody. I just had a look back at my conversation with Lamourie. She wrote very long messages and asked for 775$ USD for the Cannes thing and 1000 for a full month.

Geoff Hall

Tom Norton Hi Tom, the saying is correct. Never give money to those you don't know. Basically, that $775 dollars would appear to cover her costs of getting a Marche Badge. The early bird badge was 449...

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Daniel Broderick

She's listed on imdb pro as an actress/publicist. Her webpage emphasizes the publicist angle and says she's a regular at Cannes. Her phone suggests she's based in Toronto. Seems like a pretty pricey a...

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Susanne Palm

Vague is the word. I must admit that I don't know what it means to have an agency representing me at a film festival/film industry market. What exactly is the service and how much should it cost? I ha...

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Pat Alexander

Never ever ever hand over money to anyone in exchange for vague services based on tenuous internet clout. There is so much impersonation these days, you've always gotta double check random inquiries....

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Geoff Hall
Reading the Dailies

Hello Stage32 Community. RB is always telling us about the virtue of 'reading the dailies' and I know that it may seem daunting when all you want to do is write your magnum opus, but here's a little cheat that you could use.

Have you ever thought of using Google Alerts to pull together a list of arti...

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Maurice Vaughan

Great tip, Geoff Hall! I read the dailies, but sometimes I miss some of the articles. Thanks for the tip!

Geoff Hall

Maurice Vaughan thank you, Maurice.

Maurice Vaughan

You're welcome, Geoff Hall.

Pat Alexander

Really, truly surfing Deadline or Hollywood Reporter is so informative to what's moving and shaking across the market. We welcome any cheatcodes to help in keeping up!

Tom Lapke
Thoughts on influencers effect on Film and TV?

I was not sure where to put this, so I thought Anything Goes was the best choice. What are your thoughts on influencers and content creators and their effect on our industry as a whole? I was discussing this a someone early and I would love to hear your thoughts. When I say "influencer" I am talking...

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Maurice Vaughan

This is the right place to post this, Tom Lapke. The Anything Goes Lounge is for general discussion. I think influencers and content creators have had a huge effect on our industry. Influencers and co...

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Pat Alexander

The early returns on influencer acting has frankly been poor. Not many influencer-led movies have made any money. However, there are some influencers like King Bach or Lilly Singh who have showed a lo...

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Fran Harris
Teas Film Hall of Fame

Attended a VIP screening of HITMAN last night in Austin, directed by Richard Linklater and starring Glen Powell. Packed house. Funny movie. Coming to Netflix on June 7.

Maurice Vaughan

This is my first time hearing about "Hitman," Fran Harris. It looks fun. Looking forward to checking it out.

Sydney Summers

I will have to check this out when it comes out in June! Thanks for sharing Fran :)

Pat Alexander

Glen Powell is so handsome I will watch anything he's in!!

Pat Savage

This is also my first time hearing about "Hitman," Fran Harris It looks great. Looking forward to checkin it out.

Need help/Save a person

I need your help now more than ever, please help me share my ideas and gift them to Disney. Please help me, and maybe help to save me from feeling incomplete. Hear my passion, and my plea, and help me. Please make a difference in my life.

Kevin Hager

Well one is like a miniseries but could be a film special. I have a spec script/story outline.

Another is an idea I got inspiration from Disney's Once Upon a Studio, Remembering, and brought tears to my eyes when I thought of it.

Lindbergh E Hollingsworth

Firstly, full scripts are required. The reason is no one , no studio, is into buying ideas. A fully written script that is at its highest level carries more value than an idea. You can write these scr...

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Kevin Hager

I know, that but do you know anyone? A writer who could work with me?

Lindbergh E Hollingsworth

I don't. You'll have to check your area for writers, and then expand your search.

Pat Alexander

Hey Kevin, it's inspiring to see your passion for your ideas! I would say step one is to get your ideas out on the page. If you're not a writer, the Stage 32 jobs page might be a great place to seek h...

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Sydney Summers
Upcoming 4-part Stage 32 class: Introduction to Line Producing!

Stage 32 is excited to welcome Shantelle Rochester, one of the globally accomplished multi-platform Line Producer/Producers who has had over 15 years experience line producing film, TV, Commercials and Documentaries for the likes of Netflix, BET, Sky and BBC. Throughout her career she has helped tho...

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Elaine Chang
Catfishing in the Stage 32 Network?

Hello. I'm just wondering whether Stage 32 has a policy for reporting suspected catfish scams. I'm fairly new here, and 2 people have already reached out to ask me to send them work. I wanted to report one today but am glad to see that this "person" has already been suspended. I guess this is a risk...

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Elaine Chang

Stephen Notley: I hope that S32 is exactly the right place for work sharing, etc.! What I have a problem with is people pretending they're others--in fact, ripping off others' identities--in order to...

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Stephen Notley

Elaine Chang Ah! Okay, I see the distinction. It's not that people are reaching out to you with interest in your work, but that they're pretending to be something they're not, posing as agents and pro...

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Laurie Woodward

I was curious about the same thing. I have had several people approach me that look legitimate, only to see them suspended a couple of weeks later. I was wondering how to avoid this. I don't want to waste my time with scammers!

Elaine Chang

Hi Laurie Woodward. I don't know if this will work in all cases but it worked for me with one scammer pretending to be a Spanish producer. I wrote back with no info about my work, said I looked at his...

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Maurice Vaughan

Great idea, Elaine Chang. Researching people is one way to find out if they're legitimate or not, Laurie Woodward. And suggest having a video meeting. That way you'll be able to see if they're the rea...

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