Introduce Yourself : Hi to all by Lance Patrick

Lance Patrick

Hi to all

Hello everyone, my name is Lance Patrick. I'm a writer, producer, director. I have multiple screenplays waiting to be made by myself or any others who show an interest.

Looking to meet like minded people, to also help contribute where I can and maybe meet a team of people who want to make exciting, original films that have mass appeal to a worldwide audience.

I love films, always have, always will, would be great to link up with you all ;-)

Richard M Kjeldgaard

Hello Lance. Always nice to meet a fellow creative.

Brian Odhiambo

i would really like to be connect with like minded creatives

Allen Lynch

Welcome Lance. This is a great place to connect.

Lance Patrick

thank you all

Maurice Vaughan

You're welcome, Lance Patrick. "The Sitter" sounds scary. I'm gonna check out.

Jennifer Mira Jimmy

Welcome aboard, Lance!

Patricia Stepp

Welcome! I am fairly new myself with two projects going! I've been lurking for months and finally worked up the nerve to introduce myself. so far I have found everyone to be nice and bery hrlpful and encouraging. Enjoy!

Scott Phillips

Please welcome to the Stage... Lance Patrick!

Matthew Parvin

Welcome Lance! Nice tomeet you. Glad you're here.

Paula Murrain


Morne Patterson

Welcome Lance Patrick its great to meet you!

William Smith

hi Lance Patrick welcome to the site! if you're up for a chat I'd love to hear more about you and your ideas

Maurice Vaughan

I watched "The Sitter" yesterday, @Lance Patrick. I won't spoil it for anyone. I'll just say I enjoyed it and it's real creepy. Looking forward to your upcoming films!

Allen Constantine

Hi Lance Patrick

Welcome to Stage32.

As a composer, it's always a pleasure meeting directors!

Let's keep in touch and if you're up for a chat, just let me know!

Best wishes,


Lance Patrick

thanks everyone for the kind words :-)

Maurice Vaughan

You're welcome, Lance Patrick. How have you been? What projects are you working on?

Sam Rivera

Five months late but great to meet you Lance Patrick!

Mario Leone

Fight Director/fight choreographer. Hope you’re doing well. Welcome aboard.

Geoff Hall

Lance Patrick Hi Lance, you are in the best place, to help you with your projects. Reach out, build a network and learn all you can from Education Services!

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