Screenwriting : Yay! HOTEL PRINCESA is a finalist in the Stage 32 Rom Com Contest! by Ariadne Shaffer

Ariadne Shaffer

Yay! HOTEL PRINCESA is a finalist in the Stage 32 Rom Com Contest!

I'm absolutely thrilled to announce that my screenplay HOTEL PRINCESA made it to the top ten in the Stage 32 Rom Com Contest! Thank you to Stage 32 and congrats to all the other finalists!

Logline: A US expat living in Costa Rica struggles to stop construction on the beloved local landmark hotel where she now lives, all the while falling for the project's charming developer.

Michael Elliott

I love Costa Rica. Have family there on the Caribbean side so I visit frequently. Is there such a landmark hotel? Congratulations and good luck.

Ariadne Shaffer

Thank you! I love Costa Rica too! Your lucky to have family to visit there. The hotel in my story is purely a figment of my imagination I'm afraid.

Maurice Vaughan

Congratulations again on HOTEL PRINCESA making it to the top ten, Ariadne Shaffer! :D I first heard you talk about it on Twitter. I think you have a great twist on the Prince Charming story.

Richard "RB" Botto

Congratulations Ariadne Shaffer!

Bill Brock


Adam Hansen

Congrats and well done!!

Curt Samlaska

Good for you Ariadne! Exciting news...

Leonardo Ramirez

Congratulations Ariadne Shaffer ! Very cool!

Asmaa Jamil


Marcel Nault Jr.

Awesome news, Ariadne! Not the biggest rom com fan, but the premise is interesting in my eyes. :)

Emily J

Congrats Ariadne Shaffer!

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