Gustavo Freitas's Lounge Discussions

Carol Tanis
Contact info for Producers, actors, etc.

My script is finally done and I’m learning that getting current contact information for producers, actors, etc. is nearly impossible unless you subscribe to services like IMDb or Is this money well spent? Thanks.

Carol Tanis

Richard and John, thank you for the good information. I appreciate your time. Yes, I'm learning "it's a marathon of relationship-building." Thankfully, I enjoy the learning part too, but it's not quit...

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Carol Tanis

Have any you used FilmFreeway? Seems too good to be true. Submit your script to contests for free. Hmmm.

Gustavo Freitas

About FilmFreeway, you still pay the contest’s entry fee.

Carol Tanis

Thank you Gustavo. I guess I didn't dig deep enough into the website. Have a great day knowing you've been a help to another person.

Karen "Kay" Ross

IMDb Pro is totally worth the price of admission. You also have ahem Stage 32. Just sayin'...

My success story… how stage 32 worked for me!

I would like to thank Richard Botto, founder and CEO at Stage 32 for the opportunity that Stage 32 provided me. By being a member of Stage 32, I was able to find a screenwriter who took a chance on my true story of international intrigue and danger. I offered a three-year option for one dollar on my...

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Running Scared: A Whistleblower's Story
Running Scared: A Whistleblower's Story
This book is based upon a true story. It is the story of a Navy whistle-blower who stood up and reported millions of dollars of fraud, waste and abuse on the USS Kitty Hawk, CV-63 (US Navy) in 1985.Th…
Gustavo Freitas

Great post, Robert!

Catarina De Cèzanne
Animation adaptations

Hi everybody, I have a question regarding authorship, credit. Let me know if this ever happened to you: so, some months ago I was approached by a writer who wrote a 14-pages children's book about 2 animals fighting over a jungle and being then dominated by men. It's self published on Amazon. I wrote...

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Shadow Dragu-Mihai, Esq., Ipg

Richard P. Alvarez Portugal is a signatory to the Berne Convention. She's probably in a stronger position than she would be in the US, which has far weaker copyright laws not having been a signatory u...

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Catarina De Cèzanne

Richard P. Alvarez the author of the book is based in the UK, although he is naturally from Nigeria and I am from Portugal.

Shadow Dragu-Mihai, Esq., Ipg

Catarina De Cèzanne It matters where the contract is signed more than where the writers live.

Dale Reynolds

Get a lawyer, C.S. Cesar. This guy is trying to take full advantage of your talent and work done. Copyright the work that is yours, if you can. Take other legal steps if so advised. You might start with an intellectual property rights lawyer. Best wishes to you, Dale

Dale Reynolds

Hello again, C.S. Cesar. I suppose what you are most curious about is realizing some satisfaction out of your work on this project. From what you say, it does seem that you have come up pretty much wi...

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Augusto Federico Amador
TV Fellowship

Very excited to share that I have been selected for the 2019 Disney/NBC/NHMC TV Writers program .

Nicky Mondellini

That's wonderful Augusto!

Raymond Zachariasse


Lesa Babb

Oh heyyyyyy... Congrats!

Katarzyna Adamus


Gustavo Freitas

Congratulations! This is a big step.

Heather Magee
Advice from legendary producer Robert Evans

I was just devouring ep. 152 of Dax Shepard's podcast Armchair Expert with Ed Norton and he had some fascinating anecdotes around his experience as a first-time director of Motherless Brooklyn, and really fascinating insights on filmmaking in general, but one soundbite stood out.

He shared a conversa...

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Doug Nelson

Hey, nobody's perfect.

Gustavo Freitas

Dan and Doug, I almost spilled my coffee with this come back. Seriously.

Christopher Ryan Laughter

That’s a great reminder!

Tony Ray
Stupid question

What's it called when you have something like a Title Card, but it's in the film for a given purpose? For instance, say you have a scene with a phone conversation, then it cuts to a card that says "Five minutes later . . .", before cutting back to the conversation but five minutes into it. Anybody k...

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Beth Fox Heisinger

To add... You could also use breaks in a scene to convey time or a quick time-lapse instead of text appearing on screen as either a card or super. A well-placed cut can have great comedic effect. Again, hope that helps! Best to you!

Phil Clarke

As others have said, there's no one single way to do this, but it's all about being CLEAR and CONSISTENT. Use these two factors as a fall-back and you won't go too far wrong.

Ally Shina

Wow, all those great screenwriters who's scripts I've read who used SUPER were totally wrong now? Yeah, I'd rather stay out of this one.

Gustavo Freitas

Super or Title should do it. "Super" is used when you expect the text to be shown over the footage (superimpose); "Title" is used when you want it to be written on a card, a black screen, or some kind...

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Ally Shina

CJ, I'm staying out of it.

Rafael Peixoto
Article about most popular genres in Brazil (I truly believe it's a proxy to Latam)

Below you can find the translation of my article, published last Sunday in Folha de Sao Paulo, one of the largest newspapers in Latin America, talking about genres in Brazilian cinema. I think it can bring an overview of the industry in Latin America, which can be handy since streaming companies are...

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Gustavo Freitas

Ótimo artigo, Rafael!!! - Very insightful!

Gustavo Freitas
No Rest for the Brave - poster

And now we have the official poster!

PJ Edwards
Sharing this opportunity put on by the Blacklist and Fenix Studios

The Black List has partnered with F. Gary Gray’s Fenix Studios to create a new screenwriting opportunity focused on identifying writers interested in writing a smart, elevated action script for the company.

From November 4, 2019 to February 1, 2020, in...

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Pierre Langenegger

Did you read the article, PJ? Just another pay to play scheme as it's only available to those who pay for Black List evaluation.

PJ Edwards

I dont see it any different then paying S32 to pitch but thats just me. And Not all of us have reps Dan.

CJ Walley

It's completely different. One's an arranged meeting and another is a spin of the roulette wheel.

Anyway, the question has to be asked, why are Fenix studios not already just checking out the six years worth of talented action film writers the Black List should have identified by now?

Gustavo Freitas

I was wondering exactly the same thing, CJ Walley .

Patricia Corso
Hello, everyone!

I am a brazilian produced screenwriter, based in LA. I have written 5 produced films in my country and my work is currently on Netflix: the one hour drama Most Beautiful Thing (2019) and the comedy Samantha! (2018). After a long career in my country, I'm looking foward to make some connections and meet new colleagues here. Thank you for having me!

Phil Clarke

Welcome, Patricia.

Gustavo Freitas


Viv Farmer

Nice to meet you Patricia! My parents are from Brasil and most of my family lives there. Welcome!

Alexia Melocchi


Arthur O. Thomas

Hello Patricia, congratulations on your success. May the blessings continue into the next decade. Merry Christmas!

Gustavo Freitas
No Rest for the Brave - officially under development

I'm happy to announce that my latest script, No Rest for the Brave, is now officially under development. This will be a co-production with MPMG - Moving Pictures Media Group and Roth Stock Pictures.

This project wouldn't have happened without Stage 32, considering that I met both Lee Roth and Robert...

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Elaine Roberts-Kercheff


Djv Murphy

Write and they shall find you.....Johannes Gutenberg,, 1439

Warren Eig

How much did you have to pay for development costs?

Chad Stroman

Awesome Gustavo!

Kelley Christene Watson

Congratulations and much success!

Steve Mallinson
Dead giveaways

When you're reading a screenplay, what screams out "amateur"?

Doug Nelson

Julin; exposition - not enough or to much? Whitney, yeah script formatting is very big;. I and every other reader I know first just fan through a script; if the formatting is wacko - we don't even rea...

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Jason Mirch

FORMATTING! If the script is poorly formatted a reader won't make it past Page 2. Then once formatting happens, I find that giveaways for me are "on-the-nose" dialogue, too much scene description, and redundancies in plot.

Craig D Griffiths

I think I can tell when someone can write. You get the feeling you are in good hands. When I don’t get that feeling I know the person doesn’t know how to write.

When you are reading a well written scen...

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Jonathan Sieff

Whitney - - - the thing I’ve found is that spelling errors sort of depend on where the script is along in development and who is sending it. I started out reading scripts and doing reports for a distr...

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Steve Mallinson

WOW - thank you everyone so much for taking the time and trouble to make this such an insightful thread. At least, that's how it seems to me, the amateur who asked the question in the first place.


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Gustavo Freitas
Rising Star Award from BIFF

I would like to thank the good folks from Brazil International Film Festival for choosing me for the Rising Star Award in their 2019 edition.

This is a cool award!

Felix Agyeman Boahen

Well done, Dude.

Godwin Hayford-Labronzy


Phil Parker

Congrats! Well done!

Margaret Writes

Congratulations! That's a wonderful accomplishment! Well done!

Phillip E. Hardy, "The Real Deal"
The Other Austen Girl is an Official Selection and Finalist at Oaxaca Film Festival.

I'm pleased to announce that The Other Austen Girl is an official selection and screenplay finalist at the Oaxaca Film Festival. This is my second consecutive year achieving this recognition from this festival.

Pat Savage

Congratulations and two years in a row! You are doing something very right! Kudos

Phillip E. Hardy, "The Real Deal"

Pat: Thanks for your support.

Pat Savage

Phillip E. Hardy, "The Real Deal" I know the genuine article when I see one mate!

Gustavo Freitas

Hi, Phillip. Congratulations! Are you going this year? I’ll be there, second year in a row too.

Doug Nelson
WTFs going on now?

I've just started to notice that certain words in common use in these forums (like start, lawyer, survey...) appear in blue with double underlines. When I pass the cursor over them some annoying popup add appears. Am I the only one or are others witnessing this?

Doug Nelson

Nope - tried that. But thanx anyway.

Gustavo Freitas

I don't see it, Doug.

Doug Nelson

Thanx folk - looks like I got rid of that sneaky little sob.

Debbie Croysdale

Hi @Doug when I type something in my profile page and address it to someone else EXAMPLE @Jack an annoying name index comes up of ALL the Jacks on this website and the name index follows my cursor key...

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Doug Nelson

Debbie, what you're talking about I think is just a feature here on S32 - I don't use it for the reason you stated.

Philip Sedgwick
Rendezvous Film Festival

Found out this afternoon that not one, but two of my short scripts, CONDOMNATION and METEORIC, have been selected in the Rendezvous Film Festival. Both scripts are eligible for a live table read at the fest in September.

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Philip Sedgwick

Thank you, Pamela, Luis, Matthew and Rutger. Always appreciate the support of the Stage32 tribe!

Phillip E. Hardy, "The Real Deal"

Congrats, Philip.

Philip Sedgwick

Thank you, Mr. Hardy!

Anthony Moore


Philip Sedgwick

Thanks, Anthony.

John C. Nippolt
Funding and financing

Has anyone received an invitation for project funding by connecting with well-known cryptographer, Paul K?

Gustavo Freitas

From 2 million to 50 billion?! This surely isn't suspicious at all. Is he trying to finance a movie or an exploration to Mars?

JD Hartman

Anyone one receiving and believing in an out-of-the-blue contact from an wealthy benefactor, deserves to be scammed. The resulting tale might make for an interesting short.

Doug Nelson

JD - A pretty good idea; sort of a PSA announcement for newbie filmmakers. Maybe I'll write it/maybe not.

Paul Owens

Here he is again

Harry Aron Ahmed

He has copied and pasted the profile of Katharina Suckale, including her gender:-

About Harry

Originally from West-Berlin, I’ve been working in business financing for m...

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Heather Hale

There are a lot of those kinds of scammers/pfishers here - and everywhere. I get them often, too. Investors don't proactively solicit strangers to invest in. They aren't struggling to give their money away. Beware.

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