J.B. Storey's Lounge Discussions

J.B. Storey
Sound of Scripts Monthly Free Scene Competition is Back


And Happy Holidays. Delighted to announce SoS is bringing back our popular MONTHLY FREE SCENE competition for authors and screenwriters.

See details below for Jan 2024.

Visit: http://soundofscripts.com to listen to previous winners.

Best of luck with your writing in 2024!

Please submit your...

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Sound of Scripts
Sound of Scripts
Sound of Scripts is a radio-play inspired screenplay audio production service that transforms screenplays into immersive, entertaining audio experiences.
J.B. Storey
Cry Havoc - Teaser Trailer

Very excited to see this come to life. Director, Dmitry Kazantsev has put in an immense amount of work to make this happen.

It's one of my 'ambitious' short screenplays. Not at all easy to make. But Dmitry wanted a meaty challenge. I can safely say the production value will be immense.

The writing? That's up to the audience!!!!

Lisa Lee

Looks exciting!

J.B. Storey

thank you!

Asmaa Jamil


Maurice Vaughan

Hey, J.B. Storey. I'm a Stage 32 Lounge Moderator. I wanted to let you know I moved your post from the Screenwriting Lounge to the Your Stage Lounge because it's promotion. Promotion can go in the You...

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J.B. Storey
Bear in the Chair - Audio Book

Recently had the privilege of producing this immersive audiobook for Steve Abramson and illustrator, Susan Elrich.

Wanted to share, as their work deserves attention. It's a lovely, whimsical childrens book.

Check it out!

J.B. Storey
The Note - SoS Free Scene Competition Winner for April 2023

Thank you to all the STAGE 32 writers who submitted for April's competition. Here's the production for the winner, Sarah Kennedy.

Sound of Scripts Presents: The Note - SoS Free Scene Competition Winner for April 2023. A short film written by Sarah Kennedy.

"The Note" - Logline: A daughter seeks reconc...

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Sarah Kennedy

Sound of Scripts did an amazing job... such a cool concept. Thank you so much!

Leonardo Ramirez

Hey J.B., this is Leonardo from the Stage 32 team. I just wanted to let you know I moved your post from Screenwriting to Anything Goes, as it fits much better there. Let me know if you have any questions, and all the best to you!

Maurice Vaughan

Congratulations again, Sarah Kennedy! I'm about to check this out!

J.B. Storey

Leonardo Ramirez Whatever you think works best. In the past these were posted in the Screenwriter lounge, as it was applicable to them. Apologies for doing so. You may want to move all of them over to...

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Leonardo Ramirez

Sarah Kennedy Just took a listen and it sounds beautiful. Love this! Congratulations!

J.B. Storey
Maurice Vaughan

You're welcome, J.B. Storey. Do you know if Sarah is on Stage 32?

J.B. Storey

i will check

Sarah Kennedy

Yes, I am! I write as Sarah Kennedy (maiden name) but might have goofed on this one submitting as Sarah Onderdonk (married name). I've been on here a few months checking things out but have yet to do the introduction thing. So impressed with the talent on Stage 32!

J.B. Storey

Hey, Sarah Kennedy thanks for confirming. That's excellent news. We haven't been very consistent with sharing our work/contests, etc with S32. So, I'm thrilled to bits that was how you came across the...

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Maurice Vaughan

Great to meet you, Sarah Kennedy. Again, congratulations! I'm looking forward to hearing your scene!

J.B. Storey
Free Scene Contest

In case you weren't aware, Sound of Scripts has a monthly contest, where they will do a full audio production of a scene from a screenplay for free.

Details are in the image. Please note: the submission deadline for April has been extended to April 10th. Please submit your scene to: jb@soundofscripts...

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J.B. Storey
New Audio Production from Sound of Scripts

Sound of Scripts recently had the honor to work with Dewayne Irving on producing the First Ten Pages of his action film: SUBTERFUGE. Have a listen. Hopefully there will be a lot more to come from this highly talented chap in the future.

He will actually be using the audio in conjunction with storyboa...

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J.B. Storey
Roam Free - Audio Play

Really excited to share this collaboration we worked on with screenwriter and author, Dylan Park (All Rise, 68 Whiskey). He has a TV series being marketed. Originally was going to shoot a POC short of the first ten pages. Instead, worked with us.

We sprinkled our Sound of Scripts fairy dust and this...

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J.B. Storey
Audio Play as POC for Pitch

There are many ways to market your film to secure financing. We recently worked with the talented TV writer DYLAN PARK (All Rise, 68 Whiskey) on an audio production (Proof-of-Concept) featuring the first TEN PAGES of a TV Pilot which he's currently pitching and seeking funding (ROAM FREE). This is a...

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Maurice Vaughan

How's it going, J.B. Storey? I started to watch the "Seraphim's Miracle" table read on YouTube. I plan to go back and watch more of it.

J.B. Storey

Maurice Vaughan Hey, buddy! Yeah, finally got the dang read finished in post-production. The chap who edited did a great job. Lots of learning came out of the process for me. One in particular being:...

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Maurice Vaughan

Hey, J.B. Storey. Sorry for the late reply. I'm doing great. Working on some projects. How are you?

J.B. Storey
Seraphim's Miracle - Filmed Table Read

Hi, friends.

Just over a year ago a set of friends helped me produce a filmed table read of my script, SERAPHIM'S MIRACLE.

I did this because I wanted to have an artefact of a story, I hustled on for so many hours, weeks, and months, while working full time and parenting full-time. Such is the way it...

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Sound of Scripts
Sound of Scripts
Sound of Scripts is a radio-play inspired screenplay audio production service that transforms screenplays into immersive, entertaining audio experiences.
J.B. Storey
Cry Havoc - teaser trailer

Very excited to see how this short film i wrote turns out. Was produced in Seattle last summer. Should be ready for prime time by Spring! 


Maurice Vaughan

Hey, J.B. Storey. How are you doing? Suspenseful teaser! I'm excited to see "Cry Havoc" next year!

GiGi Raines

Congratulations! Hope post is going well!

J.B. Storey

Maurice Vaughan Good, dude. How are things with you? What’s the latest project you’re working on?

Maurice Vaughan

I'm doing great, J.B. Storey. Thanks. I'm working on a rewriting job, working on a writing job, and pitching projects (which is going great too!).

J.B. Storey
Riverside FM

Hi there! Was wondering if anyone here has used Riverside.fm, and if so, what do they think of the technology/service? Thanks!!

Sam Chambliss

I just looked it up. It seems like a pretty good recording service. Depending on what you want to do with it would determine if it's cost-effective for you, although I'm not familiar with other live recording services.

J.B. Storey
Riverside FM

Hiya! Was wondering if any of you kindly folk have ever used Riverside.fm? And if so, what are your thoughts on their service/tech?

Cherelynn Baker

Hi J.B. ...hmmm...just learned something new! Have never heard of Riverside.fm

J.B. Storey
Sound of Scripts

Hiya, Stage 32 Screenwriter Community!

Over the last three months, I have been working on the birth of a small production service called: SOUND OF SCRIPTS. My business partner in this endeavor is an actor/writer close friend of mine (as in, very close... we met when we were 14!!), is a chap named T.J...

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Sound of Scripts
Sound of Scripts
Sound of Scripts is a radio-play inspired screenplay audio production service that transforms screenplays into immersive, entertaining audio experiences.
Kiril Maksimoski

Cool idea, but I'd suggest to open a window for audio dramas as well....kinda text specifically written for audio (music cues, sound effects, etc)...unless ure airing "Glengarry Glen Ross" I'd say screenplay is more of an visual media text...

CJ Walley

Cool thing is, you can stick the YouTube video version on your listing on Script Revolution to give people a little listen. Check it out in action here.

Maurice Vaughan

Thanks for the idea, CJ.

J.B. Storey

B A Mason Thanks for your thoughts. Generally speaking, this service is specifically designed for scripts, manuscripts that are ready 'go to market'. Basically, it would be a very expensive table read, if you were using it to workshop a story!!!

J.B. Storey

Kiril - yes, we do get inquiries of the audio book variety. As for your point about screenplays being a visual text. That's very true. However, if one starts a new business, they should probably do a...

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J.B. Storey
Dogfood Your Own Work

As the old adage goes: you should always dogfood a new product/service you have created. So, I've used a screenplay of mine, 'Seraphim's Miracle' to add to our demo collection at Sound of Scripts. (A wee business endeavor, that transforms screenplays into radio-play inspired, audio experiences.) I m...

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Mae Aswell
Middle-aged character, lots of accents, some impressions, fluent spanish; vo, some writing

How-do! I'm in L.A. and if you need actors to read your works to hear it, etc., and even for collaboration/writers' rooms, let me know as I am very interested in those things.

For more info on my vast and various accomplishments(!), you may visit

Thanks for checking in!

- M...

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J.B. Storey

Hi, Mae. It just so happens that me and my business partner, TJ Ramini recently launched an audio production service called SOUND OF SCRIPTS (www.soundofscripts.com), and we are building out our roste...

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Landis Stokes


Mae Aswell

Thank you, Sir! Shall do! :D - Mae

MB Stevens

Welcome Mae Aswell

virtual vs. written pitches via Stage 32

Hi, everyone!

I'm new to Stage 32 so please forgive me if this question has been posed previously.

Do you find virtual piches through Stage 32 have an edge over a written pitch? Do you feel the people on the receiving end prefer this method? Have their been success stories of writers getting repped b...

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Martin Reese

I've had success with both written and virtual pitches in terms of getting the script requested, E.M. Watson.

Phillip E. Hardy, "The Real Deal"

I prefer written pitches. However, if you do one, provide a succinct summary with a beginning, middle and end, briefly state your reason for writing the story (what it means to you) and tell the reade...

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J.B. Storey

Excellent question. I'd love to know what percentage of 'requests' come from each approach. Would also be curious how many successes there have been made via this service. But, that may be asking for...

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E. M. Watson

Hey, everyone. My sincere apologies for the late reply. Working... I appreciate everyone's input on this and I value the time you took in providing your opinions. Think I'll give a written pitch a sho...

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Maurice Vaughan

You're welcome, E. M. Watson. Hope the pitch goes well!

J.B. Storey
Something Different

Something experimental. A proof-of-concept for a wee endeavor, passion project I’ve been working on with a few friends. The general idea: transform our stories that we want people to read, into immersive, entertaining experiences. Take that which is two dimensional and add texture that communicates...

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J.B. Storey

MB Stevens Thanks for the kind comments!

J.B. Storey

Louis DeVaughn Nelson That sounds very cool!

Deborah Adewuyi

I love this!

J.B. Storey

Deborah Adewuyi Thank you!

J.B. Storey

Probably should have mentioned, this is out placeholder site: www.soundofscripts.com. Just WIP for now. Will be fully ‘functional’ by August.

Big oaks from ‘lil acorns grow, right?...

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Adrianna Agudelo
The struggle is real

How do you do it? And by it, I mean find time to write?? During quarantine and then self imposed quarantine writing was my life, my priority and something I found so easy to do. In the year or so since being back in the real world it has become nearly impossible, to not only make/ find time, but to...

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Doug Nelson

I have the opposite problem. I retired and have way more time than I know what to do with. I enjoyed writing and I enjoy helping and encouraging young/beginning writers. I've realized that I can't dea...

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DD Myles

Hi Andrianna! Sorry to hear the "infamous writer's block" has got a hold of you. My advice is first to recognize and identify why are you having these scattered thoughts? Sometimes it's environmental...

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Miguel Ángel Tejado

Hi Adriana. Like Jeremy wrote, he are all so different. But what works for me is to allow time, at least half an hour/day, to sit down alone and write. No matters what, just write something. The inspiration will come to you, sooner or later.

Kiril Maksimoski

How do you find time for anything...relaxing, traveling, watching TV...? You like such stuff, you find time...If you like writing you'll always have a time for it...if you need a little push towards h...

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Adrianna Agudelo

Thank you for all the comments and ideas. I think I was able to take away something from each comments and I appreciate the time you all took to comment and share your thoughts and ideas. K will say I...

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