Sarah Gabrielle Baron's Lounge Discussions

Bill Brock
Art Imitates Life.... Or is it the other way around?

I've just returned from Block Island, Rhode Island, home of the 2023 Block Island Film Festival. My reason for attending was in support of my third "Best Screenplay" nomination in a row (having won The Lighthouse Award in 2021 for my supernatural thriller, THE DRESS.). Screenwriting Finalists are in...

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Maurice Vaughan

Sounds like it was a pretty cool experience, Bill Brock. How big is the Hollywood sign in real life?

Bill Brock

Maurice Vaughan Good question, Maurice. Each letter is 30 feet wide and 50 feet high. Photo taken the day of my "discovery." : )

Maurice Vaughan

50 feet x 30 feet is pretty big, Bill Brock. Look at that view!

Bill Brock

Maurice Vaughan Definitely! Put this one on your bucket list! Spectacular!!

Maurice Vaughan

It's on my bucket list now, Bill Brock. That reminds me of the movie "The Bucket List" with Jack Nicholson and Morgan Freeman.

John Fernando
Process of organising your writing - leading to a outline

Interested in swapping notes about your/our process of organising the elements of your script - in the stage where you develop a detailed outline.

This is what I am trying currently:- (1) write a half page premise (2) notes on the 5 Turning Points at 10%, 25%, 50%, 75% and 90% (3) notes on what happe...

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CJ Walley

I've got a pretty tight structure building system I developed myself called Turn & Burn. You can learn more about it here.

Kevin Jackson

These are all great methods

Marcel Nault Jr.

That's a good method. To each his or her own, I suppose.

You absolutely need an outline before writing your story though. It's like writing an essay. You have to structure it and plan your main bullet points before writing it.

John Fernando

Thanks for your responses.

Maurice Vaughan

You're welcome, John Fernando.

Greg Wong
Books on screenwriting - which ones if any helped your writing

Everyday is a school day. I try to read around any subject that holds my interest to get a balanced view, be it current news or more recently, writing for film (I would also do TV but my brain can only hold so much info!)

What books or websites have helped you advance as a screenwriter? The go to one...

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Sam Iwata Aka Liu

Knowing the basic structure from any masters is essential, but more important is the skill of storytelling. While books can guide you to a certain point, they cannot train your logic, which I find critical in storytelling.

CJ Walley

Indeed, for just $50, you can become a Rockstar member on Script Revolution. But not if you've been banned from the platform, Marty, sorry.

Not sure what that's got to do with books on screenwriting, b...

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Craig D Griffiths

On the concept of “rock stardom”. The site is free. But for a small contribution you can make sure it doesn’t disappear. Plus you get bonuses that I am too lazy to take advantage of, but that’s a me issue.

John Roane

I always return to the Scriptwriters' Bible. I believe that's the correct title. My script writing efforts have mainly ending up in the trash, but that book and reading scripts tells me what I want to...

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J.M. Gulmire

"Writing Screenplays that Sell," is a great resource.

Nick Waters
Loglines for Upcoming Webinar w/ Christopher Lockhart of WME

Hey writers! We're very excited to be doing a webinar with Christopher Lockhart, Story Editor at William Morris Endeavor. We're looking for loglines for Christopher to breakdown in the webinar and would love for you to either submit your loglines as a comment here or email us at Tha...

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Sam Sokolow

This is going to be a great webinar and love seeing the longlines coming in. Christopher is an amazing resource and educator. Can't wait for this!

Sydney S

Love seeing all that are coming into edu :)

Rhonda Jean Seiter

During the late 20th century, a daughter rebels against her conservative, ultra-religious mother, and journeys into single motherhood with the unusual birth of her miraculous daughter. (Based on my tr...

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David Abrookin

Very excited for this! Chris is awesome and has amazing story sense!

Sarah Gabrielle Baron

16 years after The Fall, survivalist teenagers battle radioactive mutants on snowmobiles.

Come Back Kid

HEY! I'm Sarah Gabrielle Baron. I am an eco-feminist screenplay writer. I have 7 feature length specs and 2 pilots. I have a small bank of shorts too, and I do write shorts for free if your idea sparks my interest. Reach out at

Two years ago a Stage32 mentor, Bill Taub, had a...

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GiGi Raines

Wow Sarah, what a great story! Thank you for sharing your journey with us. Now to be launched into politics, after a podcast, so inspirational!

Maurice Vaughan

Hi, Sarah Gabrielle Baron. How are you doing? I remember you telling me about your project a while back. I think it was a big project.

Bianca Pheasant, Author

Hi guys.

Just wanted to take a minute and introduce myself. I am an aspiring author trying to make a name in a world filled with iconic ones. I have self-published two novels and six short stories but I am still miles away from achieving my goal of being able to become a full-time writer.

My first no...

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Bianca Pheasant

Thank you, Sarah. I will definitely do that.

Bill Albert

Welcome. Feel free to jump in feet first and hang on.

Bianca Pheasant

Thank you, Bill. At this stage, that is exactly what I'll be doing. I'm learning on the go here.

Karen "Kay" Ross

Sweet, enjoy the process, Bianca Pheasant! One of the best parts, for me at least, is letting the projector in your head play to help you see the scenes as you write them. If you can't see them, you c...

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John Ellis

You're not "aspiring" Bianca Pheasant - you ARE an author. You've already accomplished more than 90% of us have!

Kenneth M Sutton
What a ride!

Hello, all of you great people on Stage32. First off my name is Ken Sutton, I'm 59 years old and I am a singer/songwriter/screenplay writer. I have over 500 songs written and 13 screenplays written and countless scraps of paper with words and notes, lyrics, and titles laying around my house, it look...

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Chaun Lee

Nice to meet you, Kenny! Best of luck on your Pirate script.

Kenneth M Sutton

Thank you Chaun!

Sarah Gabrielle Baron

About some pirates. Come on, you can do better than that! What's the logline??? (PS I love the boucannier time of the Pirate era, 1660-1680...have researched pretty extensively). Please drop me a pm if you wanna chat pirates! Welcome to Stage32! ~ s

Kenneth M Sutton

It's not the kinda pirates you think, I wish I could tell you more, but I still have to write the treatment and pitch for it. I'll keep you updated!1 God Bless! Kenny

Vishaal Desai
Writer, Director, Producer from Mumbai (moving to Canada!)

Hello! I'm a screenwriter, director and producer living in Mumbai. Due to the pandemic restricting my ability to work on sets the past year and a half, I started working as a video editor from home. I'm now writing a feature screenplay on spec and working on a commissioned job to develop a TV series...

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Christian Nommay

Welcome, Vishaal! I'm a fellow writer and transmedia creator living in Canada in case you'd like to connect.

Vishaal Desai

Hi Christian Nommay, it's good to meet you! Would love to connect.

Sarah Gabrielle Baron

Woot! Canada gets you? Awesome. I live about 6 hours north of Toronto. Which province or city (or wilderness) do you want to live in?

Vishaal Desai

Good to meet you Sarah Gabrielle Baron . Well Toronto would be ideal, but since getting a PR is pretty tough, I'd be happy to take what I get to start off!

Julian Thadathil

Hey Vishaal, Good luck with your move to Canada. Not sure if you are already there as your post is 5 months old. Lovely country to settle in. Used to live in YYZ myself (that is Toronto). I am based o...

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Imtiaz Barolia

hi this is Imtiaz Barolia from Mumbai-we are a boutique content development & production house.Most of the content we develop is for streaming platforms(India end of it )However we are also ready with a Epic WW-11 Drama  script(English) with an International director from UK attached and have  inter...

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Sarah Gabrielle Baron

WOW! That is so exciting! You're doing very cool things! I haven't written it yet, but the second feature film for my ROOTS OF MAGIC franchise is set in Mumbai. Although I've never been there! Please...

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Imtiaz Barolia

hi Sarah thanks for reaching out I am a Lead screen play writer & creative Director at Zero Gravity I'd like to be giving pitches to potential producers/co-producers :) I am also a produc...

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Gem Owas
Writer, director, producer

Hi, I am Gem Owas, I am passionate about filmmaking. I have developed a mockumentary sitcom that I think would be good for any of the streaming services.

I am currently looking for an executive producer that would back the project.

Sarah Gabrielle Baron

Well, you're in the right place, Gem! Check out the Producer's lounge, and reach out to anyone you feel fits your project. IMDB is your new best friend! Also, check out the pitch sessions. If you are...

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Kelly Ann Guglietti
Kelly Ann Guglietti, Screenwriter and Author

Hello everyone! I've been meaning to take up on the opportunity to introduce myself since I joined Stage 32 in February. I'm finally taking the time to do so.

I have published three children's books and a fourth is on its way. They are for kiddos ages 4-10, with the end message that it is great to be...

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Sarah Gabrielle Baron

Kelly those sound like really great children's books! Kids need those basic lessons first, and if you've designed it all to be fun and readable, hurrah!!! Weldom eto Stage32! Are you thinking of expanding the concepts into TV show?

Kelly Ann Guglietti

Hi, Sarah! Thank you for your encouraging words. No, I have not thought about expanding my stories into TV shows. I don't really know how to write a TV show. I'm not sure how far I could go with either one of them. Thanks for asking, though. Some food for thought.

David Chester
Happy IY Weekend!

Hello all. My name is David Chester. I'm an American screenwriter based in Tokyo. I was a musician/songwriter for most of my life, but one day I woke up and said, "I think I'm supposed to be a screenwriter." Since then I have written 8 commissioned screenplays, 6 produced, 4 currently streaming on N...

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Janez Wall


Sarah Gabrielle Baron

WElcome to Satge32 Chester. Are you going to mostly hang out in the Producers Lounge here? Or are you hunting for writer? Or are you planning of just wriitng? You sound like a mulittasker, maybe you'll do it all?

Carlton T. Saito

I am now in pre-production of my drama short "The Heart That Binds." I just finalized my two-person cast and recruiting the last bits of my crew. We will shoot on the island of O‘ahu in Hawai‘i on the second weekend of July. Aiming to submit to film festivals, starting with Sundance (of course), SXS...

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Sarah Gabrielle Baron

AHHHH HAwaii!! Take me with you!! lol nah it's summer here in northern ontario so I'm happy. CAn I come for the launch party in December??? Good luck getting it shot and ready for the circuit! 2021 is coming in with a whoosh!

Carlton T. Saito

Well, I live here in Hawaii. Now it's hot, at least by our standards - mid to high 80s. But it's a humid heat. When it tops 90, which it will in late June to late August, it's miserable without A/C (w...

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Leslie DuFresne

Hi everyone, I’m a screenwriter working on 2 tv series ideas and a feature length screenplay. I enjoy writing comedy and drama. I’m based in Charlotte, NC but originally from Chicago.

Shanika Freeman

Nice to meet you, Leslie!

Sarah Gabrielle Baron

Hi Leslie. I like your lgoline for Conditions. You have to make a poster for it. I used Canva it was ok easy. If I had a mac I would have gone another way. Welcome to Stage32. You can learn, pitch, or meet other creatives. Happy connecting!!!

Micki LeSueur
Nice to meet you!

Hello, fellow creatives! My name is Micki and I am a writer out of Chicago. I've published short fiction, hosted Fictlicious (a flash fiction/music show in Chicago at the legendary Hideout), and am a freelance Executive Creative Director/speechwriter by day (and often by night). I have two episodes...

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Jocelyn Sanchez

Hi there!

Steve Grey

Hello! :)

Sarah Gabrielle Baron

Fictlisious!!!! Seriously? In live music show at Chicago! you hvae a very fun life!

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