Philipp Mayr: Student.

Sam Sokolow
Screenwriting 101

Hey everyone - Oscar nominated screenwriter Alec Sokolow (TOY STORY) - a brilliant guy and an even better brother - is hosting a new webinar called SCREENWRITING 101. Learn the fundamentals of screenwriting from a guy with over $2 billion in box office receipts for the films he's written, improve yo...

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Michael David

I always wondered whether you were related to Alec!! Wow what great genes!

Sam Sokolow

Thanks, Michael David - all credit to our mom and dad :)

Brentavian L. Smith

I Love The Toy Story Franchise And Disney !!!

Pamela S K Glasner
Is this a common occurrance here? What's the deal?

So far, two “producers” on this platform have feigned interest in a project of mine, only to try and scam me for $3000. They both approached me, not the other way around. And then they said this:

“Here is how i work, I charge a collaboration fee of $3000. a one time payment ( negotiable and refundabl...

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Anthony Murphy

"I wish people were aware that managers don't get paid until clients get paid, so while we are always passionate about clients, we're also weighing how quickly we feel we can get them paid, as that's...

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Dan MaxXx

JZ and Bellievue also produce movies. managers take one fee, client commission or producing. Cant double dip (in Theory).

Mick Greco

Dan MaxXx @John Murphy - JZ and Bellevue are reputable, certainly. If a manager wanted to produce my project in-house I would evaluate the metrics of the deal for My Favorite Client [that's ME!]. The...

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Alberto Medina
Develop a screenplay for current idea(s)

I have currently two ideas that have been developed by me and are thought out from start to finish, but I lack the knowledge to turn them into screenplays. Need assistance, if there are any interested parties.

Leonardo Ramirez

Dan's right. Writing out a synopsis is a great idea, Alberto Medina I would start there and then take the necessary steps (one by one) to learning the screenplay format. Read other screenplays. A book...

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Philipp Mayr

do you have a synopsis?

Maurice Vaughan

Hey, Alberto Medina. Do you mean you need help turning the outlines into screenplays?

Philipp Mayr
Your Stage

Can  this "Your Stage " forum be found via the navigation bar? I don't see it in the "Lounge" nor the "All Lounges" sub menus.

Maurice Vaughan

Hey, Philipp Mayr. The Your Stage Lounge is near the bottom of the Lounges page. And here's the link to the Your Stage Lounge:

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Philipp Mayr


I've never clicked but only hovered to open the sub menus on the "Lounge" icon...

Maurice Vaughan

You're welcome, Philipp Mayr.

Philipp Mayr
Looking for a writing partner

I'm interested in teaming up with a fellow writer who requires support in editing his or her script. Story structuring is one of my strengths.

If you already have an outline, synopsis, or dialogues, please provide a link to them. I can help you create well-structured plots with no logical inconsiste...

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Vikki Harris
How much clarification should we write?

Hello Fellow Scribes,

I need your advice. I recently received feedback on a script that I don't understand nor agree with. Let me set up the scene in question: Setting: on a college campus; Characters: approximately four females (three in a group, one sitting alone); Prop: cellphone; Scene: The three...

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CJ Walley

Never assume readers understand about technology. I had a Blacklist reader bang on about a futuristic gun I kept referring to in a script when in fact it was an M2 Browning which was designed in 1918....

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Philipp Mayr

my first thought (after reading your first post) was that she wanted to charge her phone.

Scott Sawitz

Enough to make us know what's going but not every single detail; I should be able to fill in everything else.

Jason Chertoff
Too Soon?

To write a parody/spoof about United States in 2020?

Jason Chertoff

Jake, would love to read!

William Martell

I don't know if it's too soon or not, but is there an audience?

Someone mentioned Space Force earlier, and that is a very specific thing in a popular genre... and that popular genre makes me wonder i...

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Jason Chertoff

William and Jake. Thanks for the comments. I tend to agree with you. I completed the screenplay and would be interested in hearing what you think. Thanks!

Philipp Mayr
The secret of good acting is not to act?


I’m writing screenplays but I’m also interested in acting but have no experience in it. I asked myself what is acting actually about? When a non-pro is performing a role on stage the result is mostly terrible. Only a few can act like George Clooney, Brad Pitt, Michelle Pfeiffer,... But why? Why...

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Philipp Mayr

...i.e. a good actor might be able to experience the relevant emotion in an intense way and then, somehow, display or project it onto his body so that the audience can see it. As if his body were a sc...

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Philipp Mayr

I like to think.

Philipp Mayr

So, being authentic instead of playing + having expressive power are two core elements of acting. What further abilities does a good actor have to have?

Philipp Mayr
Are Conservative Writers in this Forum?


Is there anyone who wants to or could imagine to write for a show that’s aimed at a conservative audience?

Most series and films that are produced in Hollywood have a rather liberal undertone but about 50% of Americans consider themselves as being conservative. There must be a gap in the market...

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Dan MaxXx

Michael J Fox played a 1980s Reagan supporter on "Family Ties" sitcom. The show did very well.

Philipp Mayr

Dan MaxXx Yes, but this was 50 years ago and the show probably not very funny. In the 80s TV was more conservative in general. I had fresh, new ideas for a show based on a modern understanding of cons...

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Philipp Mayr

Raleigh Marcell What is the worst thing they could do? The only thing that counts is that the audience likes the show.

Victor Titimas
The Un-Sleeping(screenplay idea)

In the nearby future, there is a rise of AI and the dwindling resources.

The authorities propose a solution: People should "sleep"(cryogenics) a few thousand years until resources can regenerate and nature can self-clean the pollution.

Many agree to this. Not our hero. For refusing this, he becomes hu...

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Phil Parker

A couple of things off the top of my head:

1. As you have it now, the hero awakening to find the world controlled by AI is not a surprise. Try making AI less dominant in the beginning.

2. to put everyon...

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Brian Shell

Owen Mowatt My post was merely a metaphor to plant a seed. In 200 years, our technological prowess now grows exponentially so instead of a 1000 years, make story's impact felt sooner.

Brian Shell

Pages 130-132 of Save the Cat mention Too Much Marzipan that says, "the desperation of Hollywood types trying to squeeze 10 pounds of shit into a 5-pound bag."

Anthony Silverwood
Money vs Artistry

It occurs to me that there are two forces at work in show business: MONEY, and CREATIVITY. Unfortunately, these two things work against each other., Money pollutes the creatives process, leads to monstrosities like the Blacklist.

Capitalism is a necessary evil in the writer's world, and, as artists...

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Brian Shell

Good one Bill. That career was like a monetary springboard which enabled escape velocity from past perceptions to transform into someone new. From cocoon to metamorphosis requires practice. Daily prac...

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Bill Costantini

Brian: nice words. Keep up the great work and great attitude. And Ndugu sure was a great human who left this world a better place.

RIP, Ndugu Chancier (July 1, 1952 - Feb 3, 2018).

Brian Shell

Bill: did not know about Ndugu's passing. Stunned. Tremendous person with infectious laughter. In 2014, I drove from Detroit to LA to give gratitude to former mentors, and Ndugu was the first I thanked. Makes me glad I made the 8000 mile trip even more now.

Ben Johnson Jr.
A singular story goal?

Just wondering what your thoughts are as fellow writers. Do you think it's possible (or even a good idea) for the protagonist's story goal to change during the course of their journey, or should you rather stick to one goal throughout the narrative?

Dan MaxXx

Goals change but theme(s) shouldn’t. What are you saying (Plot) and then what are you really saying (theme)?

Ben Johnson Jr.

I hear you guys. I think the confusion also comes in through terminology and not separating the inner and outer journey. The internal want if the character (validation, wealth, power, vengeance) will...

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John Ellis

I think Dan MaxXx hit it on the head. Plot is one thing, the Theme is something else. While the Journey (Plot) may change and surprise the audience (it shouldn't surprise the writer), the Thematic Pre...

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Jason Reddan
Writing Inspiration 1

There are two kinds of writer: those that make you think, and those that make you wonder. - Brian Aldiss

Philipp Mayr

There are two goas a writer can pursue:

to entertain and to change the viewer ('s mind and life)

Jason Reddan

Hey Pamela, A.S. and Philipp. Hope all is well with you all :) A.S. thats actually a great motivational observation to spot weak writing that has being published, I would shift the focus and wonder on...

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Jason Reddan

Thanks so much Pamela that really means a lot :) I checked out some of your loglines they are fantastic, great job too :) Would you believe that most of those awards came from no-budget films, I am a...

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Philipp Mayr
What makes a dialogue interesting?

Let's assume we had an interesting story and we optimally designed the content of each scene: What are the factors that make dialogue entertaining and interesting then? For character based writing you have to have a clear understanding or imagination about your characters' personality (their needs,...

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Philip Sedgwick

Thank you, Mr. Drago!

Eric Christopherson


Philipp Mayr

Thanks for your answers.

"...Rhythm, pace and flow..."

How do you get rhythm, pace and flow?

"...Know your character's flaws/wounds. Most everything said comes from that place..."

Yes, but assumed y...

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Philipp Mayr
What's the minimum of formal education in screenwriting?


Since years I am very interested in the idea of writing scripts for television series – especially sitcoms. Up to now I read some books about screenwriting and I wrote dialogues for a stage play at an amateur theater. I created the concept for a 20 minute sitcom and wrote the full dialogues...

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Doug Nelson

Would you guys throw that 'Save the Cat' book away! I knew Blake years ago when he was a fixture in the Writer's Store and working on the book. We had lunch out on that little patio area behind the Ho...

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Lisa Clemens

I'm a little late here, but I'm proof you don't need to have a formal education in screenwriting to go professional but you do need talent and it helps to know someone. Even though I had help getting...

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James Drago

^^^ Perfect post Lisa!

Philipp Mayr
Writers of Malcolm in the Middle


does anyone know how to find out who the writers of each episode of are? I know that Linwood Boomer created the show but as I know has only written 5 episodes or so.

Who are the other authors? I would need an assignment episodewriter.

Shawn Speake

My man, Dan! No questions go unanswered with Google or Siri!

Philipp Mayr

Oh - o.k. thanks David and Dan.

I have been on wikipedia but I had only the ""Malcolm in the Middle" main site. Not the list of episodes - sorry.

Philipp's network

Michael Tabb
Michael Wolf
Emily Schooley
Andrea Thornton
Lynn Santer
Nicholas Joseph Mackey
Kris Keppeler
Hugh Potter
Darwin Reina
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