Hi. Where is a good website to source music (at a decent price) for a short film that I am hoping to sell to a distributor?
Hi. Where is a good website to source music (at a decent price) for a short film that I am hoping to sell to a distributor?
That day you still remember. You were in the studio mounting a new piece of furniture you had been waiting for for months. You wanted to re-organise your work set-up, reconnecting all equipment in a more ergonomical way to improve your workflow. You tightened the last screws and crawled from underne...
Expand postThat day you still remember. You were in the studio mounting a new piece of furniture you had been waiting for for months. You wanted to re-organise your work set-up, reconnecting all equipment in a more ergonomical way to improve your workflow. You tightened the last screws and crawled from underneath, when a sudden sharp pain cut through your lower back. Did I force myself, did I make a wrong move, you think. No, I was careful, I did not.
The pain did not go away, and became your everyday unwanted partner. You went to the doctor, got prescription drugs. You went to the hospital, got some tests. Months go by, pain gets fierce. In the middle of the night you are standing in the emergency room and a Peruvian doctor on duty does not trust what she sees and tells you to stay. And then you are sucked into a turmoil of events, all triggered to get to a conclusive diagnosis, while big bags of liquids drip into your veins, and your hospital bed is your new world order and you are attended by doctors and nurses day and night and there is nothing left of your previous life. And when they break the bad news you actually already knew it: that is wasn't anything muscular, that it wasn't kidney stone attacks, but the effects of a metastasis in your lower vertebrae, coming from a tumor in your left lung, all the way down and very rare.
Pain management is priority before treatment so you submit to radiation and get very sick from everything. That hospital bed you live in is being rolled out to do all kinds of scans and you undergo everything in a kind of serene state of mind.
There. At night you do a lot of thinking. Is this final? Will I ever get back to composing and music production? Will I fade slowly in a country still foreign to me, without close friends or family? One thing is clear as water. There is no room for anything else but an intense treatment program, spanning half a year to begin with.
Everything on hold. Lots of mail and junkmail become even more irrelevant. You despise the stupidies on Facebook even more. You try not to blame anybody, or yourself. You know that your life as you know it has ended. You want to be left alone, submerge for a long time, and come out the other end full of strength and inspired, ready to write a new chapter. You know in order to get there you have to be sick, you have to vomit, spending countless nights in cold sweat and soaking wet sheets, you have to take so much medication that your appetite has reduced to nil, your nose has become sensitive to foul smells. The world you see is hostile and ugly.
But this is the unexpected visitor who you didn't want to put up with, who is obstinate and settles in. You'll work him out the door in due time. Working on a plan.
Drem Bruinsma
Sorry about your diagnosis. Metastatic lung cancer ranks up there with pancreatic cancer. Tough road ahead, but we've all heard of miracles. Don't give up. Keep the chin up.
Very sorry to read that. Eric is absolutely right, btw. Miracles do happen. Please do consult a naturopath as well. Since there are some double-blind studied treatments that have an excellent track re...
Expand commentVery sorry to read that. Eric is absolutely right, btw. Miracles do happen. Please do consult a naturopath as well. Since there are some double-blind studied treatments that have an excellent track record.
...Like organic tumeric (infused with black pepper to activate it), maitake and shitake mushrooms, and a healthy-fat based KETO diet round (25 days max, then Paleo) with 16 hour intermittent fasting - avoiding all fructose/sugar/fruit (except berries since they're low sugar). Losta' super greens - but not raw, parboiled to remove the oxalic acid. Supplementing potassium is important during Keto, btw. And everyone on the planet could benefit from starting their day with pectin and warm water to detox the liver each morning.
(If you can't find a pectin source, you can stick a whole organic lemon [including the skin] in a blender with some water to make it. Then store it in an ice cube tray.)
Timed release of turmeric stops cancer cell growth -
NOTE: Tumeric (also known as the spice Curcumin) has many other health benefits including being a natural blood thinner. - So it's best not to take it close to surgery. And too much of anything, even a good thing, can be a bad thing. ALL things in a balance, always. :)
Wishing you the very best! God bless.
Thanks Eric and Jean, for your comments and apported info. I will certainly look into alternatives to regular pharmaco-based treatment.
Dude fuck Cancer. I hope you kick it's ass. Nothing but hope and good vibes from here.
released June 25, 2018
Recorded on location around here and at Prickly Pear Sound Facilities, Carrasqueta Foothills, Southeast Spain, May through June 2018. Composed and produced by BlindººCoyote.
A big thanks to goatherd Juan and his beautiful animals!
Original photo by Chraecker. Artwork by Drem B...
Expand postreleased June 25, 2018
Recorded on location around here and at Prickly Pear Sound Facilities, Carrasqueta Foothills, Southeast Spain, May through June 2018. Composed and produced by BlindººCoyote.
A big thanks to goatherd Juan and his beautiful animals!
Original photo by Chraecker. Artwork by Drem Bruinsma
Hi Willem,
Thanks for your kind words. Confirmed, I am pretty sure that Stage32 is not the proper platform for marginal projects like this, but it can provide a little extra exposure. Thanks for sending the ZKM link, I just subscribed. Best regards from Spain
Hi, I thought it would be nice to share an article that appeared in a music blog called Synthspotting, in which I talk about the gear I am using in three highlighted compositions, and also my approach to starting a project: https://www.facebook.com/synthspotting/posts/394867314292916...
Expand postHi, I thought it would be nice to share an article that appeared in a music blog called Synthspotting, in which I talk about the gear I am using in three highlighted compositions, and also my approach to starting a project: https://www.facebook.com/synthspotting/posts/394867314292916
We're looking to add more composers from around the globe to join our talented team for scoring of a live action science fiction television series and audio series. You can check it out at www.intergalacticspacerangers.com - We're looking for creativity and diversity of styles as we will be addressi...
Expand postWe're looking to add more composers from around the globe to join our talented team for scoring of a live action science fiction television series and audio series. You can check it out at www.intergalacticspacerangers.com - We're looking for creativity and diversity of styles as we will be addressing many different alien environments in these two series. The television series "Inter Galactic Space Rangers" is a 50's style live action sci fi series in development and our audio series "Doorways & Dimensions" which is basically Twilight Zone meets Tales from the Crypt, is being produced right now and we will be launching our first episode November 30th. If you're interested in joining up let me know. Thanks!
I can compose very quickly, any mood ,atmosphere, time and place you need!
Hi John if you would drop me a line at intergalacticspacerangers@gmail.com with any other samples of your work to review, that would be great. Thanks.
Well I am always looking for work.
sure thing Kirk!!!!
a new single release by BlindººCoyote is getting a sudden wave of positive feedback. Find out why by listening: http://blindcoyote.bandcamp.com/track/my-alchemical-other
Dear all, Happy, proud and kind of relieved I am able, at last, to announce the publication of Shadows of Drifting Dust, the latest album by BlindººCoyote, containing 12 marvelous and mesmerizing tracks, wandering off the beaten track and into a field of crossover-sub genres within the realms of ele...
Expand postDear all, Happy, proud and kind of relieved I am able, at last, to announce the publication of Shadows of Drifting Dust, the latest album by BlindººCoyote, containing 12 marvelous and mesmerizing tracks, wandering off the beaten track and into a field of crossover-sub genres within the realms of electronica. Free download in many audio formats is on offer until February 15, so grab your copy and, if you like what you hear, it is appreciated to " f-like" the album on its page after clicking the share/embed button. Feel free to share if you care, anywhere. Go to http://blindcoyote.bandcamp.com/album/shadows-of-drifting-dust Click on the info button next to each track for additional information and individual track artwork.
Here is a pre-listen of a brand new track that will be part of my upcoming album. I really would like to know hear your opinion! Thank you all. https://soundcloud.com/blind-coyote/hunters-and-collectors...
Expand postHere is a pre-listen of a brand new track that will be part of my upcoming album. I really would like to know hear your opinion! Thank you all. https://soundcloud.com/blind-coyote/hunters-and-collectors
Happy holidays to you all, and, maybe a bit anticipated, a very prosperous and creative 2014
I pulled this theme from the early 1990's into the present day with a total overhaul. It could well serve as an end-title theme for the movies. The overall feeling you get is that this one tells you of a lot of things lived, experienced and seen, all condensed in a musical goodbye. Epic, melancholic...
Expand postI pulled this theme from the early 1990's into the present day with a total overhaul. It could well serve as an end-title theme for the movies. The overall feeling you get is that this one tells you of a lot of things lived, experienced and seen, all condensed in a musical goodbye. Epic, melancholical, yet with total awareness and clarity. https://blindcoyote.bandcamp.com/track/seven-sorrows
The project of putting this rescued and remastered obscure1983 album out on vinyl in 2013 fell through, but in order to complete the full back catalogue it is now published in digital and downloadable format. Follow the link for more info and audio stream >. http://blindcoyote.bandcamp.com/album/tri...
Expand postThe project of putting this rescued and remastered obscure1983 album out on vinyl in 2013 fell through, but in order to complete the full back catalogue it is now published in digital and downloadable format. Follow the link for more info and audio stream >. http://blindcoyote.bandcamp.com/album/tribute-to-a-threadbare-bridge
I am Vinsent Mettel - director from Kiev, Ukraine. I have three projects right now. Two which are included in the Cannes & Venice 2014 program from Ukraine, and one which I finished shooting yesterday, which is presubmited for the international film fest here in Kiev. I wish to connect some great co...
Expand postI am Vinsent Mettel - director from Kiev, Ukraine. I have three projects right now. Two which are included in the Cannes & Venice 2014 program from Ukraine, and one which I finished shooting yesterday, which is presubmited for the international film fest here in Kiev. I wish to connect some great composer to give my movies additional atmosphere. Thank you for reading. Respectfully Yours, Vinsent Mettel.
Hi, Vinsent. Here are some samples of my recent music compositions and productions. Feel free to email me peter@pmnmusic.com if you would like to collaborate with me on your projects. Cheers. P. http:...
Expand commentHi, Vinsent. Here are some samples of my recent music compositions and productions. Feel free to email me peter@pmnmusic.com if you would like to collaborate with me on your projects. Cheers. P. http://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLB2946AB827800066 https://soundcloud.com/pmn-music-creations
You can my music on www.jeromerobinson.org
You can hear my music via my soundcloud link on my web hub: www.jeromerobinson.org
Hello Vinsent. I am a recording artist and a new filmmaker. I would like to invite you to hear my previous work and see if these may fit your vision. See the links below: Spotify: http://spoti.fi/Wg1h...
Expand commentHello Vinsent. I am a recording artist and a new filmmaker. I would like to invite you to hear my previous work and see if these may fit your vision. See the links below: Spotify: http://spoti.fi/Wg1hhw . You can hear instrumental music from my last album Debut on Spotify. I composed and performed these songs using a synthesizer. They are very symphonic and are a mixture of orchestral, jazz, and atmospheric pop/club. They were composed for film usage. Youtube ("Ski Chalet" video): Click on the video that has me and the words "Ski Chalet" as the image. http://www.youtube.com/user/MerriChristi Website: www.gcrestproductions.com.
Hello Vinsent, Please check out my music at www.elliotsokolov.com. Thanks.
Why is it so difficult for directors who are looking for a musical score to say "thank you, but that is not what I am looking for", after you sent them a link or two together with a brief description of your work? I can see in my private statistics page that proposed tracks have been listened to thr...
Expand postWhy is it so difficult for directors who are looking for a musical score to say "thank you, but that is not what I am looking for", after you sent them a link or two together with a brief description of your work? I can see in my private statistics page that proposed tracks have been listened to through stage32 embeds. The least I expect is a little respect, but maybe the roads are paved with hungry composers...
Have you ever gotten thousands of emails for something?
brand new instrumental cut by BlindººCoyote, looking for a visual application of any kind...suggestions anybody? http://blindcoyote.bandcamp.com/track/velvet-punch
Proud to announce the publication of The Echo Tapes, a 19-track album of fully overhauled, obscure/intimist/abstract electronic pieces from the period 1983-1990, partly written for audio-visual- and multi-media projects. Check it out here: http://blindcoyote.bandcamp.com/album/the-echo-tapes...
Expand postProud to announce the publication of The Echo Tapes, a 19-track album of fully overhauled, obscure/intimist/abstract electronic pieces from the period 1983-1990, partly written for audio-visual- and multi-media projects. Check it out here: http://blindcoyote.bandcamp.com/album/the-echo-tapes
This cut was used for the original soundtrack of the experimental16mm B/W film production entitled Syzygy by J.P. Sens (Amsterdam, The Netherlands, 1993) Based on sampled singing bowls and the diesel engine of a Turkish fishing vessel, processed in an Emulator 2. http://blindcoyote.bandcamp.com/trac...
Expand postThis cut was used for the original soundtrack of the experimental16mm B/W film production entitled Syzygy by J.P. Sens (Amsterdam, The Netherlands, 1993) Based on sampled singing bowls and the diesel engine of a Turkish fishing vessel, processed in an Emulator 2. http://blindcoyote.bandcamp.com/track/glass-blanket
new website went live last week, drop by if u are curious...http://infoblindcoyote.wix.com/blind-coyote
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3 people like this
Arhynn Descy I agree 100% :)
3 people like this
I can subscribe to that. Give those young music composers a chance. They are present on the web with their personal pages and lots of music excerpts from their catalogue to get an idea of the style and genre they are working in!
2 people like this
I second Pond5 - it is a great resource used by many of my colleagues.
3 people like this
Hi Buck Estes. I totally agree with Arhynn Descy .
1 person likes this
Love that idea, Arhynn Descy!