
From structure to content to representation to industry trends, this is the place to discuss, share content and offer tips and advice on the craft and business of screenwriting

Maurice Vaughan
Time to Play! - Screenwriting Tip

Act out your scenes with action figures as you outline (or do it while you write the script if you don't outline). It'll help you visualize the scenes and come up with ideas.

Maurice Vaughan

Yeah, Barbie dolls count, Julian Harrison.

Sam Rivera

What a great idea! Though I prefer to speak out my dialogue this is definitely a fun and great way to exercise dialogue!

Maurice Vaughan

Thanks, Sam Rivera. Writers can also do voices for the action figures to come up with dialogue and test it out.

Mike Boas

Doing the voices is a great idea.

Maurice Vaughan

Haha Mike Boas. Yeah, like that. I need to watch Spaceballs again.

Nick Phillips
Signings & Script Requests to End the Week!

Check out the video below! Let's celebrate this great progress for some of our fantastic community members at the end of what I hope was a successful week for all!

Maurice Vaughan

Congratulations on the script requests and getting signed, writers!

Adelmo Carneiro Lessa
Final draft

I was reluctant, very reluctant, to use Final Draft. Most broadcasters have their own scriptwriting methods, especially TV stations in Brazil. TV Globo had adopted this software a few years ago. I took a course with a screenwriter who previously worked at Globo, and she taught me how to use this dre...

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Lindbergh E Hollingsworth

So focusing on what your post is about, using Final Draft in a job. If that's what the job requires, and you want the job, then you learn, and use, it. Outside of work, you can use it, or use one of t...

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Dan MaxXx

Im just curious if you can screenshot a sample page before Final Draft. Just wanna see how the page looks in Brazil tv.

Here in America, all screenplay software generally follow the same page margins, pre-set.

Dan Guardino

Sam Rivera Are you saying you don't use Final Draft?

Adelmo Carneiro Lessa

Dan MaxXx A telenovela script is like that, at least here in Brazil. I hope you can see it, the image is very small.

Adelmo Carneiro Lessa

Dan Guardino Lindbergh E Hollingsworth Dan MaxXx Mark Deuce Pat Alexander Sam Rivera Thank you very much for the advice and tips from all of you, you can be sure that they will make a difference in my...

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Sydney Summers
Screenwriting Lab coming soon: Write Your Female-Driven One-Hour Television Pilot in 8 Weeks!

This upcoming lab will explore the transformative cultural moment surrounding the stories we tell about women. We're in a revolutionary phase, examining the complexities and nuances specific to the female experience. Our narratives now embrace diverse female identities beyond cis, straight, white pe...

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Pat Alexander
Quarterfinalists Announced: 2nd Annual Palm Springs Women in Film & Television + Stage 32 Short Script Competition

Congratulations to all the Quarterfinalists in the PSWIFT x Stage 32 Short Script Contest! Let's show them our support and if you placed, tell us more about your script!

See the quarterfinalists here:

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Maurice Vaughan

Congratulations, Quarterfinalists!

Sam Sokolow

Awesome! Huge and much deserved congratulations to the quarterfinalists!

Mark Deuce
How Can I Improve This Logline?

Thank you for your help!!

Title: LBL

Set in the year 999AD


For 30 days Cherokee Indian, Sleeping Owl must survive in the LBL (Land between the lakes) that is full of human eating, hunting, and possessing creatures to become a warrior in his tribe.

Marcel Nault Jr.

Mark Deuce Hey Mark!

Here's my take on this: To survive in his homeland, a determined Cherokee Indian must face many obstacles that come with a large price.

Pat Alexander

To become a warrior in his tribe, a Cherokee Indian must survive being hunted for 30 days across a treacherous landscape full of human eating and possessing creatures.

Anthony Moore

Try this - "A young warrior is sent out into the wilds for a month to prove his skill and bravery to the tribe, only to find that these woods hold a secret that turns the hunter into the hunted."

Mark Deuce

Thank you to all for your amazing feedback!! It was invaluable.

Mark Deuce

I love your logline Anthony Moore & Marcel Nault Jr. & Pat Alexander really appreciate your feedback....

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Why it's essential to get professional and objective script analysis.

Recently, I went through a Stage 32 script analysis program and found the analysis justifiably devastating.

First off, she asked, "Why does that (sexual abuse) always have to be a thing?" I get it. Yet, it's there bc I've been close to many women who've had that in their lives. I'm still considering...

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Alan Kelley

Thank you, Amanda. I'm still a bit shell-shocked about myself to start in on it yet. It's going to be more than polish. Fixing will require a major re-write. Plus she mentioned other things that need fixing, from formatting to the rendering of themes. All useful stuff to be sure.

Dan Guardino

Alan Kelley I'm glad you're happy with your script analysis. However, that's something I would never pay for because I prefer to write my screenplays my way. The only person who has ever given me feed...

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Dan MaxXx

What is the world & plot? Thats what script readers need to read on page 1. We're crafting stories with the tools of the trade: setups & payoffs, mcGuffin, twists, misdirection, conflict. This persona...

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Amanda Toney

Alan Kelley - being shell shocked is okay and it's normal. Take all the time you need to digest the notes and think clearly on how you want to apply them. Step away from the script for a little while...

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Alan Kelley

Wow! Thank you. Major rewrites aren't daunting. I do them all the time. I get to spend more time with the characters. Yet it would be great to get to some kind of finish line.

Lisa Milliner
First time doing a Logline.

Straight out of high school, from five different Caribbean culture 5 girls learn after 10 years of , lies, infidelity, rap, fights, and kids. They fight for unconditional love for each other.


Kiril Maksimoski

I'm lost here. Just say who wants what...

Wal Friman

Looks like a celebration of the rich Caribbean culture.

Five Caribbean high school girl examinees fight for unconditional love for each other, but ten years of lies, infidelity, rap, kids and clashing cultures, begin to pull them apart.

Mark Deuce

"After a decade marked by betrayal, conflict, and motherhood, five Caribbean women confront the deep-seated secrets that have shaped their lives since high school, reveali...

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Lisa Milliner

Thank you for the feed back, it's rape actually. I'm not a writer so yes my grammar is off, I just write. Yes it takes place in Broward fL. They are not rich. I wrote the script before I wrote the Logline.

Amanda Toney

HI Lisa! I highly recommend that you watch this logline webinar. It is my #1 favorite webinar on the platform and I go back and reference it all the time, it will totally help you: https://www.stage32...

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Maurice Vaughan
Ask Me Anything with Alison Mann!

Alison Mann is having an exclusive AMA in the Writers’ Room Lounge, answering questions about “What Makes A Story Right For Animation vs. Live Action.”

Alison is the president of Fourth Wall Animation Production, a talent manager, and co-founder of the BRIC Foundation.

Link to the AMA:

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Anna Marton Henry
Outstanding short films

I’m teaching an introductory screenwriting class and I want my students to watch some outstanding short films and also read the scripts if possible. Any recommendations? Films need to be under 10 minutes, viewable on some platform and the script available online. So far what I have are all quite old. Thank you!

Anna Marton Henry

Thank you so much everyone! This is such an amazing community!

Anna Marton Henry

Pat Alexander Wow this is a teasure trove. Any particular ones that really illustrate three-act structure and "the hero's journey"? So many films are really creative but the "architecture" is well hid...

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Sam Rivera

Anna Marton Henry it's great to hear that you'll be teaching an introductory class! I'm a big fan of THE LUNCH DATE! it may be very on the nose but such a good short!

Marcel Nault Jr.

If you happen to teach that class next year, I'd be happy to tell you my idea for a short film.

Anna Marton Henry

Sam Rivera I'm actually teaching this at a university, but it may end up coming to Stage 32 too (I guess). I love THE LUNCH DATE and it's definitely one I am using! I used to represent Adam Davidson (...

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Pat Alexander
Super Early Bird Deadline Today: 4th Annual Action/Thriller Screenwriting Contest

Hey friends, today is the Super Early Bird Deadline for the 4th Annual Action/Thriller Screenwriting Contest. So now is the time to break out the car chases, heists, shootouts, and gravity defying set pieces to take us on an thrilling joy ride with your scripts! Remember, you can always order the Fe...

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Drakos Nox
I'm back and refocused after a difficult week

Hey guys, I'm back and refocused after a difficult week. To kick things off, I actually had an idea for a script during my time away – it's a D&D campaign called "The Awakening."

Part 1: The Awakening

The peaceful realm of Aramor is shattered as the Lich King, an ancient evil, awakens from his slumb...

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Mark Deuce

Here ya go Drakos Nox and best of luck with your d&d project!

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Maurice Vaughan

Welcome back, Drakos Nox. Exciting projects. What really got me interested is "He must unite the warring factions of Aramor before the Lich King plunges the land into eternal darkness." I really like...

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Marcel Nault Jr.

As a huge D&D fan myself, I approve this first chapter of yours. I'm just hoping the Lich King doesn't turn out to be another Vecna though.

Your story of J'onn J'onnz looks very exciting on paper. Keep up the great work, dude!

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