
From structure to content to representation to industry trends, this is the place to discuss, share content and offer tips and advice on the craft and business of screenwriting

Laurie Woodward
Pitch Session Strategizing

Hi All,

I have a question about pitch sessions. I've done about ten and used the feedback from each to more finely tune my logline, plot summaries, and character descriptions. Great service. I was wondering if it would be wise to pitch the revised material to the same individual who was enthusiastic...

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Dan MaxXx

Move on. A pass is a pass.

CJ Walley

If they were genuinely interested they'd move forward with the script and have you implement their notes.

Be careful implementing feedback from every Tom, Dick, and Harry. You can end up turning your script into soup. What you are looking for is alignment not consensus.

Laurie Woodward

CJ Walley: Thank you for your comment! That was my instinct but a small part of me was excited by how well the pitch session went. And I am using their notes to hone my pitch, not change my screenplay...

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CJ Walley

Sounds like you have your pitch nailed and some successes their, Laurie Woodward. I say go pitch it to some new parties and hopefully one will really connect with it.

Danny Manus

yea, what CJ and Dan said. I'd move on and not go back to the same folks.

Sam Sokolow
Tomorrow's AMA in the Writer's Room - Audrey Knox!

Hey everyone - Audrey Knox, Writer, Story Consultant, & Former Literary Manager will be hosting a 24-hour Ask Me Anything ("AMA") from Friday 1/31 to Saturday 2/1 in the Writer's Room Lounge, focused on "How To Build Your Portfolio To Get Noticed By Reps".

Here's a link to Audrey's AMA: https://www....

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Maurice Vaughan

I'm excited for this AMA, Sam Sokolow! Audrey always has helpful advice and insight! I already posted a question, and I have a few more I plan on asking tomorrow.

Anthony McBride

I follow AUDREY Knox online and have had a few consults with her. I really value her opinion and am looking forward to her AMA.

Dougie Brimson
Legal question regarding stolen IP.

I need some advice, if anyone can help.

A few years ago, I was one of a team of four who developed a film project. We got quite deep into it with a solid pitch and discussions with various financiers and potential directors. My role was both co-producer and writer.

Legal documents were drawn up but re...

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Wal Friman

Marty Howe No. Not a lawyer.

Simon Foster

Get all your evidence and agreements and recent emails (re-iterate and confirm your recent conversation with the 2 individuals in writing) - collated and organised - then wait. If the film gets made, seek a lawyer but still wait. Once the film is released - then take legal action.

Dougie Brimson

Thanks Simon. I'm on it.

Dougie Brimson

One follow-up question, do you think that I should make them aware that I will be looking at taking action?

Mike Boas

That’s another question for your lawyer, who can judge whether you have a leg to stand on.

Mike Childress
Dictionary Entry Pages After the Title Page

Howdy Folks,

Not trying to incite a Sunday night ideological riot here, but I have seen the captioned pages in many scripts I have perused. My current feature script title made me think about them again. Something to be shunned or embraced generally? I guess they kind of make sense for obscure terms?...

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Dan MaxXx

Dont care either way, quotes before page 1; As an ex reader all I really care about was page count (less is better) and whose name & reps were on title page. If big agencies like CAA, WMA submitted their clients scripts with page quotes, it must be right.

Scott Sawitz

I did it on my feature and no one gave a shit... as long as it helps theme, etc, it doesn't matter.

Mike Childress

Obviously if the the guidelines of the individual(s) who are actually reading your spec stuff were universal across the board there would be way less FNG writing chaos questions. "It doesn't matter",...

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CJ Walley

Mike Childress, it happens every year with the competition finalists and each time a big spec sale happens. All the people who harp on about formatting read the scripts and do a shocked Pikachu face w...

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Mike Childress

CJ Walley I THINK I kind of did myself in by reading as much as I did about screenwriting in a short period of time. The spectrum of opinions (On the gasp Interwebz) on EVERYTHANG is as wide as The Mi...

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Aaron Heinrich
Career Call with Chris Sablan

A couple of weeks ago, I took advantage of the opportunity to schedule a Career Consulting call with Chris Sablan - talent manager and producer with Avenue 220. What I liked about Chris is he spent some time right up front asking about me. Turns out we both lived in adjoining communities in the Bay...

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Maurice Vaughan

Congratulations on the script request, Aaron Heinrich!

Aaron Heinrich

Thank you guys. Appreciate the support.

Jim Boston

Aaron, way to GO! Here's wishing you plenty of success with "Hellbound Train" and future projects!

Jason Mirch

Hey Aaron! This is fantastic news! Congratulations on an excellent session. That is the goal of the platform and Script Services. We want to make sure that you're shortening the path to success. And it sounds like you're well on your way!

Robin Gregory

Aaron Heinrich How are you coming along with your projects?

Maurice Vaughan
Stage 32’s February 2025 Education Schedule!

The February Education schedule is up! Check out today’s blog to see the incredible webinar, classes, and labs available to the community. Don’t wait for all the spots to fill up!

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David B. Wright
"September 5" script a must read

As a student of the screenwriting craft, I'm constantly looking for the best examples to learn from. Many of the best are films from the '60s, '70s, and '80s, reflecting those eras' Hollywood studio culture. The script, "September 5' co-written by Tim Fehlbaum, has been nominated for a 2024 Oscar fo...

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Maurice Vaughan

Thanks for the script rec, David B. Wright. I'm gonna check out SEPTEMBER 5.

Pat Alexander

Agreed, read it the other night. It's a great example of how to do a chamber piece that doesn't feel like one by utilizing various screens and cycling through different points of view to constantly add conflict and context. Really great script

David B. Wright

Having now seen the film itself, I'm convinced this should have been nominated for Best Picture as well. It is as close to a perfect movie as you could hope for. I've seen all the other nominees and "September 5" tops them all.

CJ Walley

I'm sure it's a great script, but I do wonder how many people would be gushing over it if it wasn't nominated, and I wonder what the response would be if some unknown posted it for feedback on the likes of Reddit.

Dan MaxXx

For a cheap movie, (less than $2M) the production looks like $10M+ on the screen. Wonder if the filmmakers had the rights to the real ABC broadcast footage before they started scripting, or after?

Pat Alexander
Comedy Feature contest -- who submitted?

Let us know if you submitted and tell us more about your scripts!

GJ Harvey

Thx Pat. I submitted "Dad Band", logline: "When an emo-teen singer's band quits on the eve of a break-in music competition, her last hope against fierce, young rivals is for her estranged Dad to reform his aging 80s band." Good luck to all entrants!

Wal Friman

This one is about a woman who gets tired of falling for the wrong type of men and therefore breaks up with a lot of them. Hence the title.

Maurice Vaughan

Hey, Horatio Lewis Tihanyi. The Comedy Feature contest ended, but there are other contests going on, and there's gonna be new contests. Here's the contest page:

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Terry Podnar

My submission in the Stage 32 Comedy Feature Scriptwriting Contest is When Pigs Fly. It is the only script that I have co-written with another screenwriter, Ed Learner. The journey follows an unambiti...

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Neil Butler

My wife and I submitted a juicy sex comedy about a loving couple who recover some much needed romance when they start sending their two year old son to the local preschool. Their dormant sexual chemis...

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Maurice Vaughan
FREE Awards Season Scripts

Stage 32 is giving away scripts from this year’s top nominated movies for The Oscars, Golden Globes, SAG Awards, and BAFTAs for you to read and study!

55 screenplays!


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Awards Season 2025: Awards-Nominated Scripts
Awards Season 2025: Awards-Nominated Scripts
Hollywood "Awards Season" is one of the most exciting times of the year! The world's best actors and filmmakers step out in their finest fines to strut the red carpet amid the flashing lights and ador…
Joo Lee

this is awesome

Geoff Hall
Writers Digital Payments pays out over ÂŁ2 million to BBC screenwriters

Here is some good new for screenwriters who have had their work shown on the BBC or ITV.

There is also a cursory warning that writers check their contracts to make sure that WDP (Writer's Digital Payments) are included.

Since the first WDP payments were made in 2015, over ÂŁ14 million has hit the bank...

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Writers Digital Payments pays out over £2 million to BBC screenwriters - The Writers' Guild of Great Britain
Writers Digital Payments pays out over ÂŁ2 million to BBC screenwriters - The Writers' Guild of Great Britain
BBC screenwriters will have received over ÂŁ2 million in payments for viewings of their work on BBC iPlayer during 2023, in the latest distribution by Writers Digital Payments (WDP). The not-for-profit scheme, ...
Maurice Vaughan

Writers getting paid. Glad to hear it, Geoff Hall! "Writers don’t have to be members of WGGB to be eligible, or need to register. But if they are writing under a contract for a show that is to be broa...

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Iman Makki

I’m a new writer in the field and I wonder how could I be connected with the producer.

Maurice Vaughan

You could s...

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Maurice Vaughan
Screenwriting Goal for the Week

What’s your screenwriting goal(s) for this week? Outline a script, write a short script, pitch, watch a webinar, etc. I’m on the tail end of a cold, so my goal is to get back to rewriting a feature script this week.

Mike Childress

Maurice Vaughan Anything you don't write?! Treaties?

Maurice Vaughan

Haha Mike Childress. I don't write treaties. Yet. Just scripts and commercials. I have written short stories, PSAs, poems, skits, etc.

Ricki Holmes

Dig deeper into character arcs and relationships in my ensemble horror, Shadow Dance. After listening to Kay last night brilliantly dissect, and offer insight to a script during the coverage report, it made me realize I have a hell of a long way to go.

Maurice Vaughan

Rooting for you to reach that goal, Ricki Holmes! I'm working on those things with my script rewrite too. SHADOW DANCE is a catchy title. Kay knows her stuff, and she's always encouraging the communit...

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Ricki Holmes

Cheers, Maurice.

Nick Phillips
This Week's Writers Room Webcast SPECIAL DATE & TIME Thursday January 30th 11am PT | Producer Anna Henry Giving Feedback on TV Pitches in The Pitch Tank!

Hey Screenwriting Lounge! Wanted to send a reminder that this week's show will be at a SPECIAL DATE & TIME of JANUARY 30th at 11am PT. We will have Producer Anna Henry in The Pitch Tank to provide feedback on your TV pitches along with our own John Mezes of course.

Come join us, newbies encouraged t...

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Horatio Lewis Tihanyi

I'm a newbie and I'm part of the Writers Room. So consider me there. Call me Spongey Horatio cause ready to soak it all in! I can't tell you how excited I am and how much I'm looking forward to my fir...

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Maurice Vaughan

Hey, Horatio Lewis Tihanyi. Click the Zoom link in Nick's post at 11am PT tomorrow. It'll take you to the Pitch Tank.

Horatio Lewis Tihanyi

Right on Maurice and thanks you. You take better care of me then my mom did. :)))

Maurice Vaughan

You're welcome, Horatio Lewis Tihanyi.

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