
From structure to content to representation to industry trends, this is the place to discuss, share content and offer tips and advice on the craft and business of screenwriting

Donna Tiberio
Screen Writer


Donna Tiberio


Maurice Vaughan

Hi, Donna Tiberio. What's the screenplay and book marketing company?

Nick Phillips
Writers Room Webcast at a SPECIAL DAY SAME TIME SLOT Next Week! MONDAY JULY 1ST at 4PM PST! Our guest: Executive/Producer/Filmmaker Tyler Winther to Discuss the Benefits of Text to Video AI for Writers!

Hello Screenwriting Lounge! Come on over and sign up for the Writers Room and enjoy this week's Writers Room Webcast, for starters. I'll be talking to Executive/Producer/Filmmaker Tyler Winther. Tyler has been exploring the space of text to video AI, and we'll be discussing how writers and creatives...

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Mark Deuce

Thank you Nick Phillips

Nick Phillips

No problem Mark Deuce!

Maurice Vaughan
July Filmmakers Club

Join us for Stage 32ā€™s July Filmmakers Club, starting MONDAY!

For the full month of July, weā€™re going all-in as a community to master the ins and outs of Independent Filmmaking! Through FREE events such as Instagram Live Q&As and Stage 32 Lounge Ask Me Anythings with experienced industry professional...

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Brandy Camille

July is shaping up to be a hot one indeed!!

Johan Tebelius
Professional coverage and proofreading

Hello everybody, I am curious to learn your experience of and opinion on professional coverage and proofreading. Constantly I receive proposals to purchase a service from different script reading companies.

Sam Rivera

Johan Tebelius I'm glad I stumbled upon your post and would love to offer my insight on the professional reader coverage and proofreading services. I find them sov beneficial as we are always trying t...

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Brandy Camille

The minutia can take up a lot of time that not everyone has. I believe the link was shared in another comment but that is one of the services offered here at Stage 32 and it definitely merits consideration.

Nick Phillips

Johan Tebelius a writer absolutely needs a fresh set of eyes on their work. One gets too close to their writing, and that external feedback usually yields some interesting results. It can clarify area...

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Johan Tebelius

Thank you all for valuable advices and insights. Now I know a lot more.

Pat Alexander

It's always great to get Coverage on your scripts to see what's working and what's maybe not hitting the exact mark you're aiming for. All the readers who give coverage at Stage 32 have a minimum of 5...

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Nick Phillips
VERY Interesting OWA in the Writers Room! Overseas Production Company Actively Seeking Scripts to Purchase and Produce!

Hey Screenwriting Lounge! Watch this clip for details about a very cool OWA that just went up in and is only available to members of the Writers Room! If you are not a Writers Room member, send an email to to find out how to get a free month in the WR!

Mark Deuce

A hidden Gem Nick Phillips

Maurice Vaughan

Thanks, Nick Phillips! I'm about to check out the OWA!

Claude Gagne

How many screenwriters here have a website? If you do have a website, has it helped you with marketing your screenplays? Have you opened up a free website like WIX or do you have one you pay a monthly stipend? I'm thinking maybe by having a website it will help me with my screenplays to be out there...

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Mike Boas

If youā€™re trying to write for money, you should have a website to act as your calling card, with samples and contact information. Keep it simple. Donā€™t be cute, be professional.

Claude Gagne

Everyone that added a comment here; has anyone been successful with their website? Or, has it been another added inconvenience?

P. James Norris

Claude Gagne My website has gotten me jobs that I'm sure I wouldn't have gotten without it.

Claude Gagne

Maybe, Sam Iwata Aka Liu has a better place. Why not IMDB? Is it free? I better look into it. What's that other place called that has business' advertise?

Paul Zeidman
Two factors

What makes me choose the scripts I want to read?

The logline & the concept

If you can hook me with those, I'm already on your side

If the script meets or exceeds my expectations, I will not hesitate to spread the word about it

Maurice Vaughan

The logline and the concept are what I use to choose a script to read and a movie/show to watch, Paul Zeidman.

Brandy Camille

I think what's important to know is spreading the word. Just because someone may pass on a script doesn't mean they entirely disapprove of it, and they may know someone has the resources to support the project. A pass can be a great networking tool if given under the right circumstances.

Mark Deuce

Cool Beans Paul Zeidman

Tugume Benon (Benie)


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Jim Boston

Paul, I like how you think! (Thanks so doggone much for testifying!)

Maurice Vaughan
Red Carpet Roll-Out: July 2024's New Educators & Executives At Stage 32!

Stage 32 is rolling out the red carpet in todayā€™s blog for the new educators and execs joining our community.

At Stage 32 you have direct access to award-winning industry executives and professionals whoā€™ve written, produced, developed, created VFX, and represented acclaimed projects such as ANYONE B...

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John Kennedy
Writing 'Andor': A Conversation with Tony Gilroy

Hey Scriptwriters,

here's a great resource of interviews with some of the best of contemporary writers and the productions they're making.

Script caught up with Tony Gilroy to talk to us about the writing of the 'Andor' finale and what advice he has for screenwriters.

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Writing 'Andor': A Conversation with Tony Gilroy
Writing 'Andor': A Conversation with Tony Gilroy
Script caught up with Tony Gilroy to talk to us about the writing of the 'Andor' finale and what advice he has for screenwriters.
Geoff Hall
Stephen Follows - On Understanding Movie Genres & Emotions

Hereā€™s another interesting article of the data-crunching kind, from Stephen Follows. It gives a good overview and comes with this advice:

Instead, consider that this is the landscape of expect...

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Understanding movie genre emotions
Understanding movie genre emotions
At the core of any movie-watching experience are the emotions you feel. The marketers will have used all their skills to create certain emotional expectations, the movie itself will take you on a jourā€¦
Richard "RB" Botto

Agree, Geoff Hall. The level of research he puts into his studies is staggering. Fun fact, he was one of the original guest bloggers here on Stage 32 way back in 2011-2012

Geoff Hall

Oh, wow, Richard "RB" Botto Iā€™ll have to check that out.

Joel Cousins
Pitching Lord

My weakness is pitching (amongst two to 97 other things according to EX-WIFE (40's, TYPE A), but I digress. I've never been to California, but I'd love to meet this genuine guy, a LinkedIn connection. He pitches game shows. A lot. He's down to Earth. I recommend his recent book.


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Mark Deuce

Cool Beans Joel Cousins

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