
The place for all producers to discuss, share content and offer tips and advice on raising funds, setting a budget, on set strategies and all other topics related to producing a film, television or theater project

Ashley Renee Smith
Stage 32 Presents: Meet the Producers from this Year’s Cannes In-Competition Films!

Hey, All!

Did you know that you can enjoy Stage 32's expert Cannes panels with acclaimed industry professionals such as Daniel Bekerman (APPRENTICE), Steve Demmler (OH CANADA), Adriana Rotaru (MEGALOPOLIS), and Jesse Burgum (BIRD) from the comfort of your own home by clicking on today's blog!? Learn Expand post

Sam Sokolow

Thanks for sharing, Ashley Renee Smith - flagging this for my network.

Richard "RB" Botto
IATSE & Studios Reach Tentative Agreement On New Basic Agreement

Well, well. The whispers of steady, calm progress seem to have been true. Tremendous news.

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IATSE & Studios Reach Tentative Agreement On New Contracts
IATSE & Studios Reach Tentative Agreement On New Contracts
The union's current contract expires on July 31, giving both sides lots of time for ratification
Ashley Renee Smith

Fantastic!!! This is great news!

Richard "RB" Botto

Details of the pending deal

Read IATSE’s Tentative New Deals Here — Union Reveals Full Agreements Ahead Of Ratification Vote

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Sam Sokolow

Thanks for sharing this, Richard "RB" Botto - there's a lot here. Most - not all - but most of the union members I know want overtime provisions like this and depend on that extra income so they don't...

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Richard "RB" Botto

I believe they will and in overwhelming fashion.

Ashley Renee Smith
It's Not Too Late to Join This Week's July Filmmakers Club Challenges to Win a FREE Stage 32 Contest Entry!

Hey, All!

I'll be announcing the winner LIVE on Instagram @Stage32 tomorrow, Friday the 12th at 12:00 pm PT. So go join in NOW by-

1. Commenting on this week's July Filmmakers Club Blog.

2. Post in the Filmmaking Lounge sharing a favorite story from your time on set or posing a question that you'd lik...

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Sam Sokolow
Muhamed Ali's Life Gets A Scripted Series

Another sports and cultural icon is getting a scripted series based on their life, this time at Amazon. I can't think of anyone more deserving than Mohamed Ali for this type of ongoing series. An American sports version of THE CROWN. It feels like the dominance of sports documentaries and live sport...

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Muhammad Ali Authorized Scripted Series a Go at Amazon
Muhammad Ali Authorized Scripted Series a Go at Amazon
Michael B. Jordan will exec produce a scripted TV series about the life of boxing great Muhammad Ali, with Jaalen Best set to play the champ.
Tom Lapke

If anyone knows if this is a good idea, it is going to be Sam Sokolow

Dan MaxXx

Spike Lee has been trying to make a Jackie Robinson movie for 30+ years. Maybe a limited tv series will work

Sam Sokolow

Dan MaxXx - I would watch a Jackie Robinson series immediately!!! I hope that happens!

Maurice Vaughan

Shaq, Sam Sokolow.

Sam Sokolow
Ryan Murphy takes on Aaron Hernandez

So much to unpack here. Sports tragedy as TV drama - I can't think of anyone better than Ryan Murphy for this. The documentary was riveting so I will definitely tune in. Tony Award winner Norbert Leo Butz is inspired casting as Bill Belichek.

Will this launch a whole new franchise for Murphy? What s...

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Amanda Toney

I have so many questions about this. Really curious about Ryan Murphys take on Hernandez. fascinating story.

Tom Lapke

As a Florida Gator, I followed Hernandez's story very closely. I really feel like this needs to be treated delicately and with respect. I am not sure if Ryan Murphy is the person for that.

Fiona Miller
Submit a project to Netflix, Prime…

Hello ! I’m searching a way to submit a TV show pilot to platforms, my project can look like One Three Hill in French adaptation with football in base. So I thought that some of you could help me to find a way to submit my project ? I’m open to all streaming platforms or even TV chanel. I’m French b...

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Richard "RB" Botto

Hi Fiona Miller. Drop the Success Team a line at and they can point you in the right direction....

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Sam Sokolow

One Tree Hill was such a great show. The Success Team is a great idea, Fiona Miller. Stage 32 has remarkable people they can align you with. Wishing you huge success with it!...

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Ashley Renee Smith

Stage 32 has a wonderful FREE webinar pitch workshop that you can check out:

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Fiona Miller

Thank you all, I’ll go check all your content !

Amanda Toney

hi Fiona, our fearless leader and CEO RB has a really great video that talks about this, I would recommend watching it here

Sam Sokolow
"A Fistful Of Dollars" remake in the works

If you're a huge Spaghetti Western fan like me this is gigantic news. Remakes are hit or miss and this is a true classic. I can't wait to hear who they cast to play Joe (Clint's character). And who is going to do the music? And play Ramón? Or Marisol? My head is spinning. Are there any classic weste...

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Ashley Renee Smith

I just saw this announcement earlier this morning, Sam Sokolow! I'm pretty excited that Westerns may be making another comeback.

Alejandro Marello
I need your help

I need help to produce a web series

what are the steps to follow?

any link that can help me or here in stage32 that can advise me

Sydney Summers

Hey, Alejandro! Nice to meet you :) My name is Sydney and I am on the Stage 32 education team. I would be more than happy to always recommend you education to help you on your creative journey. You ca...

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Maia Buljeta

Hey Alejandro Marello ! Along with a free film/tv show production guide, I recently created a free unlimited no-signup no-ads film/tv show planning software - I hope it helps you! https://wixsite.us8....

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Alejandro Marello

Maia Buljeta That is spectacular. I see it now. thank you very much!

Pamela Jaye Smith

You might also visit the websites of various International Web Series Festivals where some have videos of panels and presentations by the series creators and others -- all giving tips for creating web...

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Sam Sokolow
July FIlmmakers Club - Don't Miss This AMA!

Happy Tuesday, my friends!

Don't miss out on this week's FREE virtual Stage 32 July Filmmakers Club blog, events, challenges, and prize giveaway! In partnership with Blackmagic Design, Filmmakers Club is an opportunity to network and expand your knowledge about filmmaking directly from working indus...

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Benjamin Elliott

This is going to be great.

Sam Sokolow
Apple's Bruckheimer-Kosinski-Pitt F1 movie looks amazing

A $300 million budget is pretty hefty - that's Avatar area - but this feels like a must-watch film and Apple is taking another big swing. Bruckheimer-Kosinski-Pitt is high voltage. I can't wait for this. What are your thoughts?

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Maurice Vaughan

I was like "whoa!" when I saw the budget, Sam Sokolow. I think a F1 movie needs a huge budget though. But like Jerry Bruckheimer said in the article, there are things that lower the budget....

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Willem Elzenga

The first thing that struck me is that F1 car drivers (TV-Stars) are much younger than Pitt. F1 has a huge following but I am not sure Pitt has enough starpower to pull the mass into the cinemas.

Dan MaxXx

If they say $300M budget, it is probably closer to $450M. I guess Pitt does actual F1 driving, similar to Tom Cruise making TG:Maverick. They figured a way to mount cameras

Göran Johansson
Filming abroad?

The governments in many countries tries to attract foreign filmmakers. Attract those who have money. Except for tax incentives, what would encourage you to film abroad?

When it comes to filming in my native country. We are far from the equator, so the sun is lower over the horizon, which makes it ea...

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Lindbergh E Hollingsworth

When shooting in any foreign country a few things are taken into consideration. What are the requirements for the script/story? Is there a good crew base (meaning can I fully crew/staff a movie), or d...

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Sam Sokolow

I agree with Lindbergh E Hollingsworth - a great crew base that knows how to team with creative leads to make a high quality film is the biggest pairing with a tax incentive that I can think of....

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Willem Elzenga

You can have a weather insurrance in the Netherlands. For me filming abroad is all about locations - and how will they add to the story. I would never go abroad for money being the prime incentive, its creative business.

Göran Johansson

Dear friends, your comments are very interesting. Anyone who wants to add anything more?

Ashley Renee Smith
Indie Filmmaking: How To Wrap A Win

Hey Producers,

In today's blog, learn how Dutch independent director/producer Joshua van’t Hoff has approached making his award-winning indie films!

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Joshua Van ’t Hoff

DT Houston, Nice to meet a fellow night shifter. You're free to borrow my guerrilla filmmaking techniques ;) Thank you for your words!

DT Houston

Hey, Joshua Van ’t Hoff, what are you working on in 2024? Nice to meet you, too...

Joshua Van ’t Hoff

DT Houston, I'm having an action/comedy short film in post-production and it's fun to work on it! What about you?

DT Houston

That's cool, Joshua Van ’t Hoff I love action/comedy! I write in that lane quite a bit. I'm currently busy with a pair of feature drama projects. Jeff Buckley is a music biopic of the iconic 90s singe...

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Joshua Van ’t Hoff

DT Houston, my apologies for the late reply; I'm not often online here. Awesome to read what you're working on, thanks for sharing. I really like Jeff Buckley's music, so it's great that a biopic is m...

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