Excited to connect with the community! If you haven't registered do so here: https://www.stage32.com/webinars/Ask-Me-Anything-with-Stage-32-CEO-Richa...
Excited to connect with the community! If you haven't registered do so here: https://www.stage32.com/webinars/Ask-Me-Anything-with-Stage-32-CEO-Richa...
7 people like this
Excited for this!! RB is such a wealth of knowledge and has great perspective on the industry.
6 people like this
Very excited for this. LOVE the positivity of the staff, lounge moderators and colleagues!
5 people like this
Question: How do you see the trends in mediums (AI, VR, etc.) influencing the genres of stories we tell?
5 people like this
Question: Is it frowned upon for a screenwriter to send a series pilot and lookbook to multiple producers at once?
4 people like this
Question: How much of your series do you outline in advance by the time you start writing the pilot?
4 people like this
What's the appropriate amount of time to wait after sending a pilot to a producer before following up? I've heard everything from 2 weeks to 2 months. Thank you.
5 people like this
Question: In the past few years the trend for mergers & acquisitions among legacy studios has created a climate of consolidation within the industry - do you think this will have the effect of simplifying/streamlining the studio pitching process, or will it actually make it more difficult because there are less studio execs for us to pitch to?
4 people like this
Hello from Peoria County, Illinois, United States!
4 people like this
Naperville, Illinois
4 people like this
Near Raleigh NC
4 people like this
Tuning in from Rancho Palos Verdes
4 people like this
San Diego
4 people like this
Q: Hi RB, Thanks for your time. I made a film that was in 3 high level festivals in California, had sold out screenings on my tour, and it has an 8.3 rating on imDb yet i have not sold it. I had an "in" to get it to netflix yet they never watched it. I even screened 10 times at the Laemmlesin L.A for this purpose but they didn't show up. I have no agent, no rep, nothing at this point. I get letters from people who have loved my film and they ask, "Why isnt it on Netflix"?. How do I sell my film? No one returns my queries, icluding Jason Blum who I worked with. I just want the people to see this film as it has been called a gift to the world. It would be nice to have it on a platform. Thank you, Matteo from Petalua California
4 people like this
Tuning in from the Sunshine State, Florida
4 people like this
Coming to you from Fort Lauderdale, Florida!
4 people like this
Hello from Las Vegas NV!
4 people like this
Hey! Tuning in from Cambridge, Ontario, Canada! :)
4 people like this
Hello from Virginia Beach, Virginia
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Joining from Ann Arbor, Michigan
4 people like this
Sonoma County, Ca.
4 people like this
Somerset in England. Good evening!
4 people like this
Hello from Riyadh - Saudi Arabia :) ..
4 people like this
Tuning in from Montclair NJ!
4 people like this
Hello hello S32! Amanda! & of course RB! from Vancouver Canada!
5 people like this
Hello RB and team, Iowa here.
4 people like this
Hi from Queens, NY!!
4 people like this
Tuning in from South Wales, UK (whiskey in hand, hiding from the rain...)
4 people like this
Tuning in from the UK.
Question: I read that character descriptions in screenplays are getting shorter, sometimes being omitted completely. Have you seen this trend?
5 people like this
I'm from Philly. Home of the runner ups
4 people like this
Abu Dhabi
4 people like this
Greetings from Berlin!
4 people like this
Question: Will the possible industry strike affect indie productions?
4 people like this
Hello from White Salmon, WA, USA
4 people like this
Hi from Chicago,IL
4 people like this
Question: do filmmakers prefer royalty free music they can buy that's already created and available for purchase, or bespoke music? If royalty free music, which licensing company is the most popular? If bespoke music, how/where do they find composers?
4 people like this
4 people like this
Hello from Chicago. Excited to be here.
4 people like this
Hi from Long Island NY. Hope everyone is well
3 people like this
Like you RB i've put in my 10,000 hours in my craft. I've written 24 features & 4 TV pilots. My question is how does Stage 32 handle 1st time writers compared to old vets like me. All I need is to be repped. Tx Mike in Reno.
4 people like this
Dallas, Texas
5 people like this
Denver. Send HEAT!
4 people like this
Hello from Nevada! :)
4 people like this
Hi Richard! Would be very interested to know you opinion on such topic.
Imagine you received an awesome screenplay that excites you greatly and you feel it might bring you and you team millions of profit.
And then you discover that the Author is the resident of the territory banned/forbidden for cooperation by US government.
What would you do?
And what would you recommend to such Author from the forbidden location who would wish to sell his screenplay to Stage32 or participate in contest?
For example, should he hide his location? Or there are some other options for cooperation ?
4 people like this
Hello from Mill Valley, CA
5 people like this
Hi, from Norway!
4 people like this
RB, you posted on Twitter, "Goin in" in front of the gates of Paramount Pictures. I was so happy and excited for you and also green with envy. My question is... How did that feel? :)
4 people like this
Thanks to Stage32 Networking, executives, and classes, I am at the point where I'm developing a feature based off my IP. QUESTION: How much easier is it for a good quality product to be picked up by a streamer - one packed up and ready to film?
4 people like this
What are the next steps after you successfully pitch a television series to a producer?
4 people like this
Thank you for the opportunity to become a part of this community and the experience of winning the TV pilot competition. It has been an honor. Amazing feedback on the writing; however, it is representation that is stopping the series from going to the next steps. Any advise on getting representation?
4 people like this
Question: how important is having a twitter following, or an online presence, for a writer looking to be staffed?
5 people like this
Hi RB. What’s the most sought out film genre at the moment that big productions wants to produce.
4 people like this
The only thing my Yale screenwriting professor did not prepare me for is the Ageism that exists in Hollywood. The attitude I get from all these 30-something Execs is "Why would I want to work with Santa?" I don't have 10 years to finally get a studio meeting like my fellow student Creighton Rothenberger for his "Olympus Has Fallen." No Lit Mans will even talk to me. I am shooting my 10th SAG Short next month for the SAG-Aftra Member Showcase reopening after 4 years. Any other ideas?
3 people like this
It should be based on minutes viewed now
6 people like this
Question: what future plans does Stage 32 have? What future classes do you plan to bring to us?
4 people like this
in 2023, what will be in more demand? Features or TV/Web series. Are Mid budget features losing their sheen?
3 people like this
Are there any trends re: topics? racism, law enforcement is the story I have been working on. Wondering what is hot/not.
7 people like this
Great video about reading the trades: https://www.instagram.com/reel/CbFxCXggWUj/
6 people like this
Question: Why is your lava lamp orange like Cincinnati instead of green like the Jets?
4 people like this
Will stage32 attend this year's Cannes film festival?
7 people like this
Question: What is considered an ideal contract with a company for a first-time screenwriter?
5 people like this
Best online stage ever here! Here since 5 years blessed to found great contacts in filmbusiness kept my projects going. For all the new screenwriters here, this is the greatest online community ever thanks RB Botto and his team. Keep creating and learning the craft.
4 people like this
@stuartpackeractor walks into a bar x
5 people like this
I'm casting for my next feature, and would like to cast (hopefully) at least one B actor. Since mine will be an indie with a budget of under 1M, how can I approach actors with the strategy of using back-end points? Also is it better to ask around to see if anyone knows the actor(s) personally, or always go through their agents and/or managers?
3 people like this
I'm a music composer. How to do I picth my music to producers or directors? Or anyone else in the industry.
4 people like this
Greetings from India RB, am loving the educational and community side of Stage 32. My question relates to the financing of premium television outside of the platforms. There seems to be a trend toward premium drama series being financed by global distributors via their associated production companies with whom they have slate deals as opposed to congested platforms. Such as All3Media, Freemantle and other global operators who seem to be making and syndicating without anchor broadcasters attached. Your take please?
4 people like this
Question - any link too a course about how-to protect your story idea?
6 people like this
I have 2 questions... 1) I was always wondering does Stage32 has any plans for getting into its own Production and producing movies/series? And, 2) Is there anything we can do to improve the overall pitching process with executives and make it a little bit more interactive?
4 people like this
Most of us know Variety and The Hollywood Reporter, are there any other trades you recommend?
5 people like this
I'd like to soley create (and sell) scripted television shows; is that possible to do without staying on as a writer for the life of the series? Can I simply be a show creator and operate as a non-writing producer/consulting producer (or not) instead? And if so, what's the path?
4 people like this
HI RB and congrats on your latest project is sold. Is there a demand for assistants or coordinators for those who want to break into the industry? I have taken classes, written pilots, and done background work in a career workshopping program prepping to pitch. Is it frowned upon to put Career Break on a resume due to an extended parenting break?
2 people like this
Who are the big business voices you're tuning into today. Who are you following for your business advice?
3 people like this
Is there any benefit to an author being the person to write the script based on their own books? Does it tend to help if you have written both?
2 people like this
Any advice how to advance more in the industry (from an office PA to a writer in a writers' room)?
2 people like this
What can we do as content creators amongst our stage 32 to leverage our expertise to engage differently with network/distributors? i.e., I have film financing/
fundraising background
2 people like this
I read a few scripts that were on the top of black list. But the most mind-blowing
the script was the 10th position "dying for you". Are they kinda rigged?
1 person likes this
How do I put together a short film if I don't have a large budget? Do film festivals still accept & consider films filmed with iPhones?
3 people like this
Writer here. what genres are hot now and what genres do you see coming into demand? I've heard happy comedy and family content but am seeing action and thriller demand.
3 people like this
Hey RB, authentic representation is very important to me. How do I present myself and my writing to be seen by those who are looking for this kind of representation?
2 people like this
Mark Wahlburg wants to bring more film production to Las Vegas. Are any studios looking to build sound stages here? Lots of available land.
2 people like this
Loving these insights RB ! I am writer, director from India. What are your thoughts on using short film as a proof of concept for a feature and what are the best avenues to take it forward in the current market?
7 people like this
Hey from Greenville, North Carolina! Thanks for having this "AMA," RB! Thanks for moderating, Amanda!
3 people like this
Thank you for the opportunity to become a part of this community and the experience of winning the TV pilot competition. It has been an honor. Amazing feedback on the writing; however, it is representation that is stopping the series from going to the next steps. Any advise on getting representation?
3 people like this
Any advise for introverts on networking? :P
3 people like this
This is really good!
4 people like this
I am developing a feature from my IP - how would you go about recruiting excellent Stage32 talent - director/producers etc...that will not open the flood gates at the job board? I am looking to package and get the project filmed myself...step by step of course. I've spent 5 years back and forth with executives and Stage32 education getting ready for this point. PART 2 of question:
Is there a pipeline via Stage32 I can utilize to gain some exposure for a finished product?
www.badrabbitpictures..com to present an idea of project.
8 people like this
RB's potpourri of excellence lol
4 people like this
Greetings, everyone and thank you to RB! For the opportunity to share my project.. I'm happy to be here to meet my possible new team? And start a great Film/TV Series Project. In CA.
3 people like this
Hi RB, do you think Interactive shows or movies have future?
3 people like this
Thanks for sharing your knowledge, RB! I was wondering - do you see any developing distribution platforms that consider short form content? Besides YouTube -- (looking for potential monetizing platforms that can be used to attract investors to a short project.)
4 people like this
I did use the Question/Chat box but in case it's not transferred: With RBs suggestion about writing both a Bollywood and Hollywood version of the same pilot or feature what happened when one side is sold? Can you still sell the other. I am in this situation at the moment. I am working with a Producer with feet in both camps and not sure whether he will find funding first within India or Europe.
4 people like this
So excited to "show up" here! It's 3:53AM in the Philippines! Learning so much from this brilliant human being! :)
3 people like this
What do you think will be the future for indigenous stories and representation in film and television? ❤️
3 people like this
I agree with RB about Hulu.
3 people like this
Hey, RB. It's MB coming in from the valley of the sun. Better late than never. RB dropping dimes. Onward and upward everyone.
2 people like this
Love it!
3 people like this
Excellent advice. Thanks All!
3 people like this
How do you handle delays in having your questions answered by the board of directors? management? support?
During a board meeting, my social media pages is displaying the following
A couple having sex
A woman twerking
I sent so many messages to support I just gave up. I made a comedy out of it by saying if they were auditioning for one of my projects, they were at the wrong meeting.
By the way, I handled it by posting my membership in Reputationdefender.com which I have been a member for over 10 years. The weeks that these things happened impacted my reputation and credibility as a business and CEO. You have probably read some of my posts regarding these things which I’m turning into comedy sketches.
Not being able to post my business material. Or having an admirer send you pictures of his personal stuff, discussing it with him by explaining that you could be his mother.
I ask because when time is crucial and money, how do you handle it as a professional and positive member of the organization?
My background is Human Resource Management and having worked on such a high level where customer service is paramount.
Please have support fix my link to have my photos pop up properly.
4 people like this
I have been part of writers' groups, and the people were great and top-notch. They inspired me to keep writing, but there was no feedback. With Stage 32, I feel like I have direction, education, and the ability to ask questions and get helpful answers.
Stage 32 is amazing! Thank you so much for all you do for all of us! :)
4 people like this
What are the essential components of.an effective series bible as part and parcel of tv pilot pitch?
4 people like this
Never change RB, love your authenticity! :-)
5 people like this
What is/are the significance of your rings?
3 people like this
Any writers here working on scripts about climate change effects? Finished a feature Genre Scientific Fantasy Drama. Would love to talk about it.
5 people like this
I love RB's perspective on rejection!
3 people like this
Thanks RB, that's quite reassuring !
3 people like this
Hi RB --- I have 2 projects, 1-pilot and 1-teen comedy feature that are placing in multiple script competitions just the last 2mos. I think I'm at 9 placements between the two. What is the best way to bring these projects, that are getting a lot of traction, to the attention of the industry professionals that are looking for content?
5 people like this
Thank you RB for your time. This is priceless!
4 people like this
If I have shorts on my YouTube channel I can still sell? They have bankable stars like Jaeden Martel and Ed Asner.
4 people like this
Agree RB, more streamers are interested in shorts now. One of my short films is currently streaming on Disney+ in India and has just crossed 200k views :)
3 people like this
Thanks RB for answering :) Learned a lot
3 people like this
Thank you for the How to edit your trailers webinar. In reviewing IMDB and now my own, I needed this. As always you and the team have the resources.
Lastly, what if a person close to you is unhappy with your success, how do you handle it if you have done everything you could, I mean everything?
For those who may need funding help with the paid services on Stage 32, https://www.scholarships.com/financial-aid/college-scholarships/scholars...
3 people like this
Some days winning is just not getting fired from your day job. :(
4 people like this
It's introduce yourself weekend, take a minute to introduce yourself: https://www.stage32.com/lounge/introduce_yourself
3 people like this
Adding on to this talk on mental health, sharing the link for a blog post I wrote recently on Stage 32 - https://www.stage32.com/blog/how-to-break-negative-thought-patterns-3249
3 people like this
Hello Mr Botto. I am a 23 year old screenwriter. I am going to a pitch session and have been preparing for it for so long. Due to my age, will this impact my chances for representation and tips for going into the meeting?
3 people like this
Attended this session is like having an energy drink and getting a wake up call simultaneously !
3 people like this
This has been amazing, thank you!! Gotta go, the police have arrived. Next time!
2 people like this
When are you putting together another in person networking event Rob?
3 people like this
Hi RB, how can a indie filmmaker get product placement for their project?
2 people like this
Sorry RB =)
2 people like this
The meetings where wonderful; however, the need for representation was stopping for any decision making opportunities. Any advise on getting reputation?
3 people like this
There is an object blocking the C, so your poster reads, "Coffee's for Losers
3 people like this
Not harsh at all.....love it all!
2 people like this
What are the other places to network other than stage 32 for international writers?
3 people like this
Stage 32 Mission: https://www.stage32.com/content/our-mission
3 people like this
Is the logline important? If so, should it primarily highlight the protagonist, the big twist or the film's message?
2 people like this
That is so fantastic! I am so excited for you, RB!
1 person likes this
Thank you, Lucy and Desi for the gift of Paramount. Great studio.
2 people like this
Hi everyone. How does one tackle deadlines, without feeling or seeing deadline like a pressure to get your work out there or without rushing the process of the project?
3 people like this
I really appreciate that! This was my first step in reaching my goal. Recently I heard Brian Koppleman on a podcast where he shared his experience in high school and how he didn't allow what the teachers thought of him dictate his future. I unfortunately did. I have been for the past 30 years. Hearing his experience, was an epiphany, it allowed me to figure out where my fear of trying was coming from and silent those voices. However it turns out now, it won't be from a fear of tying.
Thank you for having me in our community. Wishing you all good health and prosperity!
3 people like this
State Tax Credits
If you had a delay in applying and are revisiting it in the new year and the point of contact seems to have the same concerns, is setting up a professional grant committee and ensuring everything is accurate enough?
The delays caused me some personal and business issues. I even had a professional subject matter expert , a member of your bloggers, review their feedback.
Here’s how I’m handling it thus far.
Sent a copy of John Rodsett’s blog.
Sent a copy of State Tax Credit information.
Setting up grant professional committee.
Ensuring my Stage 32 Project Page is ready.
Ensuring that my additional information is ready.
2 people like this
entertainment lawyer recommendations?
2 people like this
2.17.2023 Very well then! I shall pose a query, none have been able to answer correctly- - - word for word as I have written it. This is my riddle a challenge beyond Einstein's Riddle of Who Has The Fish. Which I solved in a little over four hours time. It was said by Einstein that perhaps 6% of the world's population could or would be able to solve his Riddle. It was very cleverly constructed! It took a LOT for me to solve it. I didn't have to. There were answers on-line had I wanted to just see the solve. However, I don't care to cheat. And so I took on the challenge. Afterward, I asked myself the question, :Could 'I' create a riddle that would be so difficult to solve?" And within minutes . . . I had done so. I wrote it down exactly as it came to me. And my guesstimate is that, "Perhaps 1% (Yes! Only one percent) of the world's population will be able to solve it, word for word. Thus far, only two have come close, but nearly ALL have come with truly wonderful attempts/answers. I enjoy seeing my fellow human beings showing such depth and measure. Now then! With all that shared... WHO of you here at @stage32 #stage32 would take on My Challenge to try and solve my Riddle? Hmm! . . . any takers? Well, here is it just for FUN. (I hope) My Riddle is this:
"How does one gain Value from Life?" (<<<--- Yep! That's the riddle that has stumped thousands before you. Do you think you can solve it, where others have not?)
Here's the Rule: The solve must be 'Word for word exactly as I answered the riddle!
Here's the HINT I have given to anyone and everyone who has tried to solve it:
HINT: "Thee answer to my riddle IS WITHIN the riddle itself" Good Luck! :--))
Cheers mates! What do you gain about 'who I am' from what I just shared? Can you define me from this alone?
We shall see . . . :--)) Have a great New Day! HAPPY New FRIDAY!!! Kindly always, Sir Nicholas in Seattle 2.17.2023 12:47pm (pst)
2 people like this
Very interesting, Amanda! Thank you! :)
2 people like this
Definitely. Thank you! Appreciate the information RB is sharing!
4 people like this
My name is Manasi and I am a writer, director, and producer based in Los Angeles, CA.
Thank you for this platform and all the insight. I had the pleasure of meeting you, RB, at the Austin Film Festival last year. I have been pitching on Stage 32 and my question is - Do all the executives I pitch to, have access to the scorecards from other execs I have previously pitched? Also, a couple of times, the executive requested the material, and once the material was submitted, they never got back with their review and I ended up getting a free pitch. What to do in such a scenario, as I feel I lost a chance at something that could have worked out?
Thank you for all you that you do to keep this platform going.
2 people like this
What will be your process in putting the writers' room together now that you have this project green lite?
3 people like this
This is serious "Platinum Mine" of tangible, practical, insightful information. Thank you, thank you RB!
5 people like this
How to write a pitch deck: https://www.stage32.com/webinars/Write-Your-Professional-Pitch-Bible
2 people like this
My twin sister, Ashley Carvalho, went to Sundance with you and Jacob Krueger back in 2015. She remembers your honesty and great convo...it's why I joined Stage32. Love hearing your common sense, so thanks for all your hard work!
2 people like this
Is the sports drama coming back.
2 people like this
There used to be a resource called facts on pacts; for pod deals is there any resource like that now?
2 people like this
This has been so enlightening. Thank you Amanda abd RB. I feel better about the possibilities of repping myself, but will be honest and say that I am still nervous as a new screen writer.
2 people like this
What is your favorite genre?
2 people like this
This was a fantastic Webinar! Thanks again for your time, RB & Amanda!
3 people like this
Do you know you blocked the C on your poster and it looks like Coffee is for Losers
2 people like this
Favorite Comfort food.
2 people like this
Rapid Fire: Best place to network in person for writers who want to write for screen outside of Stage 32, especially if don't have any experience or connections in the industry. Conference? etc.
2 people like this
Steven Speilberg or James Cameron?
3 people like this
Connect with John Mezes here: https://www.stage32.com/profile/816156/about
2 people like this
Rapid Fire: RB, hamburger or taco? Thanks for all the great info RB and Amanda. Onward and upward.
2 people like this
:-) Andy Silverman
2 people like this
Great advice on the entrepreneurial approach RB, you had your project out to 4 production companies until one said take it off the market, right?
3 people like this
Thank you RB and team, over the last three years, I have shared more than my entire life. Being a hr professional where privacy and confidential go hand and hand, also I must have been a spy in another life, I have worked through so many personal issues.
I update my projects almost daily and am excited about writing daily again.
If anyone needs information on myself and projects, visit my project page
2 people like this
This has been great. Thanks so much, RB!!
2 people like this
(With apologies to Groucho...) Ask you anything? What's the capital of North Dakota?
2 people like this
Thank you, Amanda and RB. Fantastic webinar! Thank you for sharing your time with us. :)
2 people like this
My camera went blank and hour ago, but still listening :)
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Rapid Fire: RB, what's one genre you want to write (that you haven't written)?
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Is there an age ceiling to breaking into the business as a writer?
2 people like this
What a fun idea, Amanda! I definitely will be posting!
2 people like this
Banshees is the best
2 people like this
RB, Who is your favorite superhero, and why?
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Rapid fire- Make money or make Art
3 people like this
Favorite vacation place?
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I'm gonna resurrect my Instagram and post there. But Facebook is where my network is.
2 people like this
Army or Navy?
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What kind of car do you drive?
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Andy Silverman - LOL! Just saw that. The Coffee poster issue can be summed up in one word... parallax.
3 people like this
Queens or Brooklyn?!
2 people like this
Thank you, Amanda and RB. Fantastic webinar! Thank you for sharing your time with us. :)
3 people like this
Thanks Amanda and RB for your time! Amazing teamwork.
4 people like this
Wow, the last two hours have been extremely enlightening. As a new screenwriter, your insight has been fabulous! Thank you so much, both of you!
4 people like this
Thanks guys,
5 people like this
Awesome moments with you, RB & the lovely, smoothy Amanda! Fantastic job!
4 people like this
Many thanks, Amanda and RB! Loved it!
3 people like this
And we have to go watch Scorsese movies together!
5 people like this
Thank you Amanda & RB and ALL at Stage32! S32 HAS CHANGED THE TRAJECTORY of my LIFE AND CAREER at a very painful turning point! I am ETERNAL GRATEFUL!!! I AM putting myself out there! THANK YOU!!!!!!
2 people like this
I wish RB answered the question how Stage 32 can help and champion more creatives - not just writers!!
5 people like this
Thank you.
5 people like this
Thanks for the incredible AMA, RB! Thanks for moderating, Amanda! One thing RB said that really stood out was, "If you want a seat at the table and you can't get one, go build a table."
2 people like this
@maurice Vaughan, I'm in my shed building. Onward and upward.
4 people like this
Please let me know when the transcript is available for review.
5 people like this
Thank you Amanda and RB! Love this informative webinar.
5 people like this
Wonderful AMA! Let us know when the video is ready for sharing. I want to bring some of my Facebook friends to Stage 32.
4 people like this
Great illustration of BYOD Method (Bring Your Own Device) whatever technology you have, you can do business. That’s how my company works.
Thank you for the recommendations regarding representation. I just need to do my research. Some personal challenges caused delays. But if agents and managers have reviewed my stuff, I hope to conduct the career development calls soon. I’m think I’m more than ready. Lots of examples and illustrations.
9 people like this
Blown away by the love and support today, everyone! Thanks to everyone who tuned in, especially those who stayed up into sunrise! Phenomenal questions! Completely grateful!
9 people like this
Deborah Jennings - It's the same answer. Get out there, make yourself visible, treat networking like your job, which it is. How much time do you dedicate a day to making relationships. If it's less than 30 minutes and if you're not doing it every day, reevaluate. As I mentioned, audit your time and look at how much you're giving away. It's your most valuable asset, use it wisely.
3 people like this
@Richard "RB" Botto, we got to use our non-refundable minutes wisely. Thanks for sharing your journey with the community. Onward and upward.
3 people like this
My question and followup was never addressed and I got on early. Amanda didnt respond.
No one in this "industry" is willing to help. I was urged to join your group, and then asked a question that never got addressed.
I need help. By serendipity, I have gotten the film to Jon Stewart, Stanley Tucci, Jimmy Kimmel, and Ornella Muti, and the correspondence always gets intercepted and quashed by their handlers.
I have no agent, no rep, no manager, no distributor and no connections.
I made a great film and its is the world's loss, as well as mine.
What a horrible business this is. I'm tapped out in every way and was hoping to at least have my question answered.
Here is what I wrote:
Q: Hi RB, Thanks for your time. I made a film about Naples, pizza and the art of making something from nothing, shot in Italy. It was in 3 high level festivals in California, had sold out screenings on my tour, and it has an 8.3 rating on imDb yet i have not sold it. I had an "in" to get it to netflix yet they never watched it. I even screened 10 times at the Laemmle In L.A for this purpose but they didn't show up. I have no agent, no rep, nothing at this point. I get letters from people who have loved my film and they ask, "Why isn't it on Netflix"?. How do I sell my film? No one returns my queries, including Jason Blum who I worked with. I just want the people to see this film as it has been called a gift to the world. It would be nice to have it on a platform. Thank you, Matteo
"The movie’s energy, ebullience, vivid scenery and pizza porn keep us watching" - LATimes
4 people like this
Thank you RB & Amanda the amazing webcast. It's so informative. Have a fantastic weekend everyone. Keep creating.
7 people like this
Thank you everyone for joining us today. I do hope you all introduce yourself for introduce yourself weekend, let's all step out of the shadows and connect! https://www.stage32.com/lounge/introduce_yourself
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Matteo Troncone - thanks for your comment. During the AMAs we have thousands of people on the webcast and I do my best to moderate the questions from 2 different chat rooms. Unfortunately I can't get to everyones or am able to see them all since there are hundreds in there. Congratulations on completing your film and getting it screened! You will need the support of a production company with a pod deal with Netflix in order for you to present the film for them to acquire. Also, the food space on Netflix is very difficult for stand along titles. Boardwalk has the stranglehold on producing food content for Netflix currently (they have done several webinars for us). And, I've had many colleagues pitch some high level food shows with huge celebrity attachments that haven't gotten picked up because it's a saturated genre for them. One of my colleagues has the #1 food show in New York with over 200 episodes and in each episode it has a celebrity, as well as a celeb host and he hasn't been able to get it sold. It's a tough space, but I encourage you to stick with it and don't give up. We've had a lot of blog posts, lounge discussions and webinars that have discussed this space, so I'd recommend taking the time to do your research on Stage 32. Once you know the players, the landscape and then formulate your approach, then I'd put the plan in place to reach out for the next step to try and get your film acquired. Remember, you're competing with hundreds of other food projects that they get pitched, so yours really has to stand out.
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Matteo - I understand your problem. Since you are in Italy, I would suggest you try to get in touch with Alexia Melocchi who is an Exec on Stage 32. She speaks many languages and also shops projects worldwide. I hope you connect with her and she can market your project with success.
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Thank you, RB and Amanda. It was a wonderful learning experience. Looking forward to the next one.
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Thank you for hosting this useful and informative chat. I learned many things I can put into use.
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Yes, the webcast was good and I always appreciate what RB is doing in this industry to make it more filmmaker friendly. I introduced myself at AFM and he was genuine and encouraging. Unfortunately, I need some assistance. I purchased a Stage 32 workshop but when I tried to access it, it does not play and reads, "error loading player: no playable sources found." I have sent multiple requests for assistance but haven't received any resolution. Has anyone had this issue and has been able to resolve it? I truly want to thank all of you in this community for making this a community!
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I am sorry to hear this Rodrick. My assessment is that Stage 32 has grown so fast since I first joined it that there are now so many people employed by them and feedback takes longer and the personal touch is no longer there.
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Thanks so much Deborah and Rebecca for your empathy and prompt response-it renews my faith in the strength of this community :) Rebecca, yes, I tried that from the beginning but keep getting the same response. It was for the Workshop "How to Find and Work with Tax Incentives – with a Walkthrough of an Online Application." Hopefully, someone will see this correspondence and help. God bless you and please reach out to me. If there is anything that I can do to help you in any of your projects, please don't hesitate to reach out, as I am a practicing attorney and have advised dozens of film production companies and filmmakers on the legal aspects of film production. God bless!
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Wow Roderick that you are an attorney. I think Stag 32 had great ideas and ambitions to help creatives but they have grown so much and there is no personal connection anymore. They claim networking is key! But it takes so much more than that to get traction for a project. My project is a $100 Million project and needs a studio! Stage 32 is too small scale for that. I continue to pay for connections and hope for the right "fit". But in reality, most of their "Execs" are at the bottom of the totem pole and can't take a project where it needs to go.
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@Rodrick - I checked with our member support tickets and we responded to you within 48 hours of your request with the direct link to the class because we had a tech issue syncing with that class. Please check because we sent you the response on Oct 07 at 04:28 pm. And, our education team is available all the time at edu@stage32.com, all you have to do is email them. Drop us an email and we'll be happy to help.
@Deborah, you and I have been in touch privately about this already. There is no staff that works as hard as mine does to support the success of our members. When you called my director of development a piece of shit and that no one on our team is honorable it disheartens my team to go to work on your behalf, which I'm sure you can understand. I used a personal relationship I have with an executive to agree to read a script for you and I'm sorry that you feel that he is "bottom of the totem pole" - would you like us to communicate with him that you feel that way after we went to work on your behalf to get him to read a script from you? I don't think he would appreciate that very much.
We value you as a member in this community and want the best for you and your projects. We wish you nothing but success.
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✨I just wanna say Amanad Toney. I was referred over by Celtx.com and they were right! I really appreciate you! You were asking all the right questions I wanted to know. And your extremely helpful in providing the information I needed. Now I can move forward in what I've been trying to put forward. Thank you very much. ✨
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Amanda Toney -thanks so much for your response (I know that you have so many messages to respond to so I truly am grateful for your time). However, I only see the message that I received on 10/04/22 that they received my inquiry, and stated that they would get back to me soon. Not sure how I missed the 10/07 message because I have a folder where I save ALL of my Stage 32 messages. Can you PLEASE have support forward me that message again or provide me with instructions to access the webinar? Thanks SO much, and God bless you all!
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Thanks Katherine! And, Rodrick, we sent you an email with the 2 messages we had sent you when you reached out, as well as the video access again. Enjoy! Viviana is an amazing teacher, she is one of the top financiers in the industry and we are proud to have her as a Stage 32 educator.
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Amanda, you were absolutely amazing! The number of questions that you had to pick out among all the comments, "live"... WOW! If you ever need any help, I would be happy to help in any way I can.
Great job and a fantastic webinar! Thank you!
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You're right, Sandra. Amanda is always a rockstar when she moderates.
5 people like this
Amanda Toney and RB, thanks so much for a super-encouraging experience, for my schedule I was only able to tune in live for the first hour which was wonderful and highly entertaining as always!
Looking forward to catch the rest on video!!
Thank You !!!
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Just in case you missed it, this is a "must watch"! A complete feast of good, fun, practical, actionable advise, you can put into practice immediately. Excellent coaching from RB!
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Amanda Toney I FINALLY figured out how to respond to you! I am new to this platform and not the tech genius as are most.
First of all, thank you very much for taking the time and energy to respond to my query. I now understand that you had 1000's of questions and you did a wonderful job juggling all that in real time. I presume it takes a LOT of time to go through questions like mine and respond, so I thank you again.
I have no support of a production co.. or a "pod" deal. In fact I never heard of that before!
When my film was in festivals, serendipitously through a friend, Fox Searchlight saw and loved the film. Their head of acquisitions had just went to Netflix. So since they don't buy docs anymore, they tried like hell to get their friend and former colleague to watch the film and he was confirmed to be at the Laemmle premier. But that never happened. They tried for 9 months and we gave up.
My Fox contact was only going to take 5-10% of the sale, acting as a producers rep.
At the same time period, after the Laemmle screening in Santa Monica, Greg Laemmle and his wife came up to me, loved the film tremendously, and referred me to their son who is a distributor. I of course quickly followed up twice and then never heard back. This has been my experience. It's been like a root canal.
I completely understand what you are saying about the food space being oversaturated etc...and to some degree, not surprised that your colleagues, even with star talent, were unable to get a deal. I am sorry to hear this none the less, and know how tough a business it is.
The good news for me, is this film is not a food show or a standard chefs table with the 120fps food porn footage at all. Quite the opposite. Pizza is a street food and Naples is a rough and tumble, gritty, sexy, chaotic, vibrant playground. To me, to make a slick film about pizza is antithetical to its origins and current place. And besides I had no crew or help, other than the angels and magic that revealed itself.
On the contrary, my film is a "narrative non fiction", a guerilla-renegade street film, sort of in the same vein as Exit Through the Gift Shop, which came out while I was making mine.
I made the film ENTIRELY by myself. I photographed, edited, produced, directed, narrated, wrote music, and lived in my camper for 5 years to do so, which became part of the film.
Pizza is of course explored, however It is a metaphor, a device, and a delicious example of Arrangiarsi, the art of making something from nothing, the art of overcoming an obstacle, the art of being resourceful.
There are street artists who live by the hat, a guy living in a van, and the backdrop of Naples, a place with fascinating history, trauma, and resiliency. And of course pizza porn - the olive harvest, the San Marzano Tomato far, Italy's only organic Buffalo Mozzarella farm, and the wheat harvest.
While this has been such a massive disappointment having spent 10 years on this, I remain open to what you recommend, and also have surrendered it all, but not given up.
After all, the tagline on the poster of my film reads, " There's always a way", and "The obstacle is the path".
Wishing you the best Amanda.
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Thank you, Inky! Truly appreciate all the good words and thrilled the content hit the mark. For those of you who missed the AMA or would like to view again, it's available in its entirety here: https://www.stage32.com/webinars/Ask-Me-Anything-with-Stage-32-CEO-Richa...
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@Deborah Jennings Thank you Deborah for taking the precious time to help the cause. I very much appreciate it. We are all in this together and I honor your generosity. I will reach out to Alexia per your recommendation, if I can figure out how to contact her!
Thank you and blessed be,
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If you are discussing project priorities or order, which to finance first and you are already working on all six trailers, please provide tips.
If anyone who participated in the AMA, after hearing and reading the comments, could complete a read through of my Funding for Internship and Scholarship Programs ebook today or tomorrow, less than 70 pages, technical and substance review, I would greatly appreciate it. There’s compensation for it. Ask for details when you contact me.
Based on some information obtained this week, in addition to a read through, I will have to conduct a complete edit and research of my ebook (examples bank closures, 100s of businesses closings, government budgetary issues, etc.). Almost completed. Here’s a resource to keep everyone motivated http://www.freedomwithwriting.com .
In the meantime, I will keep sharing the first edition. If you would like to assist, please advise me. On the bright side, both budget challenges were diverse resources so no worries with them.
This question is for
RB, please review my AMA messages and dm messages as well. Time sensitive. Thank you in advance.
Amanda, please respond to my direct messages that I sent in the messaging section. Thank you in advance.
How to have your projects permanently on my Stage 32 Wall? In case, they end up being on pages over 10 plus. To ensure that they are seen daily on the project and wall pages.
Thank you in advance!
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Matteo - ask Stage 32 help how you can get in touch with Alexia. She might have some paid consultant availability. I'm not sure.
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@Deborah Jennings. Thank you so very much for your kindness and generosity.