Happy Weekend, Y'all! Hope that the next few days are full of glorious creative conquests & good solid relaxation (&, if you're me, VERY intense Super Bowling).
What is one movie that, in your opinion, is superior to the book that it was adapted from & why?
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The Shawshank Redemption (Rita Hayworth and Shawshank Redemption) Who Framed Roger Rabbit (Who Censored Roger Rabbit) The Shining, Doctor Zhivago, The Godfather. I'd even argue that the LOTR film adaptation is more nuanced and entertaining than its source material.
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Black KkKlansman. Why? Because nobody read or cared about the bio book and the original writers secured movie rights for $1
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Fight Club, American Psycho (the feminist take on the novel is subtle and brilliant), and Starship Troopers (a tongue and cheek revising of one of Heinlein's lesser novels to sharp effect).