Stanley Ray: Director, producer and screenwriter in Albuquerque, New Mexico.

Angela Cristantello
A Potentially Controversial Question

Happy Weekend, Y'all! Hope that the next few days are full of glorious creative conquests & good solid relaxation (&, if you're me, VERY intense Super Bowling).

What is one movie that, in your opinion, is superior to the book that it was adapted from & why?

Frank Baruch

The Shawshank Redemption (Rita Hayworth and Shawshank Redemption) Who Framed Roger Rabbit (Who Censored Roger Rabbit) The Shining, Doctor Zhivago, The Godfather. I'd even argue that the LOTR film adaptation is more nuanced and entertaining than its source material.

Dan MaxXx

Black KkKlansman. Why? Because nobody read or cared about the bio book and the original writers secured movie rights for $1

Seth Paradox

Fight Club, American Psycho (the feminist take on the novel is subtle and brilliant), and Starship Troopers (a tongue and cheek revising of one of Heinlein's lesser novels to sharp effect).

Shawn Maus
Semifinalist = Happy birthday to me!

A very happy kickoff to a birthday weekend. My wishes are coming true! Thank you Stage 32 and Stage 32 Script Services for such an honor. BOXES made the Finals of the 1st Annual Family-Friendly Screenwriting Contest! Again, thanks to everyone who has supported me on this journey.

MB Stevens

Congratulations, Shawn. Onward and upward.

Effie Trihas

Congrats! What a grand way to kickoff that bday! Keep it moving forward!

Gen Vardo

Well done buddy, and happy birthday.

GENRE: Comedy

Four middle-aged poker buddies scheme one last bachelor party -- but they are all out of unmarried bros to deceive their wives.

Nate Rymer

Rated this logline

Tasha Lewis

Rated this logline

Arthur Charpentier

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Stanley Ray

Hey Brandon, great to connect.

Stanley Ray
Made the first cut with SPOILERS AHEAD.

A millennial couple are conflicted when a social media app tempts its users with a glimpse of their future selves and who they end up with -- or don't.

Maurice Vaughan

Congrats, Stanley Ray.

Molly Peck

So happy for you Stanley!

Karen "Kay" Ross

Fantastic, congratulations!

Gen Vardo
New scene heading?

This is ok right? I don't need a new scene heading if no change, even though it's the next day. I originally wasn't using LATER.

...then CRASHES out on the couch falling calmly to sleep.


Nik wakes up the next morning in the same position, a slight smile on his face.


Gen Vardo

Thanks E Langley, definitely feel better.

E Langley

NP. Good luck.

Doug Nelson

Dan - I don't think LATER is a scene header if there is no camera relocation; it's just a shot heading (to my pov).

Kristi Barnett
Grand winner! Thanks Stage32!

Wow! I'm so excited - Elephant Kiss won the Stage32 Family Film competition! Thanks to all the organizers and judges for this fantastic opportunity! Keep writing every one... tell your stories. :) xx



Jason Mirch

You earned it Kristi Barnett! I am excited to work with you to advance your script and your career. The meetings we have lined up for you are going to be a wild, exciting ride! You are in great hands...

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Kristi Barnett

Thank you Jason and Molly. Looking forward to the meetings and thanks so much for all the guidance thus far! Thank you to all for the well wishes.

GENRE: Horror

A young government investigator pursues her career-making case to an abandoned factory, where she falls prey to a reclusive industrialist who suffers a horrific yet life-prolonging skin affliction but has lost his wealth and his sanity.

Angela Cristantello

Hi there, Stanley! I think that you have a lot of interesting ideas here, for sure. However, the logline itself could use some tweaking as it doesn't quite sound cohesive right now.

I'd love to know why this woman is tracking down this man, and how precisely she's "becoming prey" to someone if he's simply a "reclusive industrialist". Is he a "reclusive industrialist with a long rumored violent streak" (or something to that effect)? And this skin affliction is a fascinating and TERRifying concept, but it doesn't feel like it corresponds with the same kind of story that we're telling in the first half of the logline. I'd love to read and feel that each of these elements in your logline all belong in the same story, if that makes sense.

Really intriguing premise, though!

Nate Rymer

Rated this logline

Stanley Ray

Angela, thank you for your thoughtful comments.

Tasha Lewis

Rated this logline

Stanley Ray

Angela, maybe this version, along with the title and genre, paints a more compelling picture (with a little irony thrown in for good measure.)

Michele Traina
Writing in Zoom in a scene

Hi everyone! Any suggestions or best practices with how to correctly write in a zoom in a scene? I have been reworking a new script and the scene takes place on zoom but cuts from camera angels in each of their houses. I have been googling it but there are a few different ways and would love to get your thoughts. =)

Michele Traina

Awesome thank you!

Maurice Vaughan

I like that, Michele Traina. It's easy to read/understand.

Dan MaxXx

The script, SEARCHING, (starring John Cho) is a good read on how to format an entire movie that is off a computer screen (single location?). The writer uses facebook, youtube, twitter, zoom call, email script headings. Check the script out, steal what you like.

Sara Dinga
Thank you, Stage 32!

I am absolutely honored to be a Semifinalist in Stage 32's First Annual Family-Friendly Screenwriting Contest! Thank you, Stage 32 for opening up a screenwriting contest specifically for family-friendly films! I also want to thank the readers/judges who spend their days reading script after script s...

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Martha Caprarotta

Congrats, Sara Dinga! Love that genre. Best of luck moving forward in the contest!

John Mezes

Wonderful news, Sara! I'm very happy for you.

Jason Mirch

Woohoo! Congratulations, Sara Dinga! This is fantastic news and no easy feat. This is really when the heads start turning. Keep up the great work and of course reach out to me at any point - j.mirch@s...

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Eljohn Macaranas
Up There is a Semifinalist in the Family-Friendly Screenplay Contest!

Just got the news that my Sci-Fi family script, UP THERE, made it to the semifinals of Stage 32's first-ever Family-Friendly Screenplay Contest! I never imagined it'd make it this far! Still, I'm so proud of the story I wrote and grateful it's in the company of other wonderful scripts I'd love to read/see on screen one day. Thank you, Stage 32 team!

Maurice Vaughan

Congrats on the accomplishment, Eljohn Macaranas.

Sara Dinga

Congratulations, Eljohn!

John Mezes

Wow, great job, Eljohn! Very proud of you! Wonderful!

GENRE: Drama, Comedy

With his James Bond mojo already slipping, an industrial espionage agent gets blind-sided when a young woman shows up claiming to be his daughter.

Nate Rymer

Rated this logline

Tj Stukes

Rated this logline

Tasha Lewis

Rated this logline

Pete Whiting
Made the semis!

Really pumped to see my script G.I BRO made the Stage 32 semis for family friendly scripts. Well done to others who made it this far too. I have no doubt all our works have a lot of promise and hope by even making the semis, doors will open for us.

Stanley Ray

Good luck, Pete.

Thomas Jamieson


Lindbergh E Hollingsworth

Hey mate! Sent you a DM!

Susan Lander
“The Blue Space” is a Semifinalist in the Family-Friendly Screenplay Contest!

I’m so excited to announce that my screenplay, “The Blue Space,” is a semifinalist! In this Sci-fi adventure, a teenage girl is transported to an ancient domed underwater city, where she learns that she is an alien-human hybrid and must use her new powers to stop the greatest crisis Earth has ever f...

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Anthony Moore


Seth Paradox

Best of luck!

Susan Lander

Thank you so much everyone! Grateful to be here in such good company ❤️

Stanley Ray
TEX REX advances!

Starting to let some excitement creep in.

Rebecca Hollifield


Anthony Moore


Shane McCabe
SPIN CYCLE Semi-Finalist

Delighted and honoured to announce that, SPIN CYCLE, a time travel family comedy set against the backdrop of England's historic 1966 World Cup win has advanced to the semi-finals at Stage 32's Family Friendly Screenwriting Contest!

"Facing eviction from the family home, an unemployed Science Teacher...

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Stanley Ray

Good luck, Shane.

Rebecca Hollifield


Anthony Moore


Stanley's network

Delores Wheeler
Olga Fajardo
Richard Galbraith
Brandon Blake
Dwain-Thomas Flowers
Roberto RT
Vincent Paterno
Molly Peck
Mike Gasaway
Cobus Vermeulen
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