Hello community! I'm thrilled for our 4th of 5th webcast in our Netflix "Creating TV Content for a Global Market" program on how to write hit sci-fi television with Mickey Fisher, who's worked on EXTANT, THE STRAIN, REVERIE, MARS and more! Join us here: https://bit.ly/3uuHgwG...
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Ooo, I can't wait!
Same here, Karen "Kay" Ross. Thanks for the email reminder, Amanda Toney.
I tried using the link but I get the "thanks for attending the webinar" survey. It's only 10:11am PST. :(
Hi from Sarasota Florida :)
Hello from New York!
Tuning in from NYC!
Venice, LA, CA!
Portland OR
Hello from Poland! :-*
Welcome, everyone! I'm Kay, your friendly Stage 32 Community Manager, and I'm tuning in today from Los Angeles, CA (originally from Washington, D.C.)!
Hola desde Miami
New Jersey
Ottawa Canada eh
greetings and love from Ankara, Turkey x3
Nashville TN
Waterloo, IA (But grew up in New Mexico) :)
I tried to log in fifteen minutes early, but it was already filled to capacity.
Hi all, linking in from Green Mountain, NC.
Brooklyn, NY
Rick Jay Glen in California here
Tuning in from Los Angles, but originally from Switzerland!
Riaan Relihan, South Africa
Greetings from sunny Denver, Colorado
Hi everyone. I'm here from Atlanta, where I'm presently working
Listening from Bala-Cynwyd, PA (next to Philadelphia)
I try to see the webinar. What happen
Here from Lausanne, Switzerland!
Hi! I'm Timmia Hearn DeRoy, and I am in Lawrence, KS today.
Stockholm Swedenmy twitter insta! @darwinreina
Hi from Paris, France
Here from Barranquilla Colombia!
hi Greg from Greece. Thanks for the webinar
Hi everyone! I'm tuning in from New Mexico here!
Ces Mb from the Philippines
Hello from Belgium!
Hi! from Argentina!
Paris, France!
Los Angeles, CA
Hello guys, I'm from Buenos Aires, Argentina!
Northridge, CA
Hello, I'm tuning in from Peoria, Illinois.
Guatemala City!!
Hello from Poland
Bristol, UK
Hey guys…Carlton here from rainy LA! Woohoo!
Greetings from Izmir, Turkey!
Hello from Toronto, Canada!
Texas in the house.
Saludos! Greetings from Quito, Ecuador
Watching from Montreal, Canada. Thanks for the webinar! :-)
joining you from Salem, VA. I have a sci-fi feature script that I'm trying to rework as a series.
Bath MI
Hello from Paris, France!
Here in rainy LA
Hello from sunny Barbados
Buenos Aires, Argentina.
Atwater Village, Los Angeles
Tuning in from Nashville, TN
Tuning in from Johannesburg, South Africa
Greetings from Chicago!
Tuning in from Chicago!
Marcus from Atlanta
Hey there, Ontario Canada resident here :)
Hi from Belfast Northern Ireland. Really looking forward to the Sc-Fi webinar today. Like Christopher - it's close to my heart.
Hello everyone! I'm Casey, and I'm tuning in from Calgary, Canada! Love these webinars so much, stage32 has been insane in their program delivery!
Cleveland, Ohio
Joseph from Venezuela living in chile @joseph_pomenta
Greetings from Buenos Aires, Argentina!
Looking forward to this! - from Hertfordshire UK
North NJ
Hi currently Glendale, CA
Tuning in from Buenos Aires, Argentina!
United Kingdom!
Sao Paulo Brazil
Gran Canaria
Hi from Toronto, Canada :)
Hello from philippines! its 1am in the morning here
In Woodland Hills (Los Angeles), CA
Salutations from Charlotte, NC USA
Greetings from Budapest, Hungary!
Edinburgh, Scotland.
Here in Richmond, Virginia!
Hello. 7:15pm in South Africa
Hi, joining in from Milan, Italy
Playa del Rey, Los Angeles
Hello all... BC Canada
Colette "ByFilms" Byfield Darn it. I mean it's great they have a full audience and yet I was waiting for the link to go live since 9:45am PST and I still didn't get in? :(
I registered a couple weeks ago, but am unable to get into the webinar. Is there a fix to this?
Hello everyone from Budapest, Hungary :)
Los Angeles
In the webinar, attendee
Toronto, Ontario, Canada
Christian Arroyo, From Puerto Rico
Pasadena, MD
Hello from Cambridge!
Tuning in from Los Angeles!
TA from the Stage32 closet...(well the website closet...) LOL Introvert to the MAX
zohar zanescu from Israel :)
Hello from Germany
Hello From Vietnam!
Burgaw, NC
Hello from Toronto, Canada! Keep smiling, everyone :)
Hi all from London
Boston, MA
Hola desde Lima Perú
Hey, everyone. Ruben from San Fernando Valley
Los Angeles
John Allen Duvall, in Rohnert Park, California
Greetings from Gaithersburg MD!
Hello from Ontario, Canada!
Helllo from Aydın, Turkey
Hiii from Istanbul!! yey
Hi I'm from Barbados
Hello from London, UK
Tuning in from Brooklyn, NY!
Hello, I am Rafael Martinez, from Santa Fe, NM
Hello from Moita, Portugal!
Greetings from Medellín, Colombia
Hello from Oxford!
Staying up for this from Singapore! Would love to connect with anyone here - https://www.linkedin.com/in/danielle-grace-tan/ :-)
Los Angeles!
Hello from Trinidad and Tobago!
Hello from San Francisco
Hello from Guatemala City
Hello from Mexico City!
Hey everyone!
Hallo from Emmen, The Netherlands
Hello from KhonKaen, Thailand :)
Hello from Quito, Ecuador
Hello from Los Angeles
Funny how he is talking about Star Wars as yesterday me and my friends saw the theatrical version of Empire Strikes Back
Hello from Michigan
Hey, everyone. Excited.
Hi Great to be here
Greetings from Amsterdam
Warsaw, Poland
Hello from Alajuela Costa Rica!!
Hello from a tiny village in England
Valley of the Sun.
Wow. Filled to capacity already. I was really looking forward to this webinar. I had a great class on Stage 32 with Mickey Fisher. He is one of the best. I was really hoping to ask a question regarding when to use pitch decks.
Hi from Sapporo, Japan
Greetings Earthlings from a lil town called London! :-)
Hello Everyone. This is Cherry H @itscherrylatrece from Houston, TX
Hi from Paris, France !
Hello from Philippines
Hi from Trinidad and Tobago
I’m viewing it right now!
Kind greetings :)
as soon as I clicked the link i got kicked out of the zoom call.... i guess I'll see the on demand video later
hi from Rome, Italy
greetings from L.A. I currently have a concept fantay feature filmed that im looking to pitch. Looking forward to listen and learn
Hello from Deutschland :)
Hello, everyone from Madrid, Spain
The southwest desert of Arizona!
Houston, Tx
Hello from Bologna, Italy!
Hey everyone! Greetings from Umeå, way North in Sweden! I'm a sci-fi/fantasy nerd - very excited to learn more about screenwriting :D
Hello from Manila, Philippines!
Kim in Detroit
I signed up for this webinar 2 weeks ago, I logged in 20 minutes early waiting for webinar to start and at :10 after I got the message that the meeting was at capacity and I could not join. I made time in my schedule for this and you guys wasted my day. Really unprofessional.
Albuquerque, NM
Hi from rainy Los Angeles!
Hi from
Kilkenny Ireland
waving from the Philippines!
Beautiful points
FOR THOSE UNABLE TO LOG IN: PLEASE TRY AGAIN NOW! Comment here to let me know if it works, yeah? THANK YOU!
Definitely important themed
Hello from Wrocław, Poland :)
Hi from Malibu!
hello from South Africa.
LA !
Hey hey anyone here?
Hey from Ontario Canada
Hi from Mexico City
Are we allowed to network with each other here? @rickjayglen_vo is my instagram for those who want to connect, or add me on Stage 32. Nice to meet you all.
Finally in, thanks to whomever made that possible. Hi from just outside of Denver!
Hi from freezing cold at the end of March (ha, ha, ha, good one Mother Nature!) Maryland!
Hello. I'm from Bend, OR.
Hello from Calgary, Canada
Hey everyone! Would love to connect on instagram @nikhilnyc -- working on a sci fi series pilot script, and making a sci fi short using Unreal Engine
Has anyone read "Oh, to Be A Blobel"? By Philip K. Dick. It was a trojan horse like that for the Vietnam war
Hello, here from Martinique!
Oh good. I was able to join after all. Hello from New Jersey!!
Hello from Canada!
I write fantasy mostly. Love s if but want to know what is difference? Needexanplez of current sci-fi TV shows and movies?
Afternoon from Chicago! And may I say. As a TOTAL BLERD. I am LOVING this!
Hello from Calgary, Canada, hey @omatta
Greetings from Minneapolis, MN
Hi from New England!
Hello from Argentina! I had the time wrong, I almost had a panic attack.
Hello from Philippines
Im from indonesia
Hello from Copenhagen, Denmark
Hi everyone from Argentina!
Hello from Long Beach. If anyone wants to connect, hit me up! SO excited for this webinar
Hello everyone. Turning up late, from Australia. :)
Hello! Here from London
Hey all, I'm in Ontario Canada.
Has anyone read "Oh to Be A Blobel" by Philip K. Dick? It was like that thing Mickey talked about - he basically criticized the Vietnam war through science fiction
Hello! I'm from Toronto, Canada
The Twilight Zone is my absolute favorite sci fi show and Rod Serling is my hero!!
Hello from Roseburg, Oregon.
Hello from São Paulo - Brazil
Hello from Rio de Janeiro, Brazil :)
Hello everyone! Always interested in networking with new writers. My name is @21jyoung_photography on Instagram.
Hi Jason Contino here from Baltimore Maryland
Hey all, I'm in México
Hello from Chubbuck ID.
Hey fellow sci-fi lovers! I'm finishing up a rewrite for a 45min animated Time-Travel Adventure spec. Would anyone be interested in reading/giving notes? Would be happy to read anything you're working on as well!
Hi all from Manchester, UK. @pwblinkhorn on Twitter
Hello from San Cristóbal, Venezuela
Squid game worked because fear has a calming effect - it's an automatic hormonal compensation. People need a greater fear than they feel.
@Jonas - The handouts should be sent out with the recording tomorrow. You should receive an email with a link to all, but it will also be available tomorrow under the EDUCATION tab in "My Education".
Hello from India everyone!
Hi all from Egypt
i'm currently looking into the public domain for IP ideas.
Hello all from Cairo Egypt
@Nick Macdonald - that is a great idea! I would suggest listing your script's logline on your profile, and then keeping your questions specific for your "script exchange". Script exchanges are very common her on Stage 32 - it's a great way to get peer feedback for free and networking at the same time!
hello, Im new in this community but I'm thrilled to networking with different scriptwriter you can find me on IG as @carr0y0
Hello from Tehran, Iran
Hello from Rio de Janeiro, Brazil :)
On the LOTR thing: Many fans are now panning the Series as it's come to light that neither Amazon nor, the Producers have rights to The Silmarillion, Book of Lost Tales, etc. They're using the Appendices from the trilogy.
Adam Project was great!
Karen Ross thanks for helping., I am in
Hey guys, let's connect on Instagram @cscezanne
I'm also working on a SciFi series Pilot. Right now it's to pitch on the Portuguese RTP LAB program, and if that doesn't work then I'll try to pitch it internationally. It's an MR interactive film.
Great webinar - thanks Mickey. I’ve so many questions but will limit it to two.
When conceiving Extant, did you plan it as a 2 season project?
I’ve been on a lot of scriptwriting webinars over the last few months and a number of them stated that Sci-Fi isn’t a genre it’s a setting for either Drama,...
Expand commentGreat webinar - thanks Mickey. I’ve so many questions but will limit it to two.
When conceiving Extant, did you plan it as a 2 season project?
I’ve been on a lot of scriptwriting webinars over the last few months and a number of them stated that Sci-Fi isn’t a genre it’s a setting for either Drama, Thriller or Horror. In my heart, I don’t feel that’s true, but intellectually it’s hard to argue. Just interested in what your view is and how you would argue that Sci-Fi is a genre.
Hello! I am from Cape Town, South Africa!
Hello everyone. Harrisburg, PA here.
Hello everyone - I am currently in Houston, but would be moving to LA soon! Thanks
I currently live in Bend, OR, but I was raised in Kentucky.
IF YOU ARE STILL HAVING PROBLEMS LOGGING INTO THE WEBINAR: Please use this link to join - https://us02web.zoom.us/webinar/register/WN_SXeJuVhVSlilOhFM2LlFNg
For those who have joined us live, but have NOT commented yet, you must be a Stage 32 Member to comment in the lounges. Go to www.stage32.com to create a FREE profile, it takes 30 seconds and you’ll be instantly connected to nearly 1 million creatives and professionals in entertainment worldwide.
The part about known IP's brings up a question I've been wondering about; is it worth writing known IP spec scripts? .... if I can't go out and try and sell it, is it worth my time? .... I was considering tackling Nightwing from DC Comics just to explore, but I wonder if its worth the time?
Surrogates are a good example of VR movie.
I check purchase history and it show "We did not find any purchases linked to this account.
If you think this is in error, please make sure you are logged in using the same email address as the one provided during the purchase." what should I do??
I LOVED Reverie!!! Wish it was still on. But we weren’t ready. #metaverse
Christ actually did have brothers, most notably James. But that's a whole other subject lol
Hello from Sri Lanka!
Marcin Klinkosz when the pandemic lockdowns started, i remembered that film and wished i had a surrogate like that.
Panithan Nakkrasae - did you receive an email with the link to the webinar? You do have to register before it started, so if you didn't register before today, then the link will not work.
Tariq AbouZeid, Egyptian, play writer, director and actor
LOVE TO NETWORK WITH YOU ALL - My Instagram >>> @rickjayglen_vo
Tuning in from Stockholm, Sweden
Karen "Kay" Ross Thanks for the advice! :)
Question: How do you balance making the audience care about your characters in the pilot without giving too much away and taking too much away from the upcoming series.
Hi from Buenos Aires, Argentina
Is an alternate history considered Sci-Fi (The Man in the High Castle) ?
The political world of Killjoys was one of the best if you ask me. Still one of my favorite shows.
Stage 32 offers Executive Coverage (written notes) and Executive Consultations (verbal notes) from development executives, producers, and managers currently active in the industry - and you get to choose who reads yours! Email our Directo...
Stage 32 offers Executive Coverage (written notes) and Executive Consultations (verbal notes) from development executives, producers, and managers currently active in the industry - and you get to choose who reads yours! Email our Director of Script Services and host of the Stage 32 Writers’ Room Jason Mirch j.mirch@stage32.com Jason is fantastic at matching projects with executives!
Hi, from Sinaloa Mexico
Hahah Amanda, is it you that's always watching my embarrassing stories on my personal account
Great story world building
Rudy from Manhattan Beach and this is Awesome!!
Hi! Peru is here :D
Julio Vallejo yes, AH is SF as well, although there are ppl who may disagree
Hello from Ely, Minnesota!
Hi Gayle from the US of A in Virginia
Hi from Porto, Portugal :-)
Love it!
Hi everyone ! Got in a bit late, but coming from Brussels, Belgium
It's a great seminar !
My Instagram >> @nailotl
Hi from Dubai. Twitter @bqayed
Hi, joining here from Kenya. I hope you are all learning as I am from this webinar
Hi from Venice, ca
Greetings, Earthlings.
Hi from Cincinnati, OH.
Sarah From Edmonton, Canada
Hi, Helena, currently in Vancouver, Canada
Hi All, From London, my Instagram https://www.instagram.com/lushi_living/
Enticing introduction to the freedom of imagination behind great Sci-fi.
Hello from the Philippines!
Hi everyone:) Enjoying this webinar! I'm a director/producer/AD & sometimes writer. I also have a scheduling and budgeting company, MovieSchedulePro.com
Hi, from South San Francisco, really enjoying the webinar...
Julio Vallejo it's a bit of a grey area because it deals with an alternate history.
Loving this talk on Sci-fi and so many programs I've watched!! So much that is so important to me right now, as in the middle of writing Sci-fi TV series pilot. My instagram is @Kathryn.carmichael.actor
Hi everyone , I'm MO from Pretoria, South Africa. I am having a great time.
Hi all I'm a South African and Canadian dual citizen based in Cape town, with production company based In Vancouver, Bc.
Hi, Im Elizabeth from the UK. I’m working on a Sci-Fi film and my Instagram is @kumbathegreat
My linktree: https://linktr.ee/DesmondKane
Me and a friend of mine are working on our own story, which I can best describe as “Fantasy sapphics kissing over the corpse of capitalism.” Contact me however you’d like. Hope to hear from some of you soon.
If you're digging today's webinar, DEFINITELY check out the rest of Stage 32's available webinars, Labs, and workshops here: https://www.stage32.com/education
Hi, I'm Daniel, tuning in from Lansing, Michigan. This year I'm writing a sci-fi graphic novel series and developing the IP toward an animated series! I'd love to connect :)
If anyone wants to follow or connect I’m @Hollywoodenrico on Instagram and Twitter
Recently moved to San Antonio, TX. Anyone around here?
Hello All! I'm in AZ on business but from the Appalachian Mountains of KY.
Hello from Sacramento, CA
Hello... I'm all the way from Nigeria... Thanks Stage 32/ Netflix for the webinar. It was truly insightful.
Loving the webinar. Will be completing my profile and looking forward to connecting with other creatives on this platform.
Hello from New Brunswick, Canada!
Yes, so interesting and fun!
Here's an interesting genre - sci-fi plant horror! Examples: The Happening, The Invasion of The Body Snatchers, The Day of The Tryffids
This is such a wonderful and informative webinar.
Hello from Spain! Great webinar!
hi ! jesimiel here
Greetings from Indonesia. It's 1 AM here.
Hello from Monterrey, Mexico. Excellent webinar!
Hi from Fairfax, VA
WHA?!? We get a free month of the Writer's Room AND a discount code for a Script Service?! Y'all, jump on that code! Hearing what is working and what still needs work DIRECTLY from an executive who can greenlight your project is INVALUABLE!
Mickey needs to teach at the AFI. I would have KILLED to have had classes with someone like him back in the day.
@Elaine Haygood - Full confession, I've wanted to attend AFI for my MFA for.ev.AR! Just can't justify spending the money yet. I'll take Stage 32 free webinars for now! LOL
What do you think about a limited (say 3 years) series with a closed ending? Would a defnined ending with a resolution to the central conflict limit the potential in the mind of the producer?
Hi from Fairfax, VA
Darn, I wanted to write an anthology.... I'm surprised because anthologies are more fun to watch. Don't need much of an attention span.
Inspired to watch the Twilight Zone again. I'm more horror, though have a few sci-fi ideas I would love to develop further.
Very good points! will watch the rest tomorrow. Good night rest of the worlders
The guy who created all of the 'Law and Order' stuff is one of my heroes ... The mileage he has gotten from that show, and now the original is back for Season 21 ..... and then he did the Chicago shows, which connected to L&O ..... Amazing stuff from Mr. Wolf.
As a suggestion for your SCRIPT SERVICES DISCOUNT CODE, why not work with Andrew Kersey, lit manager, whose client just sold a sci-fi spec script to Universal:
Want to see who else is available? Here is the Executive Coverage...
Expand commentAs a suggestion for your SCRIPT SERVICES DISCOUNT CODE, why not work with Andrew Kersey, lit manager, whose client just sold a sci-fi spec script to Universal:
Want to see who else is available? Here is the Executive Coverage Service: https://www.stage32.com/scriptservices/coverage/buy?id=57
Karen "Kay" Ross if you ever wanna know the story of how I got into the AFI, DM me.
Fleabag - great!
@Katherine King. The Night Gallery is a GREAT Horror Anthology series that Serling did in the 70's for ABC Television.
Welcome and THANK YOU to ALL of our International Attendees. I know many of you are watching this in the middle of the night and I for one, applaud you.
Ted Lasso is a beaut on empathy and how 1 person can positively impact others
Pity ~ Oxytocin…Fear/Stakes/Attention ~ Dopamine…Catharsis ~ Endorphin
SO much for BSG is relationships! Holy wow, yes.
@Elaine Hayddo - thanks I don't remember that series, though I'm sure I've seen some episodes but will check it out again. I liked the Outer Limits (they are all classics).
Agreed, Alex Frazer Rose - LOVE Ted Lasso, the relationships, the character choices, the themes. Just so uplifting. Now, how would one go about making "Ted Lasso in Space"? LOL
Hello from Alabama! I have a character development question. Many of the characters in Sci-Fi are scientists who have IQ levels that are much higher than the IQ level for the average individual. In your opinion, how can you develop a relatable character who is more intelligent than you (the writer who created that character) without compromising their high intelligence levels?
@Elaine I just want to say, your positivity is radiating in this chat and it's bringing the biggest smile to my already grinning face!
& what is the process for recruiting a science consultant for a sci-fi show's writers team like?
QUESTION: When creating a pitch doc, do you need to have the pilot ready? What about a series bible?
DON'T FORGET Anyone commenting here has a Stage 32 Profile and can be added to your network! Be sure to Control+Click on members' profile pictures to open their profile in a new tab, and then add them to your network to keep the conversation going! Direct messaging members here is free - we want you to make connections and build relationships!
Not that I'm obsessed or anything - but Killjoys has the most wholesome character relationship at its core. Great sci-fi, fun adventure. Just sayin'
@Casey Williams. Thank you!
Although this webinar is about writing sci-fi, everything Mickey is saying could be applicable to writing stories in every other genre. Great stuff!
@Melissa, in hard sci-fi you do more science exposition I guess, but in soft sci fi you don't need that--
Speaking of valuable Stage 32 education, if you've been enjoying this one about SciFi for Streaming TV, be sure to check out this webinar on-demand about How to Use World Building In Your TV Pitch Document to Sell Your Series: https://www.stage32.com/webinars/The-Art-of-World-Building-For-Your-TV-Se...
Expand commentSpeaking of valuable Stage 32 education, if you've been enjoying this one about SciFi for Streaming TV, be sure to check out this webinar on-demand about How to Use World Building In Your TV Pitch Document to Sell Your Series: https://www.stage32.com/webinars/The-Art-of-World-Building-For-Your-TV-Series-Pitch-Documents
HELPFUL TIP: If you sign up for the Writer's Room first, you'll receive a 10% discount on this webinar and ALL education (and most script services)! Just another perk of the Stage 32 Writer's Room (accessible through the upper right corner of the screen)!
Speaking of valuable Stage 32 education, if you've been enjoying this one about SciFi for Streaming TV, be sure to check out this webinar on-demand about How to Use World Building In Your TV Pitch Document to Sell Your Series: https://www.stage32.com/webinars/The-Art-of-World-Building-For-Your-TV-Se...
Expand commentSpeaking of valuable Stage 32 education, if you've been enjoying this one about SciFi for Streaming TV, be sure to check out this webinar on-demand about How to Use World Building In Your TV Pitch Document to Sell Your Series: https://www.stage32.com/webinars/The-Art-of-World-Building-For-Your-TV-Series-Pitch-Documents
HELPFUL TIP: If you sign up for the Writer's Room first, you'll receive a 10% discount on this webinar and ALL education (and most script services)! Just another perk of the Stage 32 Writer's Room (accessible through the upper right corner of the screen)!
Are there any writing challenges that are unique to the Sci-Fi genre specifically that most people - especially beginner writers - aren't aware of?
Squid Game is actually a Live-Action version of a popular Anime Genre wherein people are whether, by force, accident or their own volition end up in a "game wherein they have to beat a series of lethal challenges or fight other "players" in the hopes of winning a great prize.
They include Deadman Wonderland, 14 Gantz, High-Rise Invasion, and Darwin's Game. there are TONS of others but I don't them all.
Hello from Trinidad!
noooo don't say the limited series is dead.... love those (esp when so many shows are killed off after 1 or 2 seasons)
@Melissa Stage 32 has an ongoing Sci-fi/Fantasy contest: https://writers.coverfly.com/competitions/view/scififantasy-screenwritin... and there's Screencrafts too: https://writers.coverfly.com/competitions/view/screencraft-scifi-and-fantasy
I''m sure there's lots more. Those are the ones I have in my...
Expand comment@Melissa Stage 32 has an ongoing Sci-fi/Fantasy contest: https://writers.coverfly.com/competitions/view/scififantasy-screenwritin... and there's Screencrafts too: https://writers.coverfly.com/competitions/view/screencraft-scifi-and-fantasy
I''m sure there's lots more. Those are the ones I have in my head right now.
@Berenice yeah, that's what I have heard. I like it when a sci-fi series can renew people's interest in this field with a good balance of accurate scientific exposition and imaginative new ideas that the show can explore, such as Interstellar and The Martian. That's why I was curious about the process that goes into that style of writing.
It seems to me that so many SciFi fans and SciFi writers are also avid readers. Does anyone have any book suggestions? Any books about WRITING SciFi? SHARE HERE IN THE COMMENTS! Maybe you can share a little bit about how this webinar has expanded on what you've learned?
I love that this Webinar is focused on sci-fi, but has info and insights that are valuable to all writers regardless of genre.!
Very insightful. I'm learning what to do as well as what not to do, and this is helpful because I notice now that I have to edit and create an axis.
I'm writing on a few animated sci-fi series with a co-creator, former animator from Disney. Would a show bible be artwork and image focused? And how different is the process for pitching to Netflix than live-action? thanks @rickjayglen_vo
Great webinar! Hi from Healdsburg CA
Hey everyone get to writing! Off to pick up the kids from school but pumped and will check out the end on demand.
Y'all - NO JOKE, those Open Writing Assignments are GAME CHANGING! If you don't use anything else on Stage 32, PLEASE consider signing up for the Stage 32 Writer's Room so you can submit for these Open Writing Assignments!
Amanda just be showering us with gifts
Great question, @Rick Jay Glen! Have you posted your logline on your profile as well? Hopefully, Mickey will answer your question live, but a good starting place would be your logline so any visiting members can ask you about your project: https://www.stage32.com/loglines
@Melissa. I would say, remember that LOGIC is KEY.
Case in point: Watch the original 2 Alien films. Then, the first AVP and THEN Prometheus.
Agree Karen "Kay" Ross . OWAs provide outstanding opportunities.
@Elaine I agree! What I think is interesting to note is that what is logical to one person might not be that logical to another. That TBBT for example. Almost all of the characters are logic focus, yet they are still prone to making really illogical, character driven mistakes that no one else would make.
A question for Mickey about the future of science fiction:
Sci-fi is historically about the dangers of technology. Jurassic Park, Minority Report, Time Machine etc etc. "We are not ready yet". From Star Wars to Interstellar, people turn off the piloting computer to land the missile or the space ship...
Expand commentA question for Mickey about the future of science fiction:
Sci-fi is historically about the dangers of technology. Jurassic Park, Minority Report, Time Machine etc etc. "We are not ready yet". From Star Wars to Interstellar, people turn off the piloting computer to land the missile or the space ship on sheer human emotions instead. All these things work great in storytelling.
But in this day and age, isn't it time for sci-fi to tell stories that embrace science in the favor of what you "feel". For mankind to elevate to a level of intellect where we know our non-educated emotions are second to hard science and education.
Hi from Boston.
Right, @Elizabeth Smith?! NOW there's 20% off the Final deadline for the Stage 32 Sci-Fi & Fantasy Screenwriting Contest?! https://www.stage32.com/happy-writers/contests/6th-Annual-Sci-Fi-Fantasy...
Amanda Toney Is having a portfolio of concept art important to pitching a Sci-Fi series?
Karen "Kay" Ross I had the unfortunate situation of being the ONLY SciFi writer when I was at the AFI. But, I had the BESt teacher n June Roberts (Mermaids) when some of my fellow writers were teasing me about my genre of choice. She said: "Good writing is good writing. No matter the format or genre...
Expand commentKaren "Kay" Ross I had the unfortunate situation of being the ONLY SciFi writer when I was at the AFI. But, I had the BESt teacher n June Roberts (Mermaids) when some of my fellow writers were teasing me about my genre of choice. She said: "Good writing is good writing. No matter the format or genre".
I think a lot of people think there's some "Magic formula" to Genre writing and there isn't.
Learn to be a good writer. READ and WATCH TV series and movies and see what works and what doesn't.
and, as Mickey said, focus on the characters.
Question for Mickey - you mention the sci-fi world touches you came up with in the writers room, did those make it into the script, if so do you have a rule of thumb for what goes in and what doesn't?
So I'm working on a time travel story that I would like to turn into a 10 episodes animation mini series, and I'm wondering : from what I understood, there are 3 types of Time travel "logics".
1/ Back to the Future type : Single timeline when anything modified in the past has a direct consequence on...
Expand commentSo I'm working on a time travel story that I would like to turn into a 10 episodes animation mini series, and I'm wondering : from what I understood, there are 3 types of Time travel "logics".
1/ Back to the Future type : Single timeline when anything modified in the past has a direct consequence on the "future" timeline
2/ MCU type : Each change opens a branched timeline in the multiverse.
3/ Universal War One type (a fantastic time travel french comic book) : Everything is set in stone in a time loop, and no matter what you try to change, it's out of control, all written already, and whatever you make to change it is actually only confirming the loop.
I'm currently balancing which type of logic I'd like to use which will obviously impact a big deal my story (currently leaning more towards good old Back to the Future logic).
Do you have any thoughts on what pros and cons each type would have and how challenging it makes for writing the story ?
Jonas. Watch classic Star Trek.
Very good points on scientific accuracy. I think it's important to be scientifically accurate. But I'd lump it in with world building. For my own Sci-Fi pilot, I used the six essential elements to sustain life (Carbon, Hydrogen, Nitrogen, Oxygen, Phosphorus & Sulfur) to explain the variety of lifeforms in my universe and/or keep archetypes for building characters.
@Melissa. Th Lost in Space remake and the series Another Life are CHOCK FULL of EXCEPTIONALLY INTELLIGENT people making REALLY CRAPPY choices.
Question for Mickey and Amanda - It seems that the industry, specifically films, is leaning more towards guaranteed sucesses (e.g. films by DC, Disney (Marvel + Star Wars), and veering further away from original content. Do you foresee a similar trajectory with television?
Brother From Another Planet is a GREAT example of SciFi done on a budget
Ooo! Here is another great executive that can review your script and give you feedback - USE THAT DISCOUNT CODE! Sean E. from Marvel Studios, who is currently working on "SHE-HULK" and looking for SciFi/Fantasy/Adventure scripts:
Expand commentOoo! Here is another great executive that can review your script and give you feedback - USE THAT DISCOUNT CODE! Sean E. from Marvel Studios, who is currently working on "SHE-HULK" and looking for SciFi/Fantasy/Adventure scripts:
Question: What advice do you have for young writers looking for someone to take a chance on them?
Thank you very much for offering this amazing webinar! My niche is comedy, but I really enjoyed and learned a lot from this, too. I'm very grateful for all these fantastic learning opportunities!
Hey Mickey, what are your thoughts on a show like LoveCraft Country, such a well developed show, very nuanced, 18 noms, and not get picked up for another season. What do you think it was missing or happened.
While I believe scientific accuracy (hi sci-fi, as he mentioned) can be great to watch, like Interstellar, let's not forget that the most popular sci-fi saga of all times is Star Wars, movies that are obviously not done with scientific accuracy in mind (spaceships doing sound in space, laser swords with nuclear batteries miniaturized in the hilt and with limited range radius, the Force... etc)
Oh, HEY! I've been using the Stage 32 app for iPhone, but I just heard Amanda say it's available for Android now? SWEET! You can download them here:
Expand commentOh, HEY! I've been using the Stage 32 app for iPhone, but I just heard Amanda say it's available for Android now? SWEET! You can download them here:
@Luisa Comedy is a genre that blends easily into SciFi (Earth Girls are Easy)
Thanks for this amazing webinar! Greetings for all
When building a new IP, given that studios rarely like to take the risks on new ideas with not so big a following, is it smarter to start building brand popularity on social media first with shorts?
Good question, Rick Jay Glen.
Did y'all know that Stage 32 also offers an Adaptation Review? If you have a book or comic book that you're looking to adapt into a TV series, you can have an executive of your choosing review your IP and consult you on your next best steps!
Check out Carmen Knox, Manager & Producer looking for under...
Expand commentDid y'all know that Stage 32 also offers an Adaptation Review? If you have a book or comic book that you're looking to adapt into a TV series, you can have an executive of your choosing review your IP and consult you on your next best steps!
Check out Carmen Knox, Manager & Producer looking for underrepresented voices, for your Adaptation Review: https://www.stage32.com/scriptservices/coverage/buy?id=66&genre=manu&exe...
QUESTION: re. episode length - I’ve noticed some Netflix shows can range from 40 to 60 minutes. I’m writing a treatment and would like to change the length of episodes depending on the story - is this sort of thing frowned up? Best not to mention this in a pitch?
@Elaine - OMG, I remember seeing Earth Girls are Easy when I was a kid and it was so ridiculous and awesome! LOL
Great to meet everyone. I'm Maurice Vaughan from NC. It's FANTASTIC to see so many people on here.
You did an excellent job teaching this webinar, Mickey. Thanks for the advice and your time.
I saw "The Tomorrow War" on Amazon, Colette "ByFilms" Byfield. I enjoyed it. Chris Pratt and Sam Richardson were my favorite characters. The movie was better than I thought it was going to be. What did you think of it?
2 QUESTIONS: Could you elaborate more on the idea of creating your own IP? Especially through things like short stories and other related content as you mentioned. AND How important would you say it is to live somewhere near the industry when you're just starting out?
Aimee Schoof, a C- Level Executive at Red Giant Entertainment and the Absolute Comics Group, would be another great option for an Adaptation Review, especially if you have a comic book series!
Expand commentAimee Schoof, a C- Level Executive at Red Giant Entertainment and the Absolute Comics Group, would be another great option for an Adaptation Review, especially if you have a comic book series!
Notes are not to you but to your script. Everyone just wants a better script. This is so good.
Art Wasem - right?! So well said! Plus, "try to make this version better than the last" really helps to get us into owning those choices and changes without getting stuck in perfectionism. Thank you for that, Mickey!
Is a format doc like a show bible?
Wonder if a format document is it like a treatment?
Hi Mickey thanks for this great web/air What are the general budgets invested in this genre Thanks
Question for Mickey if you see the chat here: any advice tailored more for mini-series? eg 8 episodes? I'm sketching out a drama/thriller mini-series, each episode aiming for 1 hour each, and I'd love any advice regarding this. Obviously my story has to be compressed to go from A – B in just one sea...
Expand commentQuestion for Mickey if you see the chat here: any advice tailored more for mini-series? eg 8 episodes? I'm sketching out a drama/thriller mini-series, each episode aiming for 1 hour each, and I'd love any advice regarding this. Obviously my story has to be compressed to go from A – B in just one season. Think Squid Game, for example, which wraps up its story in just one season with only the hint of perhaps Season 2 etc... technically it could be happily left where it ended.
QUESTION FOR MICKEY: When you talk about having the world be a reflection of your character’s emotional journey, what does that actually translate into in the script? Would love some more insights/thoughts on this connection between world and the theme / character journey. Also, when will you offer a course? Signed up for your ExtantStoryTech already. Thanks!
Thank you for the wonderful words of encouragement Mickey! I'm glad that I got to attend your webinar today.
Happiness is pen & paper❤️
Thank you Mickey and Stage 32 once again for this fantastic webinar!!!!!
The method that Mickey mentioned for breaking into the industry as a writer, may not be feasible for someone with a physical disability like myself. Are there any suggestions that would be more applicable?
Excellent webinar! very helpful and inspirational.
Thank you so much for all of the inspirational comments and advice.
Good lord that was a ton of information! You da man!
This webinar has been outstanding.
Great Webinar! thank you !
Very insightful stuff, even if you're not planning to be a writer!
Brilliant advice and info from Mickey , as always.
Thanks for all of your insight Mickey!
Thank you Mickey! Truly wonderful and educational presentation. I got so much out of it!
hope to network with you all! @rickjayglen_vo - follow me on Instagram
Thank you so much Mickey, breaking in can feel so hard and contests a total grind. It's been so inspirational to hear from you, especially so honestly.
The coverage is well worth it Karen "Kay" Ross
Excellent webinar! 3 Hours+ and I'm still listening at the very end. A tour de force. Thank you!
Thank you Mickey, priceless firsthand and honest information! Stage 32, thanks for being here for creatives, beyond appreciated.
Thank you.
Thank you Mickey for a fantastic webinar and the inspiring tips!
Thank you everybody for the time it took to put this on. I always learn something new when I surround myself with people smarter than me.
Thank you so much Mickey. There was so much useful and insightful information discussed today!
Thank you, Mickey, and thank you, Amanda and everyone at Stage 32 for sharing your time and expertise.
Many thanks
Thank you Mickey and crew. My "angle" is slightly different - I have a few stories that have to get made. I don't necessarily want to write my entire life. But I have that drive - almost a manic drive - to get these stories "on paper". Even if they eventually go nowhere, I KNOW they are good stories...
Expand commentThank you Mickey and crew. My "angle" is slightly different - I have a few stories that have to get made. I don't necessarily want to write my entire life. But I have that drive - almost a manic drive - to get these stories "on paper". Even if they eventually go nowhere, I KNOW they are good stories, but there is timing, luck, and many other things alongside hard work, bat least I know I put them "to paper". I have 3 of them currently and working to make each one great (still have a lot lot lot to learn!)
Excellent information Mickey!! Enjoyed the seminar!
Thank you, Mickey, your talk was so inspiring and has motivated me to finish my TV pitch. I’m mainly horror but want to do a sci-fi now!
Would it be possible for Mickey to adopt me?
Thank you, Mickey. Excellent Webinar. Brilliant information!
Sicily! Thanks Mickey Thanks S32/Netflix
I will never forget the first time something from my noggin, went on a page, into someone else's brain, and made them cry then laugh. There was no greater feeling. My brain did that. Mickey you're right. Its not the money, its what some are made t do. Tell stories.
Thanks Mickey and Stage32! Loved the webinar :)
Great tips, Sci Fy isn't my genre, but when the story needs to be told, it doesn't let go. I'm on page 26 of the pilot. Thanks for the information, I've got some rewriting to do.
Thanks so much, as soon as this is available as a recording I'm definitely going to watch it again. So much information to take in.
Thank you!!
So awesome!
Hi this is Prince Matthew from Nigeria, I'm really totally overwhelmed. Glad I was here
so much info gleaned in this webinar. i wish the walls in my room were all whiteboards.
thank you mickey and stage 32 for this amazing webinar
Thanks Mickey, was really awesome and very inspiring!
Thank you.
Thank you, Mickey, for the inspiration to keep learning and writing!
thank you very much for everything, this was certainly very eye-opening and a great webinar!
This was amazing. That QR tip was great. Thank you so much.
Can we also get applause for Karen "Kay" Ross and Amanda Tomey for Moderating today's Webinar?
Great webinar! Thank you, Mickey, and thanks to everyone involved!
Thank you Mickey and Amanda for a wonderful and informative session.
Thank you!
Amanda is really good at asking questions. And, kudos to Mickey Fisher also for the great explanations as a writer. The presentation is not that wordy, but it's more of a highlight for a pitch.
It was a great heartfelt experience. I remembered my teacher from Mickey (nostalgia). His professional, specific, and giving terminology were very easy for me to understand. Thank you!
Aww, thanks so much, Elaine! I really appreciate your kind words! I second that - let's give it up to Amanda Toney for SLAYING that moderation game! You host a webinar like a pro ('cause ya are)!
And a HUGE thank you to the rest of the team who were working silently behind the scenes - y'all rock!
Hi Mickey, thanks for sharing your story, and for the updates of what buyers are looking for.
131 Sci-Fi Scripts That Screenwriters Can Download and Study https://screencraft.org/blog/131-sci-fi-scripts-that-screenwriters-can-d...
Mickey - Great session. So much gems.
I have one question.
Do you think it's beneficial to have actors attached to a pilot/script?
I have a B-list actor with a handful of features in Fox's Empire, and has starred in a film alongside Ice-T. He loved my pilot script so much that he asked to be conside...
Expand commentMickey - Great session. So much gems.
I have one question.
Do you think it's beneficial to have actors attached to a pilot/script?
I have a B-list actor with a handful of features in Fox's Empire, and has starred in a film alongside Ice-T. He loved my pilot script so much that he asked to be considered for one of the lead roles and has offered to have his name attached to the project and attend a pitch session if needed.
I'm not sure if I should consider his offer and whether I can use this as real leverage.
Please share your thoughts.
Thank you
Nikhil Kamkolkar "When you talk about having the world be a reflection of your character’s emotional journey, what does that actually translate into in the script?" Maybe things in the environment (color, buildings, etc.) change as the character’s emotional journey changes. The change in environment...
Expand commentNikhil Kamkolkar "When you talk about having the world be a reflection of your character’s emotional journey, what does that actually translate into in the script?" Maybe things in the environment (color, buildings, etc.) change as the character’s emotional journey changes. The change in environment would reflect the change in the character.
A huge thanks to Karen "Kay" Ross, Amanda Toney, Stage 32, Mickey, and Netflix.
Thank you sooooo much Amanda Toney, Mickey, Stage32 and Netflix!! It was an amazing webinar!!!
Thanks for the script link Maurice Vaughan
thank you
Today is great. From Sri Lanka, Galle
An absolutely first-rate webinar! Thank you, Stage 32, Amanda and Mickey.
You're welcome, Martin Reese.
Thank you to everyone that tuned into the webinar. The on demand is now available and you can watch it logged into your Stage 32 profile. Mickey's handouts are listed underneath the video, as well as the resources we discussed.
Hey, everyone! Thanks again for tuning in on Monday. I had a blast, I'm glad to hear it was informative and, for some of you, gave you some motivation to get cracking on your sci-fi ideas.
I wanted to jump in and answer a few questions from the thread, I'll try to do more later.
@ Darren Nash: I init...
Expand commentHey, everyone! Thanks again for tuning in on Monday. I had a blast, I'm glad to hear it was informative and, for some of you, gave you some motivation to get cracking on your sci-fi ideas.
I wanted to jump in and answer a few questions from the thread, I'll try to do more later.
@ Darren Nash: I initially conceived of EXTANT for 7 seasons, lol. I was OPTIMISTIC. But I also designed it in a way that it was meant to grow organically from season to season as opposed to one big mystery that would be solved in the series finale. It was an ongoing, escalating war. And I do think most people view sci-fi as a genre, I do, but with those other subgenres like sci-fi/horror.
@JordanWeaver, I personally wouldn't do it because you can't legally sell it and if you do, you only have one buyer -- the rights holder. It might be a fun creative exercise or a stunt script that gets you noticed, you just have to weight the time vs reward.
@NikkySyreets -- thank you!!
Expand comment@JordanWeaver, I personally wouldn't do it because you can't legally sell it and if you do, you only have one buyer -- the rights holder. It might be a fun creative exercise or a stunt script that gets you noticed, you just have to weight the time vs reward.
@NikkySyreets -- thank you!!
@CarltonAllen -- I think the important thing is that you get us invested in the character's stakes. What does it mean for them if they don't achieve this goal? What happens if they don't get it? The SQUID GAME pilot does such a great job of this.
@JulieVallejo -- MAN IN THE HIGH CASTLE is definitely an alt-history.
@TracyDavidSim -- I don't think three seasons with a closed ending is considered limited, that's kind of what's normally happening on a lot of streaming shows now. A lot of Netflix shows only go two!
@MelissaSpearman -- That’s a really good question. I think a good way to do that is spend time thinking about their flaws. For instance, intelligence doesn’t necessarily mean emotional intelligence, so they may have trouble relating to other people. Sometimes very smart people are train wrecks in ot...
Expand comment@MelissaSpearman -- That’s a really good question. I think a good way to do that is spend time thinking about their flaws. For instance, intelligence doesn’t necessarily mean emotional intelligence, so they may have trouble relating to other people. Sometimes very smart people are train wrecks in other regards because of their hyper-focus. Another pitfall is not letting your audience get too far ahead of your genius character in figuring out the mystery because then your smart character starts to look kind of dumb.
@KatherineKing -- Creatively, I personally at least know my pilot story before I write my pitch because that’s a big section of the pitch. On the selling side, I think it depends on what kind of access you have. If you can get a meeting to pitch your idea you may not need the script, but if you don’t have that kind of access the well-executed script can open those doors.
@JonasUssing -- I think that’s certainly a viable path for a writer who is passionate about that idea. I think there’s an audience for it but I think there’s also always going to be an audience for those other things because they present a pretty clear visceral fear/thrill.
Hey, Mickey. You said something about there being an appetite for genre procedural. Can you elaborate?
A friendly hello from your pal in Brazil.