Hi everyone! I'm an American expat outside of Victoria, BC. I write cathartic thrillers that go down easy. Feel free to send a connection and check out my loglines in my profile. The scripts were a blast to write and are even more fun to read!
Hi, I'm a screenwriter from Port Elizabeth, Nelson Mandela Bay in South Africa. I am really enjoying this workshop. I have in the first 10 minutes learned more than my school years in the benches.
Ooh I should probably do a little self-promotion. Again, my name is Kim from Rhode Island and I'm heavily into fantasy, steampunk, and eldritch horror. I'm also a freelance graphic designer and illustrator who loves doing character design as well!
Hello everyone. Video editor and shooter here. Worked on Cocaine Cowboys: Los Muchachos and I'm looking to provide value to your next project. Follow me on instagram @nathanscamera.
C-Mack is terrific! Such critical information he's sharing--priceless. What a genuine and likeable guy. It's obvious he's rooting for all of us to succeed. Thanks Stage32!
Guess I should intro myself as well... my name is Hymnson, I'm an actor, screenwriter, stuntman, and diversity advocate in Los Angeles. You can follow me on Insta at @heyhymnson or check out my imdb at www.imdb.me/hymnson
Greetings! I'm an author and screenwriter from Alberta, working mostly in speculative fiction. So if you like fantasy or sci fi, you know, get at me. finger guns
Hi everyone, love the energy of this session, very insightful. I am a screenwriter (www.fratelliwren.com) in the UK, sitting here in the dark with my coffee! Great to, virtually, meet you all and would love to collaborate/connect.
Excellent workshop by Chris Mack! Hey all I'm based in Culver City and working on tv pilots and feature films that focus on diverse women, demonstrating how "ordinary" people rise up to challenges in extraordinary ways...often in historic settings like World War II or the Gilded Age... @nataliebergman on twitter
Hey, no shame, Mandi Allen! We're all on the same creative journey, but we take different exits and entrances back on that highway! Glad to have you here!
Hi all! Currently working on a TV pilot and editing a screenplay so this is right on time! Love the webinar. I appreciate the candor and the great information!
Hey, Jack Wood! I can't say for sure if the PDF will be available, but the recording should be available. Look for a follow-up email after the webinar wraps that confirms the recording is available for viewing!
Just a friendly reminder - This is a forum-based platform, so after you comment, you may need to reload the page to see new comments. Don't forget to add members to your network by clicking on the PLUS symbol on their profile icon!
Hi everyone! I'm a writer currently working on the pitch of an animated series with a creative producer, based on a tabletop RPG and transmedia universe I created.
Just to confirm - in the Q&A box in the Zoom webinar, Harrison responded with, "We'll have the recording of this entire presentation including the PowerPoint available to rewatch later through your Stage 32 account." So, once logged in, hover over the Education tab at the top of the page, select "My Education", and you should see all the webinars you've registered for. Click this one, and it will take you to the recording and supporting material (once available).
As a feature writer, that's transitioning into episodic, I am so grateful for the season map, that breaks down how the three act structure, is broken down into episodes. Major kudos for that!
My bad - Amanda just said no pdf will be available, but the recording will be available 24-48 hours after the webinar wraps. Thank you all for your kind words, it's truly appreciated!
I'm Jack Silver - a film and theatre writer and director (and other things) from London, U.K.
I've won a few awards and been nominated for lots more .. but mainly I just love making amazing work. I've also worked with a few famous actors over the years.
This is a great session BTW :)
Really keen to connect with interesting people to chat about doing interesting work.
Hey, Codey S. Wilson - no need! The recording of the webinar will be available in 24-48 hours after it wraps. Nick Wray - Not sure how long it will continue, but if you have to bounce, you can watch the replay over the weekend!
Very informative. Covers many aspects of writing for television but aspects particular to what Netflix is looking for those pitching to them. Solid info. Thx.
Too bad writers are the most underrated, and under appreciated, part of the Industry. Screenwriters don't even get credits listed on most streaming sites. smh
Hola! Im a mexican filmmaker (director, script doctor, producer) and the singer from the punk eclectical orchestra DRAMA QUEERS! If you want new music for 2021, here's a gift as a pleased to meet you note: www.dramaqueers.com
The psychological thrilling musical videos are done by our production company. MAYBE WE CAN JOIN SUPER POWERS (we have edgy, violent, dark humor, queer & liberal films and series): https://armadillozzz.tumblr.com/
This is a fantastic presentation, Chris! I love the scope and depth! Thanks to Stage 32 for bringing it to us.
Hi! I'm Paula Gill, a former television executive, and now, a writer and story coach. With my own writing, I focus on online serialized storytelling and audio dramas. But I'm also developing young adult and family-friendly stories for TV and animation.
I'd love to connect, and I'm happy to answer questions about any of my areas of expertise.
Thank you for your time. If you have a real solid idea, including a spec script, with a full Bible, is it better to work with a Show Runner, or pitch the concept yourself? Also, is it good to have a spec script attached to the Bible?
CHRIS, will you watch my two minute proof of concept trailer for my show!!! :) - (worth a shot) - I made it in hopes of strategically starting a conversation.
I was only able to attend the first 90mins... this was great, and needs another look with some note taking (plus I want to see the rest of the presentation). Where can I find the posted video once available?
I know asking Chris to watch my trailer was dumb, and seemingly arrogant, but I thought, "How could I get someone to read my pilot?" So, I shot the 2-minute proof of concept trailer.
Hey, Mauricio Niebla! Great question! I think you can tell from the Q&A with Amanda and Christopher that that is not an easy, straight-forward answer, HOWEVER, Stage32 has a TON of resources to help you continue to shape up your script and pitch to make it available to Netflix. The most direct route is to pitch it on one of our pitch sessions: https://www.stage32.com/scriptservices/pitch-sessions
Keep in mind that these pitch sessions are meant to be educational first, and an opportunity to connect with executives second. It is up to the executive whether or not they request more information.
They said to give them up to 48 hours to process the recording Dave Brynlund and it will be available via, I think, education or resources in your Stage32 profile.
According to Chris Mack, we do not need a finished pilot script to pitch to Netflix but we do need an agent or manager in order to pitch to Netflix and the agent and or manager will need a finished script.
Hi! I had to leave the webinar early because I had a class, but I was wondering where the recorded video will be posted? Learning from Chris was such a privilege! Thank you.
In a Bible, is it better to focus on three to five main characters, or list as many characters as possible, which if their stories were expanded, could have an impact on the story?
Hey Chris! Question about IP: what are your thoughts on taking a script and flipping it into your own IP (i.e. a graphic novel) in order to get some hype?
As a follow-up, one of the best benefits of Stage32 is CHOOSING who reads your script, whether for script coverage (https://www.stage32.com/scriptservices/coverage) which gives you written notes or script consulting (https://www.stage32.com/scriptservices/consulting) which gives you a one-on-one call for feedback. This is a fantastic value to get that feedback since a typical "Hollywood Meeting" to pitch your script would just give you a "no" or a "tell me more".
BONUS: ANY script that gets a double recommendation on coverage (recommend the writer and the script) will be added to our monthly LookBook that is circulated to all our executives! What a Win-Win! You get feedback and the opportunity to reach industry executives!
Amazing, S32! Really! Chris M. of Netflix could've probably made a living as a prominent screenwriting instructor in Hollywood; he's certainly out-chalkboards two prestigious ones I’ve had the privilege of receiving writing tutelage under. Yet, Chris chose to aid writers and content creators in submitting effectively to his parent company so their stories can be heard. No doubt, Chris is someone who adores his distribution network first and foremost, yet he also loves writing and is quickly becoming the screenwriter’s hero.
This was my first Stage 32 webinar, but I've watch a few from others and I have to say Chris - this was amazing. You're a great presenter, I love your story, and just thank you so much!
Hi! Screenwriter (profession) and Director (Aspiring) here! This was a really insightful and informative experience. Enjoyed all of the chat conversations as well! What a great introduction to Stage32!
that was amazing. This is a great group to be involved with. Generously gives so much information. Chris Mack @Netflix was humble, knowledgable and transparent, Amanda and Rob brilliant facilitators. thank you again for the opportunity to be apart of this
It was great - the only thing was I had an actors recording from 8 to 9 so I missed the critical middle bit! I understand it was recorded but do you have to be a paid subscriber to watch it again?
Thank you RB, Amanda and Chris - that was a great breakdown and a straightforward and inspiring webinar. Great to have someone in the know map out avenues for the amateurs, and the creative juices are definitely flowing again. That was the extra motivator needed to really get going in 2021! Awesome work, thanks.
Chris Mack is amazing. So much energy and relevant information about what Netflix is looking for in a TV series and how to write and pitch the pilot. I don't see Sarah Gabrielle Baron on this lounge. I do hope she watches this as I believe it would be very helpful as she works on her TV Series that we gave feedback on last Monday.
I'm an author and screenwriter from Guelph, Ontario. Loved the webinar. Learned a lot. I write urban fantasy, paranormal, crime thrillers, science fiction. Would love to connect!
Chris Mack and the webinar he hosted was one of a kind. Very informative, very insightful, entertaining, and engaging. The best one I've been a part of.
Chris has had a long, successful career in the industry. His advice to keep pushing and keep creating, came from experience. I appreciate his sentiment that Netflix doesn't know what they're looking for, but they know when they see it...if they want it. We just have to keep writing, and telling the stories we feel have to be told. Writing is a pretty great arena to be involved in.
Chris Mack, Netflix webinar was so helpful and engaging. Thank You for having this today; I've been working on a few ideas in a class, with a script consultant, and they are coming together. The Stage 32 platform seems like a great space to make connections and share these stories.
HUGE thank you to all who attended and those who shared the word on social media! Please continue to do so and to tag us at @stage32 and @RBwalksintoabar so we can give you credit! And, of course, if you received value today (and how could you not), please invite others to our (and it is all of ours) community! The more creatives, the stronger the more opportunity. And the more opportunity, the more success stories.
And, of course, all respect and love to Chris for absolutely knocking the cover off the ball with that presentation and doing so with such positive energy and love. That's what it's all about - selflessness, collaboration, and one love.
So great to meet so many of you! Can't wait to get to know you all more. Cheers!
If you want help practicing your pitch, I cannot recommend Stage32's Writer's Room enough! Brooklynn Fields and Nick Assunto - Stage 32 Script Services Coordinator do a fantastic weekly Pitch Practice Session where you can receive peer feedback. Drop our Director of Script Services, Jason Mirch, a quick email to get a link for your first month free: J.Mirch@stage32.com
Whew! SO many new faces! WELCOME, ALL! If you are new to the lounges, you can comment for all to see at the bottom of the thread, add an AT symbol in order to address your response to someone specific, or direct message any member to follow up on a question by clicking on their profile icon.
Thanks so much for the love! We love providing actionable information, so... what's one thing you'll be doing now that you've seen this webinar?
This workshop was jammed-packed with helpful insight on not just pitching, but how to approach story. My sincere thanks to Christopher Mack and Amanda Toney!
Well, that was fun! Thrilled with the amount of insightful comments we received and absolutely loved that we had people turning in from over 160 countries! It's been my honor for the last 10 years putting together Stage 32's unparalleled education. I know some people weren't able to get the links I gave during the webinar so you can check them out here:
Hey everyone! I'm the Education Director here at Stage 32 and am SO grateful you all joined us today. Wasn't Chris freaking great? I learned so much and now I want to watch Breaking Bad all over again (if I can find the emotional strength).
If you liked the education you saw today, we have A LOT more where that came from. Over 1500 hours of valuable education on all aspects of film, TV and new media, and content for beginners all the way to experts in the field (Oscar and Emmy award winners take advantage of this stuff too).
Reach out to me at any time! I'm always happy to help or point you in the right direction of the right education for you. You can always reach me at h.glaser@stage32.com.
Hey, Mikey Guggenheim! It typically takes 24-48 hours for the recording to become available. Don't worry, once it is, you know I'll post it on the thread! I got you! * long-distance high-five *
I also really enjoyed the webinar. That type of info (inside baseball--if you will) is invaluable. And yes ... Chris was freakin' great! ... REALLY likeable.
Highly recommend going down this list and the one in the Screenwriting Lounge and hit the + button for all. Everyone here attended the webcast and posted here. That means their like-minded and serious like you about their pursuits and goals. Great way to power network!
Hello and welcome to our new members! We have so much more amazing, helpful, and inspiring resources on the Stage 32 blog! https://www.stage32.com/blog - if anyone is interested in writing a blog for the Stage 32 community, you can email me at taylor@stage32.com
The fact that number of people who were watching this webinar exceeded by a lot the number of people who were watching Biden's inauguration speech should make RB and the entire Stage32 team proud...or worried... or even both. This weird and sarcastic comment aside, great webinar as every single one so far.
So glad to have more and more members stop in and add to this thread - WELCOME, ALL! If you'd like to introduce yourselves, say a little about what you do, what you'd like to be doing, and who you'd like to meet, then I warmly invite you to post in the Introduce Yourself Lounge! https://www.stage32.com/lounge/introduce_yourself
Don't forget, after you post, scroll through the lounge, and read and respond to others' posts as well! It's the best way to really connect!
Hi Amanda, Thanks so much for today's truly inspiring and educational webinar. (I think we almost broke the internet!) I took a pic as asked and have posted it to my Cold Reading Circle (202 members). A number of the group members have expressed an interest in signing up with Stage 32 and watching the webinar, some from Australia, others from the UK, America and Canada. Will you be notifying us when the link will go up? Once again, AMAZING and informative. I'm so glad I was able to be there.
This was fantastic. Someone sent me the link for it, and I was expecting a quick overview of Netflix's criteria, not a tour de force screenwriting masterclass. I'm presently applying it to a pitch I am writing at the moment.
We'll have the entire webinar available On Demand very shortly. You'll be able to find it (along with our entire 1500 hours of On Demand content) under the Education tab on the top menu bar.
Rebecca O'Reilly On the Gear icon, top right of the page, check Purchase History. The webinar will be available to watch on-demand again when it's ready
This webinar was invaluable. I learnt more in 3 hours than any course I have ever been on. I wuld love to revisit it as didnt manage to take enough notes. Please let us know where we can find it online.
Great news but when I tried to link to this video here and through link posted on email sent by Creative World Awards, it did not work. When its available again can you set it up here front and center?
This was one of the best webinars I have ever attended. It was so inspired and insightful. Christopher has great energy and truly delivered his wisdom and tips in a unique, easy-to-digest way. I absolutely loved the use of the case studies as well as his lesson on the Season Map, based on the 3-Act structure we would refer to for film. Fantastic to see how this can be applied to episodic television. Amazing, Amazing, Amazing. Oh, and did I say how amazing it was?? Thanks to Stage 32 for bringing this content to the creative masses.
The Stage 32/Netflix Pitch Workshop Webinar is now available On Demand. IAll we ask for bringing you this tremendous value is to please share through your social channels and tag @stage32 and @RBwalksintoabar on Twitter and IG. Here's the link.
The big takeaway for me is that Netflix is looking for great scripts. You can talk about things like pitch docs and getting attaching an actor your package, but you need a great script first and foremost. And I love Chris' appreciation for the writers.
Interestingly enough, Martin Reese, I remember Christopher saying that they do not need a script to greenlight a pitch, but you do have to have enough of the series fleshed out to answer all of those really important series questions. In a way, I can see that - a really thorough treatment can easily become the lines of action of a first draft.
I totally agree about Chris's appreciation for the writers! Love to hear producers are routing for us!
You make a great point Karen "Kay" Ross , but if you get them to buy the pitch you better darn well be able to deliver a finished script in a reasonable amount of time. There's are pros and cons to that approach. Another question (wish I had asked) is if they only take materials from lawyers or agents/reps then you have to have a rep who thinks your pitch doc is enough too.. Hope I didn't sound too confusing. Just give me Christopher's number and I'll ask. LOL
Yes, Laurie. Drop Jason Mirch, our Director of Script Services, a line at J.Mirch@stage32.com - We call him the Screenwriter Whisperer around these parts. He's an expert at connecting writer/material with exec/pro. He has an open door policy for all writers on this platform.
OMG Amanda! I have to admit I've attended and watched a lot of great webinars. But the Stage 32/Netflix webinar was seriously out of this freaking world. I did not expect to gain so much! Watching again soon! RB thank you for continuing to raise the bar and level the playing field! I'm so pumped!!
This was a great webinar! Thank you Chris, RB and Amanda. I am sad that I can't pitch to Netflix without an agent, manager or lawyer but I am greatful to have learned so much from Chris. All his ideas are universal and can be used not only with Netflix but with other companies as well. It really helps writers to organize their thoughs in a way that keeps them moving forward.
On a funny note I now understand what I suspected. What keeps us binge watching Netflix. The character driven stories and the famous cliff hangers.
Precisely my thoughts E. Lamoreaux! I found myself thinking about the feature I'm writing while Chris was presenting Harmon's circle, and a lot began to make sense. I'm revising the outline now with that in mind.
I also loved the personal touch Chris added to his presentation, e.g. learning that someone like Chris with such wealth of knowledge, experience, and confidence once had doubts was a relief, and beautifully empowering! Great webinar, and a great speaker. Thank you RB and the team :-) I'll sure be watching again, and again...
Loved the replay...I was late to the party when it was live -- and didn't get the benefit of being on a big screen and soaking up the great graphics. Having been around the block a few times - always focused on television series -- I loved this. And more than anything felt validated about the process I pass on when I work with other writers as well as what I've adopted for myself. My UCLA Writing students over the years managed to coerce me into putting into book form. https://www.billtaub.com/automatic-pilot/ I would have to say one of the biggest distinctions I make instead of starting with character , is I like to start with concept which becomes the umbrella over everything. I've known Richard "RB" Botto for all of the ten plus years he's been doing Stage 32. And he even was kind enough to be a panelist on a WGA Seminar I ran on 'Creating A Web Series'. But this is/was a great primer and Chris is right -- it applies to more than just Netflix. As I suggest too, take of it what you will -- and leave the rest behind. And if I can end on an invite at the same time -- I will be teaching at UCLA Extension online -- the platform that I love most now -- 'scripted audio' -- I'd love to invite CHRIS MACK to do a ZOOM interview that I could load onto the class. Either way, thanks for this. I have never seen anything like it because I've never met anybody as generous as Chris is willing to run a marathon -- or maybe a triathlon since he likes to cycle so much. Other than that, stay safe. Stay healthy. And as they used to say on 'Hill Street Blues' (I know. I know. What's Hill Street Blues?) "BE CAREFUL OUT THERE!"
It was an incredible resource, I actually ended up transcribing most of it into a word doc so I could refer back to it while I working on the script for a personal project I want to develop!
Talk about " Teachable Moments !" The single finest offering yet from RB's brain child... major thanks to Chris for such a complete, rich sharing, and to Amanda for being able to focus such a powerful presentation for learning... the insights here probably equal to an entire year in film school...bhs
Grateful to you, Brian. This was indeed a masterclass. My showrunner, producer and I have already implemented many of Chris' ideas into our upcoming scheduled pitches with the streamers and other prod co's. This is what it's all about for us here. Getting the timely, actionable information right from the source.
This workshop is about a 1000 times MORE than what I thought it was going to be!!! I have spent 4 days going through it and have ended up with 30 pages of handwritten notes! (Yes, 30!) and a dozen screenshots of Chris’ PowerPoint presentation. Chris Mack is absolutely amazing. He's such a cool guy and seems like such a good human - but he’s especially amazing in the information he provides and the manner in which he provides it. I've read so many books, blogs, websites and attended various workshops for 2 years at the American Film Market in Santa Monica and this is - HANDS DOWN - the absolute BEST training that I have ever received!! NOT just on pitching but on writing, character development and story structure. I’m going to type it all up and print it out for myself and put it in a binder, because I know I will use this information every single time I sit down to start writing a new episode or a new project. As for my current projects that I’m getting ready to start pitching, “Allie of Eden”, and “Phoenix 454”, I am "pitching" out the pitch I HAD and am constructing whole new pitches, based on this fantastic information!! I cannot say enough good things about it and I cannot believe that information this comprehensive, and therefore so valuable, is offered for FREE!! It is GOLDEN!!!Thank you SO MUCH to Chris Mack, RB and Amanda!!!
Love hearing this, Melanie Star Scot. Appreciate your thoughtful post! Please do pay it forward and share with your fellow creative friends and peers. We're speaking with Chris again this morning and will share your words with him. Cheers.
Far from just a screenwriting site, Barry, but I appreciate the spirit of your note. For the last 10 years, Stage 32 has been at the forefront of democratizing the entertainment industry for ALL film, television and new media creatives and professionals worldwide. And that mission continues. Having said that, there's no greater praise for our Script Services than the fact that managers, agents, prod co's, studios, development execs, financiers and other execs use our services to build their projects, review their scripts and fill their mandates. We couldn't be more proud of that. And, of course, we encourage all who have scripts and projects and are interested in those services to reach out to Jason Mirch, who heads up that division of Stage 32, at J.Mirch@stage32.com - Cheers!
Thank you so much Richard "RB" Botto !! I have shard it so many times - all over the place here, as well as my Instagram, Jason's Instagram and my Facebook. (I think I left a similar comment on your Instagram) And I've invited all of my creative friends to join. Please give Chris a big "Huzzah!" from me!! :)
Excellent presentation. What still sticks in my mind today is the example of BB and the use of the color blue--how such a minute detail like that plays with the mind of the audience.
What especially stood out for me were two things. First, when C Mack (!) talked about how a writer can present to Netflix, he said that good writers must get an agent but that "the cream always rises to the top", and that's given me hope. The second thing was his recommendation of "Lupin". I watched the series and really enjoyed it. I especially liked the dog who kept barking every time he heard the bad guy's name. That is definitely a writer's touch AND an element that I used in a play I wrote years ago, so it was a tiny sign that I am on the right track.
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9 people like this
Wahoo!! Hey, all! My name is Kay Ross, I'm the Community Manager here at Stage32. Welcome!
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Hi, everyone!
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Hello from Chubbuck ID!
5 people like this
Hi everyone - the page finally loaded for me :)
1 person likes this
Hello, glad to be at the webinar
2 people like this
I finally got in. Happy to be here. Chris is great.
2 people like this
Thank you for hosting this. What an opportunity!
2 people like this
Hello all! Andrea from London here :)
2 people like this
My name is Tye Roberson
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Hi, there. glad to be part of Stage 32. Looking to connect with other tv drama writers
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Yay page load! Hello from Toronto!
3 people like this
Oh finally I'm in! I don't know what was going on with my ipad. Greetings, my name is Kim and I'm from Rhode Island!
1 person likes this
oh yay! the link is working now!
2 people like this
Hello, from Texas. Nice to meet you all
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Hi All loving this session !
2 people like this
Hello from my rocking chair.
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I'm in! Fantastic already.
1 person likes this
Would love to be able to see it
1 person likes this
Hello from Hollywood, CA.
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Hey'all from Los Angeles, screenwriter in feature, tv space, with producing background.. @ArunKVir Thank you for this...
2 people like this
Oh, yay, the link finally worked!
Hello everyone,
Thanks to Stage32 for this amazing learning chance!
I'm a director/screenwriter based in Seoul, South Korea. Let's connect
2 people like this
Hi all from the UK!
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I learned about this from Clubhouse!
2 people like this
Oh heck yeah I love Kingdom! I'm not a huge zombie fan but I got super into that show!
2 people like this
Hi All - joining from Philadelphia ! Joined this week, and already psyched about the info & resources. This is great!
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If anyone is looking to collaborate, you can find my work at www.alevelpictures.com
2 people like this
Hi! Joining from Peru
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exciting to hear what Chris has to share
1 person likes this
Hi, nice to meet you all!
2 people like this
Hello fellow writers! I am a play/screenplay writer based in NYC (as well as Texas). Hope everyone is staying sane these days! Love to you all!
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1 person likes this
Great w-shop! hi everyone! happy to connect :)
1 person likes this
Hey all!
I just finished watching "Call My Agent"... Netflix.
2 people like this
Aristotle! My booooooy
Could somebody please send me a zoom invite
1 person likes this
So glad to see you all enjoying the session so far! I gotta be honest - this is freaking GOLD so far!
Keep checking in and let us know where you're hailing from!
1 person likes this
Hi everyone! I'm an American expat outside of Victoria, BC. I write cathartic thrillers that go down easy. Feel free to send a connection and check out my loglines in my profile. The scripts were a blast to write and are even more fun to read!
2 people like this
Hello! I'm a senior Dramatic Writing stdent at SCAD and a Writing Executive at IV Productions. Excited about the workshop!
Shea Moir - If you registered for the webinar, check your email for the "CORRECTED" link.
1 person likes this
Aristotle is awesome! hehe
2 people like this
Hi everyone- from Wisconsin please connect if you want.
1 person likes this
Hello all! Nice meeting you. Writer, artist & producer here.
Is this where the chatting is happening?
1 person likes this
Is it actually working? Ive been getting a "stage 32 sent an invalid response " for the last hour
1 person likes this
Hi Everyone. Happy to be here. Thank you for sharing.
1 person likes this
Hi all. I'm an accredited screenwritiner looking to network, brainstorm, & collaborate with people in the Cleveland area.
1 person likes this
finally got to the chat! nice to meet everyone! im new to stage32 but very happy to be here
1 person likes this
Hi, I'm a screenwriter from Port Elizabeth, Nelson Mandela Bay in South Africa. I am really enjoying this workshop. I have in the first 10 minutes learned more than my school years in the benches.
1 person likes this
Is there a webinar happening?
2 people like this
This is validating a lot of what I learned in film school. Thank goodness!
3 people like this
Hey y’all! I’m Ellie, a writer and producer from Chicago. Would love to connect with all of you! Have to jump early but I’m loving this session!
2 people like this
hey everyone
1 person likes this
Watched To The Lake, Alice in Boarderland, The Liberator, Nurse Wratched
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Hey there! Jessica from The Bronx, NYC!!!
1 person likes this
Hey everyone. Interesting stuff so far. :) I'm a screenwriter/author, happy to connect with fellow filmmakers!
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Hello, I finally got through! I'm Sam, I'm a screenwriter who's just getting started.
1 person likes this
Hello from Turkey
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Took a few tries to get in - this is great.
1 person likes this
Hi everyone!! I'm a writer, currently working with a writers' group on an adult Scifi animation series. Based in Cologne/Toronto. Happy to connect!!
1 person likes this
Watching from Denver. This is amazing information!
1 person likes this
Really enjoying this! My name is Alex Echols. I'm an author.
1 person likes this
this is perfect info
2 people like this
Greetings from Bath in the UK!
1 person likes this
Finally! Took me awhile to get in but glad to be here. Thanks for all the amazing info! I'm a novelist turned aspiring screenwriter
2 people like this
I had the same problem, Adam. Just got connected. Even though I write features and not TV Series, I'm learning a lot.
3 people like this
Ooh I should probably do a little self-promotion. Again, my name is Kim from Rhode Island and I'm heavily into fantasy, steampunk, and eldritch horror. I'm also a freelance graphic designer and illustrator who loves doing character design as well!
2 people like this
Hello everyone. Video editor and shooter here. Worked on Cocaine Cowboys: Los Muchachos and I'm looking to provide value to your next project. Follow me on instagram @nathanscamera.
1 person likes this
Loving this webinar and Chris is so detailed and informative. Can't wait to put all this wisdom to work!
1 person likes this
C-Mack is terrific! Such critical information he's sharing--priceless. What a genuine and likeable guy. It's obvious he's rooting for all of us to succeed. Thanks Stage32!
2 people like this
Guess I should intro myself as well... my name is Hymnson, I'm an actor, screenwriter, stuntman, and diversity advocate in Los Angeles. You can follow me on Insta at @heyhymnson or check out my imdb at www.imdb.me/hymnson
1 person likes this
Greetings! I'm an author and screenwriter from Alberta, working mostly in speculative fiction. So if you like fantasy or sci fi, you know, get at me. finger guns
1 person likes this
I love this idea of finding and using other material to help set the tone - what a great idea!
1 person likes this
Hello! Writer, director from Baltimore area.
1 person likes this
Hi everyone!! this is so interesting!!
1 person likes this
Hello all! Enjoying this talk so far. I'm out in the DC area
2 people like this
Hi everyone, love the energy of this session, very insightful. I am a screenwriter (www.fratelliwren.com) in the UK, sitting here in the dark with my coffee! Great to, virtually, meet you all and would love to collaborate/connect.
1 person likes this
Hello From Belfast. N.I.
1 person likes this
This has been great
2 people like this
A pleasure meeting Stage 32 talent!
1 person likes this
Great information Chris. Netflix could use more edgy Comedies! Please push for more good old fashioned fun shows.
1 person likes this
Greetings from Austin TX - Writer-Producer
3 people like this
I'm a college media writing professor. Loving this content!
1 person likes this
Finally got here...
1 person likes this
Hi everyone I'm Darius. I'm a Production Assistant, Director, and Scriptwriter from NY. Would love to connect with you all! Great Webinar so far!
2 people like this
Hi People, great to be here. Chris is totally dropping gems!!
1 person likes this
Fantastic talk
1 person likes this
Great webinar so far. Reinforcing a lot of what I've been working on.
2 people like this
Hello! I write adult animation comedy. In LA, originally from Chicago.
2 people like this
I'm down for any mention of The Raid.
1 person likes this
I've been here since 2014, and ashamed to say not used it often. So enjoying this webinar, will be here more often.
1 person likes this
This is so goooodddd!!!!
1 person likes this
Enjoying the webinar so far!
1 person likes this
This is so good and so helpful!
2 people like this
Goliath is a great show
1 person likes this
So many nice informations! Thank you Stage32!
Writer/Script Consultant from Austria - happy to connect!
1 person likes this
Hello from Boston...excellent information from Chris so far!
1 person likes this
Excellent workshop by Chris Mack! Hey all I'm based in Culver City and working on tv pilots and feature films that focus on diverse women, demonstrating how "ordinary" people rise up to challenges in extraordinary ways...often in historic settings like World War II or the Gilded Age... @nataliebergman on twitter
2 people like this
Hey hey! recent AFI grad, screenwriter from Brazil who loves writing female-led genre! Happy to connect!
3 people like this
Finally in! Hello from Las Vegas.
3 people like this
Listening in car from Nova Scotia, Canada
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Hey, no shame, Mandi Allen! We're all on the same creative journey, but we take different exits and entrances back on that highway! Glad to have you here!
3 people like this
Hi all! Currently working on a TV pilot and editing a screenplay so this is right on time! Love the webinar. I appreciate the candor and the great information!
3 people like this
This is invaluable information
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Jack Wood - yes they will upload the recording and slides to your account!
1 person likes this
Currently writing a comedy pilot and putting together a pitch deck for an action/drama. This is super useful info!
1 person likes this
This is great.
2 people like this
Really loving the seminar! Hello from San Diego!
2 people like this
Hey, Jack Wood! I can't say for sure if the PDF will be available, but the recording should be available. Look for a follow-up email after the webinar wraps that confirms the recording is available for viewing!
2 people like this
Really getting inspired and loving all of the info coming at us! Cheers from Vancouver!
2 people like this
This is awesome. Not many people can keep my attention for an hour+ by just talking at me. Chris, you rock.
2 people like this
Great webinar!
couldn't sign in.
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Just a friendly reminder - This is a forum-based platform, so after you comment, you may need to reload the page to see new comments. Don't forget to add members to your network by clicking on the PLUS symbol on their profile icon!
2 people like this
Now the dramatic tension strikes!
2 people like this
This is really such a valuable webinar. Thank you Stage32, RB, Amanda Toney, and Chris Mack!!
2 people like this
Hi - from a v.wet Winchester, England... good sess
3 people like this
Chris is very thorough. Lots of amazing detailed info. Definitely will have to watch the recording multiple times.
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Hello from London :D
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Woo, 5 minute break!
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Screenwriter from L.A . Looking to build my network so feel free to add me, particularly if you are in or around L..A
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Hello from Buena Park California!!!
1 person likes this
Wow, it’s so good and interesting that I missed to chat with all of you....
2 people like this
Hi everyone! I'm a writer currently working on the pitch of an animated series with a creative producer, based on a tabletop RPG and transmedia universe I created.
5 people like this
Just to confirm - in the Q&A box in the Zoom webinar, Harrison responded with, "We'll have the recording of this entire presentation including the PowerPoint available to rewatch later through your Stage 32 account." So, once logged in, hover over the Education tab at the top of the page, select "My Education", and you should see all the webinars you've registered for. Click this one, and it will take you to the recording and supporting material (once available).
3 people like this
Hello from Sarajevo! Hope to work with some of you in the future. :)
5 people like this
I attended a lot of different workshops about pitching, and this is clearly the best I ever had.
2 people like this
Hi from Toronto, Canada!
4 people like this
As a feature writer, that's transitioning into episodic, I am so grateful for the season map, that breaks down how the three act structure, is broken down into episodes. Major kudos for that!
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My bad - Amanda just said no pdf will be available, but the recording will be available 24-48 hours after the webinar wraps. Thank you all for your kind words, it's truly appreciated!
6 people like this
70 seconds of attention before people switch it off?! Jeez... 3 episodes to a long-term relationship?! It's like the 3 date rule! LOL!
1 person likes this
Exactly this point !
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Hello from Houston, Texas
4 people like this
Hey everyone! I just realized that we could chat about this webinar on here. :) Christopher Mack is terrific, yes? :) Good stuff.
2 people like this
...my feed is working in deepest Inception temporal time... I've aged 80 years waiting for a feed update...
2 people like this
Chris Mack is the MAN! This info is invaluable in real time!!! Thank you so much :)
4 people like this
Hi everyone,
I'm Jack Silver - a film and theatre writer and director (and other things) from London, U.K.
I've won a few awards and been nominated for lots more .. but mainly I just love making amazing work. I've also worked with a few famous actors over the years.
This is a great session BTW :)
Really keen to connect with interesting people to chat about doing interesting work.
2 people like this
I am just loving this info! It's so so great!
3 people like this
Great presentation! Using my iPhone to snap pictures of the best slides! Beats trying to type all my notes.
3 people like this
taking screenshots of the slides as fast as I can
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I could listen to this all day! Chris is on fire!
2 people like this
Hi everyone. I am a screenwriter in Alabama. I would love to connect.
2 people like this
Such an astounding amount of valuable information! Chris Mack is awesome! This is a great learning experience
This is great stuff...but do we know how long it is?
6 people like this
For those who have not seen this, it is a great resource for the Story Circle. https://www.studiobinder.com/blog/downloads/story-circle-template/
3 people like this
Hey, Codey S. Wilson - no need! The recording of the webinar will be available in 24-48 hours after it wraps. Nick Wray - Not sure how long it will continue, but if you have to bounce, you can watch the replay over the weekend!
1 person likes this
I'd love to see Chris run through this with a sitcom as an example like Friends or even a kids live action series.
4 people like this
Thanks for posting Matt!
2 people like this
Very informative. Covers many aspects of writing for television but aspects particular to what Netflix is looking for those pitching to them. Solid info. Thx.
2 people like this
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OKmTUPrKNPE&t=2s&ab_channel=CodeyWilson Notecard method but in Trello
Losted internet connection :((( thanks for recording ;)
3 people like this
Thanks for sharing your video, Codey S. Wilson! For your links, you can either post them to your profile or post them in the Your Stage Lounge (https://www.stage32.com/lounge/promotion) for feedback or promotion.
6 people like this
This is more than just a class on pitching. This is a stellar structure class!
4 people like this
Agree Gillian Fritzsche - Chris is doing such a phenomenal job!
3 people like this
Great class. So much incredible information. Especially love Chris's enthusiasm and energy.
2 people like this
Have to bow out in a few minutes. Fantastic workshop one of the best I've ever been too. Thank you Chris, Stage 32 and the rest of you.
1 person likes this
AHHH! The terrible blank page! LOL.
2 people like this
Great session!What a great exercise. Thank you.
2 people like this
Too bad writers are the most underrated, and under appreciated, part of the Industry. Screenwriters don't even get credits listed on most streaming sites. smh
3 people like this
Hola! Im a mexican filmmaker (director, script doctor, producer) and the singer from the punk eclectical orchestra DRAMA QUEERS! If you want new music for 2021, here's a gift as a pleased to meet you note: www.dramaqueers.com
The psychological thrilling musical videos are done by our production company. MAYBE WE CAN JOIN SUPER POWERS (we have edgy, violent, dark humor, queer & liberal films and series): https://armadillozzz.tumblr.com/
5 people like this
Thank you for the webinar. My question is, how we can contact netflix? Do we need a agent? How hard is to make contact with the right person there?
5 people like this
This is a fantastic presentation, Chris! I love the scope and depth! Thanks to Stage 32 for bringing it to us.
Hi! I'm Paula Gill, a former television executive, and now, a writer and story coach. With my own writing, I focus on online serialized storytelling and audio dramas. But I'm also developing young adult and family-friendly stories for TV and animation.
I'd love to connect, and I'm happy to answer questions about any of my areas of expertise.
1 person likes this
Brilliant! Thank you!
1 person likes this
Wow! Chris, Stage32, thank you so, so much! This class was superb!
1 person likes this
1 person likes this
Amazing presentation! Thanks Chris!!
1 person likes this
So amazing. What a gift! Thank you for this, RB, Amanda and Chris! Wowza.
1 person likes this
So great. Thank you Chris and Stage32!
1 person likes this
Great job, Chris Mack. Thank you for your time and expertise. Brilliant.
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The Blacklist
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Thank you :)
1 person likes this
Outstanding presentation! Thanks to all @stage32!
1 person likes this
I'm watching Gomorra now!Great series!
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Yes! Succession!
2 people like this
I'm watching 'I May Destroy You'
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No ones watching original foreign shows, like Alice in Boarderland?
1 person likes this
Thank you! Great information!
1 person likes this
I have learned more in the last 2 and half hours than I did in a 2 year scriptwriting Ma course. Thanks.
1 person likes this
Thank you for your time. If you have a real solid idea, including a spec script, with a full Bible, is it better to work with a Show Runner, or pitch the concept yourself? Also, is it good to have a spec script attached to the Bible?
3 people like this
Don't model your content for Netflix. Make your own content good enough they want it.
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Lupin - https://www.imdb.com/title/tt2531336/?ref_=nv_sr_srsg_0
2 people like this
Christopher Mack is an amazing instructor! Thank you, SO MUCH.
1 person likes this
Chris, I'd be honored if you could look at my own Netflix story webinar: https://actfourscreenplays.com/my-services/webinars/screenwriting-secret...Thank you! Amazing presentation!
1 person likes this
I just finished watching "Normal people". Great show
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CHRIS, will you watch my two minute proof of concept trailer for my show!!! :) - (worth a shot) - I made it in hopes of strategically starting a conversation.
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Would Netflix give a chance to a first time writer/showrunner/director?
1 person likes this
Thank you for this amazing webinar! Chris is a fantastic instructor!
1 person likes this
Does Netflix Amsterdam only focus on European/Dutch content? Or how does it fit into the Netflix family?
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How do we connect to schedule pitches with production executives? Is there a good strategy? Must we have representation in order to secure a meeting?
1 person likes this
Man this has been a great presentation so far!
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Great presentation!
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Thanks a lot Chris !
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I was only able to attend the first 90mins... this was great, and needs another look with some note taking (plus I want to see the rest of the presentation). Where can I find the posted video once available?
1 person likes this
This was absolutely amazing! Big love from the UK.
I know asking Chris to watch my trailer was dumb, and seemingly arrogant, but I thought, "How could I get someone to read my pilot?" So, I shot the 2-minute proof of concept trailer.
Here is a good resource for your Bible that I have been using. https://www.studiobinder.com/tv-show-bible-examples/
Chris is so direct and dynamic with his info.
Hey, Mauricio Niebla! Great question! I think you can tell from the Q&A with Amanda and Christopher that that is not an easy, straight-forward answer, HOWEVER, Stage32 has a TON of resources to help you continue to shape up your script and pitch to make it available to Netflix. The most direct route is to pitch it on one of our pitch sessions: https://www.stage32.com/scriptservices/pitch-sessions
Keep in mind that these pitch sessions are meant to be educational first, and an opportunity to connect with executives second. It is up to the executive whether or not they request more information.
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They said to give them up to 48 hours to process the recording Dave Brynlund and it will be available via, I think, education or resources in your Stage32 profile.
1 person likes this
Thank you so much for this, Chris! Your time and knowledge are greatly appreciated!!
5 people like this
According to Chris Mack, we do not need a finished pilot script to pitch to Netflix but we do need an agent or manager in order to pitch to Netflix and the agent and or manager will need a finished script.
Great webinar today. Lots of interesting perspectives about stories around the world.
Any agents on here?
Hi! I had to leave the webinar early because I had a class, but I was wondering where the recorded video will be posted? Learning from Chris was such a privilege! Thank you.
2 people like this
Is there a way to send a novel I wrote (published and awarded) to Netflix?
This has been absolutely wonderful! Thank you to Chris, Amanda and R.B. Great content!!
In a Bible, is it better to focus on three to five main characters, or list as many characters as possible, which if their stories were expanded, could have an impact on the story?
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Hey Chris! Question about IP: what are your thoughts on taking a script and flipping it into your own IP (i.e. a graphic novel) in order to get some hype?
4 people like this
As a follow-up, one of the best benefits of Stage32 is CHOOSING who reads your script, whether for script coverage (https://www.stage32.com/scriptservices/coverage) which gives you written notes or script consulting (https://www.stage32.com/scriptservices/consulting) which gives you a one-on-one call for feedback. This is a fantastic value to get that feedback since a typical "Hollywood Meeting" to pitch your script would just give you a "no" or a "tell me more".
BONUS: ANY script that gets a double recommendation on coverage (recommend the writer and the script) will be added to our monthly LookBook that is circulated to all our executives! What a Win-Win! You get feedback and the opportunity to reach industry executives!
1 person likes this
Will Netflix take a one-season show?
Good addition.
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Amazing, S32! Really! Chris M. of Netflix could've probably made a living as a prominent screenwriting instructor in Hollywood; he's certainly out-chalkboards two prestigious ones I’ve had the privilege of receiving writing tutelage under. Yet, Chris chose to aid writers and content creators in submitting effectively to his parent company so their stories can be heard. No doubt, Chris is someone who adores his distribution network first and foremost, yet he also loves writing and is quickly becoming the screenwriter’s hero.
Altered Carbon
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Love listening to people who know how story works!
2 people like this
Just want to say thank you. I'm closer than I thought on my series that I've developed but I also see where I need to polish so thank you.
1 person likes this
An absolutely impeccable presentation! Thoughtful, thorough and most importantly entertaining! Thanks Chris, Amanda, RB et al!
1 person likes this
Thank you VERY much
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Thank you so much, Chris! That was awesome! And thanks to the stage32 team! thumbs up
1 person likes this
Brilliant! thank you, Chris!
1 person likes this
Thanks so much Chris, that was brilliant!!
1 person likes this
This was my first Stage 32 webinar, but I've watch a few from others and I have to say Chris - this was amazing. You're a great presenter, I love your story, and just thank you so much!
1 person likes this
Fantastic! Thanks so much
1 person likes this
This was fantastic and very informational, thank you!
1 person likes this
Thank you so much, Chris! That was quite inspiring and very interesting!
1 person likes this
Great webinar. Lead it all out in a clear, entertaining way.
1 person likes this
best presentation I ever saw about pitching!
1 person likes this
This webinar has been incredible! Very insightful and inspirational :) Thank you Chris, Amanda and R.B. for giving us this opportunity.
1 person likes this
Great lecture, heard a lot, but this one was clearly the best. So well structured and focused. Hope to see you soon in Berlin.
1 person likes this
Hi everyone! Great webinar - thanks Chris
1 person likes this
Thank you! This was so helpful! Especially for those of us building pitches and bibles. Thank you thank you!
1 person likes this
Excellent webinar - Thank you! I studied with Robert McKee in the 90s. I got so much value out of Chris' presentation.
1 person likes this
Made my day!
1 person likes this
Hi! Screenwriter (profession) and Director (Aspiring) here! This was a really insightful and informative experience. Enjoyed all of the chat conversations as well! What a great introduction to Stage32!
1 person likes this
Thanks for the webinar! Just starting to use Stage32... pretty good so far :)
1 person likes this
Best presentation - so, so good! Clear, concise, easy to follow, totally inspiring - thank you so much.
1 person likes this
This webinar was great and extremely informative.
1 person likes this
I've done and/or read re McKee, Hauge, Field, Vogler and more. You top the leaderboard!
1 person likes this
Thank you from Australia Chris! Awesome!
1 person likes this
Exciting stuff! Thank from Pueblo, CO <3 Happy and excited to connect :)
1 person likes this
Fantastic webinar! Grateful to have been a part of this.
1 person likes this
Thanks so much!
1 person likes this
Have fun in the Dam, Man! Get some stampot, hit a ride through Vondel, and enjoy life. ttyl
1 person likes this
Great talk. Anyone in No HO area?
1 person likes this
Amazing Workshop!
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An amazing workshop from top to bottom. So insightful! Thank you to everyone involved for making it happen.
1 person likes this
Thank you! Super informative!
1 person likes this
Super fun workshop, so glad I was able to be here!
1 person likes this
This was a wonderful and informative way to spend my afternoon.
1 person likes this
Brilliant! Thank you so much!
1 person likes this
This was an amazing webinar. I took so many notes! Thank you for organizing this!
1 person likes this
1 person likes this
Very concise and inspiring. Thx for doing this and congrats, Amanda and RB for your show sale.
1 person likes this
We're not worthy! So much information. Invaluable to a creative.
1 person likes this
Was an excellent presentation and full of great information. Thank you all so much for putting together!
1 person likes this
Great work Amanda, RB & Chris! Thank you. How was That Everyone! :)
1 person likes this
This was great. Tons of helpful information.
4 people like this
that was amazing. This is a great group to be involved with. Generously gives so much information. Chris Mack @Netflix was humble, knowledgable and transparent, Amanda and Rob brilliant facilitators. thank you again for the opportunity to be apart of this
2 people like this
Really an incredible presentation!
1 person likes this
Really enjoyed the presentation, thank you.
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It was great - the only thing was I had an actors recording from 8 to 9 so I missed the critical middle bit! I understand it was recorded but do you have to be a paid subscriber to watch it again?
1 person likes this
Thank you so much for putting it on though! If only I had managed to see it all! Great presentation!
1 person likes this
Awesome presentation! Thanks Chris, Amanda and RB!!
1 person likes this
Wonderful webinar, it was so great to learn the structure of a pitch. Thanks Chris, Amanda and Richard!
1 person likes this
Thank you RB, Amanda and Chris - that was a great breakdown and a straightforward and inspiring webinar. Great to have someone in the know map out avenues for the amateurs, and the creative juices are definitely flowing again. That was the extra motivator needed to really get going in 2021! Awesome work, thanks.
2 people like this
Chris Mack is amazing. So much energy and relevant information about what Netflix is looking for in a TV series and how to write and pitch the pilot. I don't see Sarah Gabrielle Baron on this lounge. I do hope she watches this as I believe it would be very helpful as she works on her TV Series that we gave feedback on last Monday.
2 people like this
I'm an author and screenwriter from Guelph, Ontario. Loved the webinar. Learned a lot. I write urban fantasy, paranormal, crime thrillers, science fiction. Would love to connect!
2 people like this
Chris Mack and the webinar he hosted was one of a kind. Very informative, very insightful, entertaining, and engaging. The best one I've been a part of.
2 people like this
Chris has had a long, successful career in the industry. His advice to keep pushing and keep creating, came from experience. I appreciate his sentiment that Netflix doesn't know what they're looking for, but they know when they see it...if they want it. We just have to keep writing, and telling the stories we feel have to be told. Writing is a pretty great arena to be involved in.
1 person likes this
Chris Mack, Netflix webinar was so helpful and engaging. Thank You for having this today; I've been working on a few ideas in a class, with a script consultant, and they are coming together. The Stage 32 platform seems like a great space to make connections and share these stories.
1 person likes this
Chris was simply amazing, one of the best one presentations I have ever seen. Thanks to Chris and Stage 32, helping make us all better creatives.
1 person likes this
I loved it: Christopher Mack used a good powerpoint with popular shows to explain powerful concepts. Here is a nice photo of some familiar faces.
7 people like this
HUGE thank you to all who attended and those who shared the word on social media! Please continue to do so and to tag us at @stage32 and @RBwalksintoabar so we can give you credit! And, of course, if you received value today (and how could you not), please invite others to our (and it is all of ours) community! The more creatives, the stronger the more opportunity. And the more opportunity, the more success stories.
And, of course, all respect and love to Chris for absolutely knocking the cover off the ball with that presentation and doing so with such positive energy and love. That's what it's all about - selflessness, collaboration, and one love.
So great to meet so many of you! Can't wait to get to know you all more. Cheers!
4 people like this
Awesome presentation! SOOOO much great information. Bravo to Christopher Mack for keeping it energetic and interesting. Cheers!
3 people like this
Nalinya Davis - We have a wide selection of script services that include executives: https://www.stage32.com/scriptservices Including Pitch Sessions: https://www.stage32.com/scriptservices/pitch-sessions
If you want help practicing your pitch, I cannot recommend Stage32's Writer's Room enough! Brooklynn Fields and Nick Assunto - Stage 32 Script Services Coordinator do a fantastic weekly Pitch Practice Session where you can receive peer feedback. Drop our Director of Script Services, Jason Mirch, a quick email to get a link for your first month free: J.Mirch@stage32.com
1 person likes this
Whew! SO many new faces! WELCOME, ALL! If you are new to the lounges, you can comment for all to see at the bottom of the thread, add an AT symbol in order to address your response to someone specific, or direct message any member to follow up on a question by clicking on their profile icon.
Thanks so much for the love! We love providing actionable information, so... what's one thing you'll be doing now that you've seen this webinar?
2 people like this
This workshop was jammed-packed with helpful insight on not just pitching, but how to approach story. My sincere thanks to Christopher Mack and Amanda Toney!
9 people like this
Well, that was fun! Thrilled with the amount of insightful comments we received and absolutely loved that we had people turning in from over 160 countries! It's been my honor for the last 10 years putting together Stage 32's unparalleled education. I know some people weren't able to get the links I gave during the webinar so you can check them out here:
Don't hesitate to send me a DM if you ever need suggestions on what to take!
8 people like this
Hey everyone! I'm the Education Director here at Stage 32 and am SO grateful you all joined us today. Wasn't Chris freaking great? I learned so much and now I want to watch Breaking Bad all over again (if I can find the emotional strength).
If you liked the education you saw today, we have A LOT more where that came from. Over 1500 hours of valuable education on all aspects of film, TV and new media, and content for beginners all the way to experts in the field (Oscar and Emmy award winners take advantage of this stuff too).
Reach out to me at any time! I'm always happy to help or point you in the right direction of the right education for you. You can always reach me at h.glaser@stage32.com.
1 person likes this
I thought this was one of the most valuable webinars! You could tell Chris was a fan of film and storytelling.
Anyone have the link to the video yet?
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Hey, Mikey Guggenheim! It typically takes 24-48 hours for the recording to become available. Don't worry, once it is, you know I'll post it on the thread! I got you! * long-distance high-five *
2 people like this
I also really enjoyed the webinar. That type of info (inside baseball--if you will) is invaluable. And yes ... Chris was freakin' great! ... REALLY likeable.
1 person likes this
I loved it! go create!!! let's team up! we have edgy violent, dark humor, queer films and series: https://armadillozzz.tumblr.com/
& here's a musical gift for all: www.dramaqueers.com
5 people like this
Highly recommend going down this list and the one in the Screenwriting Lounge and hit the + button for all. Everyone here attended the webcast and posted here. That means their like-minded and serious like you about their pursuits and goals. Great way to power network!
2 people like this
Hello and welcome to our new members! We have so much more amazing, helpful, and inspiring resources on the Stage 32 blog! https://www.stage32.com/blog - if anyone is interested in writing a blog for the Stage 32 community, you can email me at taylor@stage32.com
2 people like this
The fact that number of people who were watching this webinar exceeded by a lot the number of people who were watching Biden's inauguration speech should make RB and the entire Stage32 team proud...or worried... or even both. This weird and sarcastic comment aside, great webinar as every single one so far.
2 people like this
This was awesome!
2 people like this
Chris Mack and his information were excellent.
1 person likes this
This was really great. I'm happy to have attended.
2 people like this
This was fantastic! I can only imsuu hiiiiiiii one how much work went into it. Thank you for inspiring me.
2 people like this
Thanks SO much for this! And a great way to work on our pitch decks/bibles, before submitting them to executives for consultations here on Stage 32!
2 people like this
Was excellent, new to site. Where can we find the recording?
1 person likes this
Would love to know when the recording will be available.
1 person likes this
Thanks for that instructive webinar. Passionate people make passionate things, aren't they ?
3 people like this
Amanda Toney thank you for facilitating such an inspired webinar. AMAZING. thank you
3 people like this
This was phenomenal today! So informative!
1 person likes this
So glad to have more and more members stop in and add to this thread - WELCOME, ALL! If you'd like to introduce yourselves, say a little about what you do, what you'd like to be doing, and who you'd like to meet, then I warmly invite you to post in the Introduce Yourself Lounge! https://www.stage32.com/lounge/introduce_yourself
Don't forget, after you post, scroll through the lounge, and read and respond to others' posts as well! It's the best way to really connect!
1 person likes this
Hi Amanda, Thanks so much for today's truly inspiring and educational webinar. (I think we almost broke the internet!) I took a pic as asked and have posted it to my Cold Reading Circle (202 members). A number of the group members have expressed an interest in signing up with Stage 32 and watching the webinar, some from Australia, others from the UK, America and Canada. Will you be notifying us when the link will go up? Once again, AMAZING and informative. I'm so glad I was able to be there.
1 person likes this
This was fantastic. Someone sent me the link for it, and I was expecting a quick overview of Netflix's criteria, not a tour de force screenwriting masterclass. I'm presently applying it to a pitch I am writing at the moment.
1 person likes this
Unfortunately, I could not be there yesterday. Where can I watch the recording?
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The AMAZING first half, i had to go after that but i hope to find the second half here as well, thank you Stage 32.
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Hey guys. Does anyone know where I can access the webinar to rewatch. I only made the first half due to time differences
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Unfortunately, I could not be there yesterday. Where can I watch the recording?
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We'll have the entire webinar available On Demand very shortly. You'll be able to find it (along with our entire 1500 hours of On Demand content) under the Education tab on the top menu bar.
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truly inspirational with tons of valuable insights and tips
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A great webinar, one of the best I've attended..
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Amazing and inspiring.
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That was such a great webinar. I really enjoyed it. I cannot remember where to go view the recording so I can take additional notes.
I found it, it's in my education. It's not available yet. I can hardly wait. I've been on fire working on my deck since the webinar.
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Hello all! Writing from Chicago. Chris was so informative! I appreciated how detailed and practical it was. Thanks, Chris and Stage32!
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I missed the live webinar. When can I find it now? Thanks!
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I took loads of screenshots of the presentation so can e-mail them over to anyone if needed, let me know!
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The workshop was practical, precise, and informative. It was also fun!
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Billie Deen-Owen that's letting your collaborative spirit shine! Cheers!
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Will you let us know if we can get access to a replay? I'd like to watch it again...
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Rebecca O'Reilly On the Gear icon, top right of the page, check Purchase History. The webinar will be available to watch on-demand again when it's ready
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Billie Deen-Owen can you send them, I was not able to follow all the webinar. Thanks in advance
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This webinar was invaluable. I learnt more in 3 hours than any course I have ever been on. I wuld love to revisit it as didnt manage to take enough notes. Please let us know where we can find it online.
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Great news but when I tried to link to this video here and through link posted on email sent by Creative World Awards, it did not work. When its available again can you set it up here front and center?
Is this webinar free or had to be purchased?
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This was one of the best webinars I have ever attended. It was so inspired and insightful. Christopher has great energy and truly delivered his wisdom and tips in a unique, easy-to-digest way. I absolutely loved the use of the case studies as well as his lesson on the Season Map, based on the 3-Act structure we would refer to for film. Fantastic to see how this can be applied to episodic television. Amazing, Amazing, Amazing. Oh, and did I say how amazing it was?? Thanks to Stage 32 for bringing this content to the creative masses.
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Can you please send me the link and times for the webinar?
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So how did you access it?
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Marlina Telena the webinar was yesterday, but it's available On Demand (as are all our webinars) under Education
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The Stage 32/Netflix Pitch Workshop Webinar is now available On Demand. IAll we ask for bringing you this tremendous value is to please share through your social channels and tag @stage32 and @RBwalksintoabar on Twitter and IG. Here's the link.
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Richard "RB" Botto Thank you
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Marlina Telena No problem!
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Thank you for posting on demand- I completely got side tracked with work
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Absolutely Jeff Bassetti
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The big takeaway for me is that Netflix is looking for great scripts. You can talk about things like pitch docs and getting attaching an actor your package, but you need a great script first and foremost. And I love Chris' appreciation for the writers.
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Is there a link for the webinar recording? I wasn't able to link it during the webinar. My link did not work.
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Interestingly enough, Martin Reese, I remember Christopher saying that they do not need a script to greenlight a pitch, but you do have to have enough of the series fleshed out to answer all of those really important series questions. In a way, I can see that - a really thorough treatment can easily become the lines of action of a first draft.
I totally agree about Chris's appreciation for the writers! Love to hear producers are routing for us!
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You make a great point Karen "Kay" Ross , but if you get them to buy the pitch you better darn well be able to deliver a finished script in a reasonable amount of time. There's are pros and cons to that approach. Another question (wish I had asked) is if they only take materials from lawyers or agents/reps then you have to have a rep who thinks your pitch doc is enough too.. Hope I didn't sound too confusing. Just give me Christopher's number and I'll ask. LOL
Martin Reese Abso-friggin-lutely! Get ready with that script! I learned that early with our WR Pitch Practice Sessions LOL! ;-)
I have just watched the presentation again. Brilliant. So much advice and great insights into what is expected. GO CREATE!
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This was chock full of easily digestible information.
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Yes, Laurie. Drop Jason Mirch, our Director of Script Services, a line at J.Mirch@stage32.com - We call him the Screenwriter Whisperer around these parts. He's an expert at connecting writer/material with exec/pro. He has an open door policy for all writers on this platform.
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OMG Amanda! I have to admit I've attended and watched a lot of great webinars. But the Stage 32/Netflix webinar was seriously out of this freaking world. I did not expect to gain so much! Watching again soon! RB thank you for continuing to raise the bar and level the playing field! I'm so pumped!!
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Enjoyed this !
The free which money can not buy! Anybody tell me if there is a way to thank Mirch and Stage32?
This was a great webinar! Thank you Chris, RB and Amanda. I am sad that I can't pitch to Netflix without an agent, manager or lawyer but I am greatful to have learned so much from Chris. All his ideas are universal and can be used not only with Netflix but with other companies as well. It really helps writers to organize their thoughs in a way that keeps them moving forward.
On a funny note I now understand what I suspected. What keeps us binge watching Netflix. The character driven stories and the famous cliff hangers.
Precisely my thoughts E. Lamoreaux! I found myself thinking about the feature I'm writing while Chris was presenting Harmon's circle, and a lot began to make sense. I'm revising the outline now with that in mind.
I also loved the personal touch Chris added to his presentation, e.g. learning that someone like Chris with such wealth of knowledge, experience, and confidence once had doubts was a relief, and beautifully empowering! Great webinar, and a great speaker. Thank you RB and the team :-) I'll sure be watching again, and again...
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Loved the replay...I was late to the party when it was live -- and didn't get the benefit of being on a big screen and soaking up the great graphics. Having been around the block a few times - always focused on television series -- I loved this. And more than anything felt validated about the process I pass on when I work with other writers as well as what I've adopted for myself. My UCLA Writing students over the years managed to coerce me into putting into book form. https://www.billtaub.com/automatic-pilot/ I would have to say one of the biggest distinctions I make instead of starting with character , is I like to start with concept which becomes the umbrella over everything. I've known Richard "RB" Botto for all of the ten plus years he's been doing Stage 32. And he even was kind enough to be a panelist on a WGA Seminar I ran on 'Creating A Web Series'. But this is/was a great primer and Chris is right -- it applies to more than just Netflix. As I suggest too, take of it what you will -- and leave the rest behind. And if I can end on an invite at the same time -- I will be teaching at UCLA Extension online -- the platform that I love most now -- 'scripted audio' -- I'd love to invite CHRIS MACK to do a ZOOM interview that I could load onto the class. Either way, thanks for this. I have never seen anything like it because I've never met anybody as generous as Chris is willing to run a marathon -- or maybe a triathlon since he likes to cycle so much. Other than that, stay safe. Stay healthy. And as they used to say on 'Hill Street Blues' (I know. I know. What's Hill Street Blues?) "BE CAREFUL OUT THERE!"
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It was an incredible resource, I actually ended up transcribing most of it into a word doc so I could refer back to it while I working on the script for a personal project I want to develop!
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Fantastic truly great. Many thanks to Chris and RB and Amanda!
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Lindbergh E Hollingsworth - Our entire library of 1500 hours of educational webinars are available on demand under the Education tab above.
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Fantastic experience! I learned so much. Thank you!
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Talk about " Teachable Moments !" The single finest offering yet from RB's brain child... major thanks to Chris for such a complete, rich sharing, and to Amanda for being able to focus such a powerful presentation for learning... the insights here probably equal to an entire year in film school...bhs
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Grateful to you, Brian. This was indeed a masterclass. My showrunner, producer and I have already implemented many of Chris' ideas into our upcoming scheduled pitches with the streamers and other prod co's. This is what it's all about for us here. Getting the timely, actionable information right from the source.
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This workshop is about a 1000 times MORE than what I thought it was going to be!!! I have spent 4 days going through it and have ended up with 30 pages of handwritten notes! (Yes, 30!) and a dozen screenshots of Chris’ PowerPoint presentation. Chris Mack is absolutely amazing. He's such a cool guy and seems like such a good human - but he’s especially amazing in the information he provides and the manner in which he provides it. I've read so many books, blogs, websites and attended various workshops for 2 years at the American Film Market in Santa Monica and this is - HANDS DOWN - the absolute BEST training that I have ever received!! NOT just on pitching but on writing, character development and story structure. I’m going to type it all up and print it out for myself and put it in a binder, because I know I will use this information every single time I sit down to start writing a new episode or a new project. As for my current projects that I’m getting ready to start pitching, “Allie of Eden”, and “Phoenix 454”, I am "pitching" out the pitch I HAD and am constructing whole new pitches, based on this fantastic information!! I cannot say enough good things about it and I cannot believe that information this comprehensive, and therefore so valuable, is offered for FREE!! It is GOLDEN!!!Thank you SO MUCH to Chris Mack, RB and Amanda!!!
Will it be available on demand?
Sarah Gabrielle Baron our entire 1500 hour library (including the Netflix webinar) is always available on demand under the Education tab.
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Love hearing this, Melanie Star Scot. Appreciate your thoughtful post! Please do pay it forward and share with your fellow creative friends and peers. We're speaking with Chris again this morning and will share your words with him. Cheers.
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Far from just a screenwriting site, Barry, but I appreciate the spirit of your note. For the last 10 years, Stage 32 has been at the forefront of democratizing the entertainment industry for ALL film, television and new media creatives and professionals worldwide. And that mission continues. Having said that, there's no greater praise for our Script Services than the fact that managers, agents, prod co's, studios, development execs, financiers and other execs use our services to build their projects, review their scripts and fill their mandates. We couldn't be more proud of that. And, of course, we encourage all who have scripts and projects and are interested in those services to reach out to Jason Mirch, who heads up that division of Stage 32, at J.Mirch@stage32.com - Cheers!
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Thank you so much Richard "RB" Botto !! I have shard it so many times - all over the place here, as well as my Instagram, Jason's Instagram and my Facebook. (I think I left a similar comment on your Instagram) And I've invited all of my creative friends to join. Please give Chris a big "Huzzah!" from me!! :)
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It was so amazing, made me remix everything! happy to get a real perspective!
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So insightful!
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Coming from you, Jack, that means a great deal. Thank you.
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This was so good. Thanks again!
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A real great webinar , loved it.
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Don't forget, if you missed it live, it's available On Demand at the link below. Great way to spend a few hours of your Sunday
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Excellent presentation. What still sticks in my mind today is the example of BB and the use of the color blue--how such a minute detail like that plays with the mind of the audience.
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What especially stood out for me were two things. First, when C Mack (!) talked about how a writer can present to Netflix, he said that good writers must get an agent but that "the cream always rises to the top", and that's given me hope. The second thing was his recommendation of "Lupin". I watched the series and really enjoyed it. I especially liked the dog who kept barking every time he heard the bad guy's name. That is definitely a writer's touch AND an element that I used in a play I wrote years ago, so it was a tiny sign that I am on the right track.